ITT: Canadians only. Everyone else stay out!

We discuss the greatest country in the world.

RULES FOR YOU Canadians:

1. NO shitposting / immaturity in this thread. Leave that for the Trump generals/misc threads.

2. If you have autism, you can't post in this thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cool thread


Good post.

Okay leafs, how do we stop the other countries from bullying us?

>no shitposting
>canadians only

no wonder this thread is sliding

I heard Vancouver implemented a 15 percent sales tax to foreign buyers which might cool off their housing market

But then again Toronto is gonna sky-rocket in home prices and will no doubt cause a huge burst in the next year or two


Just keep shitposting, fellow leaf.

They hate it but if they wanna make fun of us, we have the tools to piss them off

Ignore it. Just remember, we live in the greatest country in the world. The American making fun of you is probably drowning in debt, taking on a second mortgage to pay for his medications.

Yes, they did implement a 15% tax but there have already been reports of real estate agents suggesting ways to get around it.

Hopefully they address those issues and fix it. It sucks for everyone that recently bought a house but I'm glad locals will (may) be able to buy homes.

cool thread

good post

great dubs


Amazing compliment there and very good post. Why can't Americans make good posts like this?

USA doesn't know the difference, let's just give them Onterrible and Quebec

A Swede, a German and a Leaf walk into a bar. The bar tender asks "How is it going boys?" The Swede says that he just refurnished his cuck shed, he also installed a heater so that he does not have to freeze on the winter. The German said that his wife converted to islam and moved to Afganistan. He still sends her money for the occasional skype call. The typical nu-male looking Leaf with a Toronto Maple leafs hat says that everything is going great since Trudeau just got elected again.

I'm from Ontario. What the fuck, bro?

End every comment with
>Pls no bully

Pls no bully

Milk bag toque
>this year's must have

>make a post
>when someone disagrees with it they simply reply with "A FUCKING LEAF"

It's not fair bros
Even aussies get more respect than us

Destroy the Federal government, give its competences to the provinces, give Quebec its independence (and its Atlantic provinces which are its rightful clay) and force the assimilation of immigrants, especially in Ontario so that they speak proper English.

Guy from Sask here pretending to be relevant.

Don't mind me, just going fishing and camping in a couple hours.

Nothing to do here though, it's really cold and there is no beauty or nature here to take in. Don't come to Saskatchewan, you wouldn't like it here.

Their bants are superior to ours.

>Canadians only
>NO shitposting


Use this as a comeback, especially to the aussies

Well you guys do not have any bantz whatsoever, you are just shitposters. Aussies are being shitposting bantering cunts at the same time

hey lads whats good? ontariofag here, im liking this thread

You just don't understand the intricacies and complexity of our posts, buddy.

Maybe one day though.

WAS the greatest country.
Anti-White SJWs are wrecking it with immigrants and refugees.

>canadians only
>on Sup Forums

Ontario here as well.


Ilu anyway, im sure i could take beautiful pictures of nature there!

I do. You guys aren't even funny for most of the time. Hell, even fucking kikes are funnier than you guys. You need to enrich your shitposting with either banter or humor. Mere shitposting is just annoying after a while

Thank you tabarnack.
Give that man a poutine!

What the fuck are you trying to say, you little bitch????!??

ilu anyway



I think a large portion of us leaf posters are from this forsaken province.

>per capita
per capita
>per capita
per capita
>per capita
per capita
>per capita
per capita
>per capita
per capita

No, not you, but you Give that man a poutine!

Why you do dis, mum?

I'm a leftist and would love to move to your liberal utopia if Trump is elected. Will you take me in? I'm tolerant, unlike a lot of of redneck compatriots, and would gladly renounce my citizenship of the United States of Neo-Imperialism and Racism.

This isn't going to help really. People will find out ways around it. Also I keep hearing that only like 10% of the demand is foreign. This isn't going to suddenly cool housing prices. People still buy without inspections and go into legit bidding wars for pretty crappy houses. Its nuts.

Kek now that was funny. So you can be humorous shitposters, like threatening people with that sissy. Just do that leafbros, don't be the annoying shitposters

You are probably right.

Seems to be Alberta, Ontario and Quebec.

Dont you have some female siblings to give to your paki groomers.

I love mushrooms.

If you plan to come, aim else quebec or British colombia. Thoses are the two only real cool place.

Anyone here work a comfy job? Can you tell me about it? What are some comfy Canadian jobs?

When do we begin Sup Forums land buying negotiations? Yes, New Brunswick is infinitely better than Onterrible but I don't really care as long as we can all agree on COME HOME WHITE MAN

i voted for ukip. i yell abuse at mudslimes. i'm doing my part, i assure you.

This is Toronto circa 1910.

While most of the world was living in mud huts, putting bones in their noses, we had a world class city with mass transit.

I like you. You are my pal.

Are you suggesting we pool resources to construct a sort of citadel for Sup Forumsacks? If so, sounds great.

Sup Forums i need a place to stay in ottawa
drop some truth bombs on me about where the best places are

Kingston > Ottawa. Don't waste your time.

Cool thread Ahmed, why don't you bring it to the white house?

I live downtown in a small city and work at a financial institution. small condo. comfy as fuck. spend all day browsing pol, listening to pod casts and helping people make money for their retirements. swiggidy diggidy.

Can I post here?

I really like canada and wanna visit :3

Ottawa is a shithole.

>Leaf only thread

i wonder how much shit is being posted

user, I think this talk will grow increasingly serious over the next 2 years. No shitting

its for work, i wouldn't live there by my own choice

H-hii.. :3

The tax goes against (((NAFTA))) so the BC gov't will probably get sued big league.

there are just not enough houses, but when every boomer is seeing a sunset retirement by selling overseas they'll keep blocking construction.

Its a supply vs demand, and they're fixing supply as much as they can.

When the migrant wave hits us, we will be just like our European ancestors couped up in our castle. Holding back the siege.

Honestly though, I haven't met a single Sup Forumsack irl and think it would be hilarious to get a bunch of them together.


Canada please export Taco Bell Fries Supreme to the US. For this act you will be rewarded with food, treasure, and many slaves.

We deserve to be bullied for the bullshit we've let accumulate over the past decade. The socialist state has turned rotten and the health care and social services programs need to be revamped. We need to move to a more competitive public/private health care system and either eliminate welfare by implementing UBI or deporting temporary citizens and TFWs and getting the welfare munchers to work for their meal tickets.
Good, more reasons to scrap that shitty free trade deal.

Who /Brampton/ here Ontariobros?


does he really have that tattoo?

>You need to enrich your shitposting with either banter or humor

Canadians are capable of neither. We just get offended and act all passive aggressive.

Come to northern Ontario I'm building a farm next year

>Sup Forums i need a place to stay in ottawa
>drop some truth bombs on me about where the best places are

Ottawafag here.

>Kanata random suburbia far away from everything but has everything you need.

>barhaven same thing as Kanata but a little closer to shit and much much more immigrants

>Nepean pretty swag I live here, in the middle between everything pretty easy and fast to get places

>downtown homeless, blacks, and some cool places to see and stay

>orleans don't

>anything past orleans, don't

>Gatineau/hull gross french rednecks.

Alright, i want oppinions, how's Calgary? I got a distant relative living there and i always wondered how is it there

Brampton has some of Ontario's best designated shitting streets

Yeah but he wants an actual job and isn't a university student.

I was born there, it used to be a nice place way back, our family moved out when i was pretty young. I went and visited about 7 years ago, the place is a literal shithole and i weep for my childhood home. You have my sympathy

It's weird really, how come you are in the commonwealth and be even more timid than the fucking brits?

whats your budget? ottawa fag here. id say east end for sure,

This will happen, friend. Freedom of association is a powerful thing

As long as you don't wear my skin around as a coat.

It's funny cause Brampton is full of indians and pakis. Nice joke.

Can't fuckin tell me how to live my life

orleans isnt bad. im in beacon hill/ blackburn area, and as long as you arent super far east id say orleans is one of the whitest areas. PAst that is just farm land with hicks but its pretty chill got some friends out there

Sup Forums COUNTRY
Sup Forums COUNTRY
Sup Forums COUNTRY
Sup Forums COUNTRY
Sup Forums COUNTRY

I feel like the government might go all "Waco, Texas" on us and burn the entire thing down by "Accident".

Even if that were to happen, it'd probably be worth it.

Freedom of association is racist and should be removed from our constitution.

>burn the entire thing down by "Accident"

Pretty sure it WOULD be an accident, tho.

ill be working in kanata so I think vanier and east of it is prolly too far for a reasonable commute

Yeah man I'm looking at nepean mostly. There are a few room rentals near algonquin college. Trying to find a place in between the skyline mall (or whatever its called) and college square so I can walk to a lot of stuff.

Its kinda messed though there's really not a lot of legit places I could find (maybe Im too late because all the places are snatched up by students)

I wanted to do the cool thing and live downtown, or at least glebe, hintonburg, westboro etc near the queensway but again, not a lot of legit places. Most of them dont even have parking

If we try to put it out, the fire wins though...

>Greatest country in the world
We are not the greatest country in the world. The way I see it, we're not even a country. Canadians lost their identity 70 years ago, and now we're about to lose our country. Fuck this place.

it's honestly pretty fucking dumb

cucks are like "oh no the housing market is bad"

you mean increased equity for all canadian home-owners and real investment coming into Canada is bad? how so smart one?

also it was never a "bubble" as it isn't being artificially-created by increased lending but by real capital coming mainly from China

Also there was no grandfather clause, so anybody that was in the process of making a deal with a foreigner is fucked

this shit better be revoked in the next 6 months

~$800 all inc tops though I'm aiming for $600 if its not close to downtown

Trump's great, but if he loses... we are laughing.




>t. Zhong Zhang