I seriously cannot believe what has happened to this place these past few months.

We can't have serious political discussion anymore because Hill shills flood every Trump thread. That's not the worst part though. For some reason nu pol cucks don't support Trump and instead join the shills and trolls. These liberal cucks can't handle the fact that there are people who disagree with their stupid opinions and are always in the need of a hugbox echo chamber, which pol isn't.

Well, at least it wasn't until now. These cucks have completely taken over this board and there's no point in visiting it any longer. I suggest that true pol users migrate to r/theDonald for Trump related discussion, free of liberal cuck opinions, free of (((((Our Greatest Ally))))) hating newfags, free of Trump haters. I remember when we could openly discuss anything on pol without shills and trolls. Truly a bastion of free speech. However, now these leftist cucks have come and are trying to limit our free speech. Pol has become an anti ((((((((((trump)))))))))) sub full of shills and slide threads.. I just can't handle the anti ((((((((((trump)))))))))) rhetoric any more. See you guys on r/theDonald!

>literally makes death threats against his political opponents
>polls tank


I'm with her!

How many potato slices do you get per post?

Wow I sure didn't see this coming.


(((Jews))) use the parentheses. Are you admitting that Trump is a high ranking NWO agent?

Shill. This is our shit hole and it will remain our shit hole. Sage goes in all fields

I see Trump outsources his Internet Defense Force as well as everything else.

I hate both sides who ever loses I win. Don't feel too bad I was mocking the Sanders voters too.

Pretty sure I saw a post like this on Reddit, except it was about how Reddit was Bernie's sovereign territory

this didn't even get yet in effect by the polls, he'll by down by more than 10 next week once they do new polls

Jesus Christ, it's 7.9 now. Let's be honest Trump lost, and then he suggests people kill Hillary, that'll sure help his numbers!

> cares about polls

Hi George. Spending more on CTR? We all need hobbies, I guess...


Why you didn't vote for me again?

Let's be honest, you are a NEET posting for beer money.

> Huma the Saudi agent
> Hill's multiple health issues
> 3 dead in 2 mos
> Iranian scientist dead from email server hacks
> tired of tablet typing...

>polls are wrong

yes, just ask president Romney

It's proxie time!

On the other hand... uh... Drumpf.

Yeah, I'll go with her.

Nobody gives a shit about any of that.

He he... But people do.