I'm going to love jamming it in your faces when Hillary wins. No, I'm not a CTR shill. I'm not a redditor (unlike all you "alt right" faggots). I'm just a random user sick of Sup Forumsacks on my board.
I'm going to love jamming it in your faces when Hillary wins. No, I'm not a CTR shill...
Other urls found in this thread:
No, you're a just a butthurt faggot cuck who knows Trump is already the President
Nice post CTR. Here is your payment.
>No, I'm not a CTR shill
t. CTR shill
>dat delusion
And you're willing to vote for the downfall of your country to do that?
When the day of the rope finally comes, you'll hang like all the other traitors.
Remember, sage goes in options.
>I'm not a redditor (unlike all you "alt right" faggots).
Agreed user. So many incoming suicides from fat NEET trumplets with nothing in their lives besides /r The Donald and Sup Forums
Nice post OP, I just upvoted it.
Sup Forumsacks on Sup Forums wow really makes me think.
She has a lot of energy and drive.
You don't actually believe everyone who thinks Hillary is going to win is a CTR shill, right? I don't even like Hillary, but she is probably going to win and if she does the butthurt on Sup Forums will be catastrophic.
lol good luck with that shill
What if Trump fuck assholes show up at rallies with strobe flash lights, air horns and whistles trying to trigger her into a seizure?
Maybe these fucktards should be prosecuted.
I've been trolling Clinton for a long time because I really don't like her, but after today there's no fucking way I can support a psychopathic lunatic like Trump. His idiot maniac supporters will do anything to get him elected.
>I want the corrupt plutocrat that was ordained to rule me
/r/thedonald and /r/kotakuinaction are still on fucking reddit
Sup Forums isn't my home board, I mostly browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums. I'm posting on Sup Forums because it has the most Sup Forumsacks.
It's going to be hilarious on here when he loses.
crct_4ch_pol_2a_responses: "Jesus, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Fuck off back to your board you stupid nigger loving faggot.
>le big guy 4U xD
Fucking loser.
What have trump supporters done other than internet comment and go to rallies.
Hillary supporters already tried to attack trump, hillary very may be behind some mysterious deaths and billions of dollars are being poured into her by people that dont want the party to end.
fuck you faggot. enjoy the "wrong side of history"
>being butthurt that your board creates shit reddit-tier memes while my board is the meme capital of Sup Forums
>Sick of Sup Forumsacks on Sup Forums
>sick of Sup Forumsacks
>on my board
>shilling for hillary
>filename used by shills previously
>i'm not a shill guise!
>I mostly browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>muh Sup Forums invading
Yeah, you are a Redditor. Go back 2 Reddit. Faggot.
Here's he problem. we are so fucking covered up by CTR shills right now, that we have to assume anyone, ANYONE, who says they are for Clinton is actually a paid shill. If you truly are a Clinton supporter, then it it sucks that everyone thinks you're one more CTR shill.
Law of averages say that's exactly what you are, though.
The irony is that the knowledge of CTR is bleeding out into the internet at large and more and more people are discounting ardent Clinton supporters as paid shills.
In the long run, CTR is doing more harm than good to Clinton.
OP, dear faggot:
The world is watching.
the only thing you love jamming in your face is bbc.
so you're saying immigrating to your board and shitting up its culture bothers you? welcome to the nazi party op
Good bait
Ah decent
We already "won" paco. We destroyed the Neo-cons and staged a hostile takeover of the RNC.
NOw we have all our enemies in one place. No one seriously expected any genuine change from an election (look at Brexit). Just bringing us one step closer to Civil War 2.
Question-- whose side do you think has more guns, and how many elite military units will take orders from Hillary to fire on their own kind? Not many.
I agree. I'm going to laugh either way.
If Hillary wins I'm booting up the coffee and comfy machine and laughing at Sup Forums for weeks.
If Trump wins I'm doing the same except on Reddit.
I shall gain enjoyment out of this no matter what.
>No, I'm not a CTR shill
autoreply_4ch_pol_2a: "Jesus, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
pol is and has always been everywhere.
Being my nigger this fucking much
translation-- you're an anchor baby mud with no sense of identity, and you view politics just as you do nigger ball-- so long as you can feel like part of "Winning team."
How does it feel to be a soulless, coffee-colored dupe of the Jews, and a serf on their global plantation?
Same here. I can't wait to see these fucking fags squirm and cry like little babbies. Pic related.
Good, actually. I really don't give a fuck, I'll enjoy myself either way.
Do you idiots seriously think Trump is going to win? especially after all the stupid things he has said and will say?
Trumpfag redditors are encouraged to return to /r/The_Donald. Sup Forums is Johnson country.
I'm in the same boat. The meme power will be so strong that even former Trump supporters will join in. People will literally commit suicide.
you do realize clinton isn't going to ban crossboarding, right?
I'll still be on your board
>Sup Forumsacks
>get off of Sup Forums
where else would they be numbnuts?
No, not everyone who supports Shillar is a CTR shill.
But you can't tell the two apart so it's better ignore both.
Which board?
Can I send you some rope OP? I want to make it more convenient for you to hang yourself after Hillary kicks the bucket before she can even take office.
Sup Forums is the biggest board besides Sup Forums, of course it will spill out into others