How's that Brexit coming along bongs?

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Slowly but surely

It's going pretty well m8

It's never going to happen, and all the people who voted for it besides autistic NEETs will be dead in 5 years.

Noice, any ETA?

Not bad desu

Are you not capable of using Google you fucking shit cunt? Slit your wrists and let yourself bleed dry you fucking worthless waste of space. I'm sick of this question being asked on a daily basis when you can just check the FUCKING NEWS AND RESEARCH IT FOR YOURSELF. FFS JUST FUCK OFF

you know absolutely fucking NOTHING you ignorant fucking foreign prick

OP asks Britain a question and as per it's a fucking yank getting the first word in

honestly get nuked you fucking twats

Stick that ETA up your Mum's loose fucking cunt you absolute fucking pissflap

>2 first responses are from uk flags


Sounds like it's going pretty badly.

like it matters you fucking fairy

bet you felt like a genius for coming up with that one

well we've still got pakis so

Still feels fookin' glorious m8

Pakis have nothing to do with Brexit you absolute mong, It doesn't matter if we leave or stay in the EU. We'll still have Pakis.

Of course it's going fucking badly mate. Brexit just helps to delay the inevitable death of this doomed country

Sure is shill in here, now they're targeting nationalities again

May is pretty based.
It's inevitable now.
Once we leave the EU, we can invade Normandy

You're fucking dense mate. Off yourself

Found the southerner.

If you think that Brexit didn't have ANYTHING to do with Pakis then you're not from around here.

It was more about showing an anti-foreigner display. Infact why am I even defending this to a fucking faggot paki-enabler like you? That attitude's the reason we're in this mess and doing nothing about it.

You're the cancer of this country. Kill yourself and don't fucking reply to me again.

Says the defeatist fuckers who are all "we're doomed we better accept all the pakis anyway"

Your veteran ancestors would be ashamed.

It'll never happen. In 250 years time, people will be telling each other fun facts about how technically the UK is still in the process of leaving the EU.

It's like when two countries find out they're still at work with each other because no one annulled a declaration made in the 17th century.

the stuff in the background is still being sorted out. you are fucking thick

Sorry I'm not a poortherner like you, you massive bender. If you voted for Brexit because you want the Pakis out then you're a fucking moron. Brexit means that we'll accept less white European immigrants. Not Pakis or Poo-in-loos from the Commonwealth.

I'm not a defeatist, I'm just a realist.

Holy shit.

>if you voted for brexit because you wanted pakis out

that's not even what I said. I rebuked your "it was nothing to do with pakis" comment, it was something to do with it. It's not why I voted leave because we know how the EU works on here.

we're just divided as fuck between north and south and you don't see how bad it can get up here, just like I say it might not even be that bad down south with foreigners.

does it not bother you that the country has such a huge fucking class divide? You can mock me for being poor, I'm honoured to have been born up here. Our motorways lights are all turned off at night because we can't afford them for instance

Never heard poorthener before, is that something often said down there?

So you post just to through down pathetic insults then jump ship at the first sight of actual conversation?

Yeah point proven. Go fuck yourself Southern faggots.

>arguing on Sup Forums
go back to facebook

£ to everything exchange rate is absolute dick. Going to America on Friday, it's some major feelsbadman

the pound is looking up, they have stoped trade deal with china about a powerplant.
talks of creating an immagration office to ensure vetting of aliens.
all seems to be A ok. we'll probly have a terror attack in 3 months or something but its all good in the hood.

lol does america even know how to democracy?
last time i checked, alot of there presidents are related. when we do that, we call it a monarch

Pound is looking up? We're basically at parity with the yen at this point

I think your refering to the indians.. there british, handle it or fuck of racist, hindus are based

i get tired of telling taxi drivers there can't talk on there phone while im paying, and specialy when its not in english, HOW RUDE ARE THESE PEOPLE, im not being racist or even imperial, ITS COMMON COURTSEY.

this divide you talk of... is it a wall or a toll bridge, or your inabilty to find work somewhere they only hire smart people

Lots of lads on here blaming their problems on "pakis", instead of facing the fact that most of the country are sad little white families who cant see past the end of their own nose. We've had Indians in our country since the Victorian days, and brexit most likely will lead to trade agreements with India.
I'm white myself, but I've received an education that got me into a magic circle firm in London, not the local chippie where I groan about how angry I am at these invisible foreigners who make me lazy.

If you're gonna blame anyone, blame the Eastern Europeaners who come exclusively for benefits. Most Indians I've met work harder than half the population.

Don't get me wrong, I'm fairly racist but not irrationally to this level.

the value of the pound is down the same way the euro is down, exchange is going to be shit, but what the pound pays for in this country is diffrent.
Stop buying imports and fuck off out of britian already your fucking remain'da

I voted Remain as well, and the pound is down, but you've gotta be a fucking retard to look at the extremely short-term consequences of Brexit to dismiss it as causing the pound to go down. I'm fairly hopeful desu and no one can say we're fucked anymore

we need to stop giving all are education moniez to scotland... and give them pakiz instead

>not spelled their
Stop butchering "your" own language Ahkmed

>implying brown people don't also live in Scotland

Bongistan is a third world country now faggot. Congratulations!

Half of your country is voting for an idiot. The other half is also voting for an idiot.

nothing wrong with the remain camp, just annoys me people are so quick to sell the country down the pan.
If we stayed in europe, imagine how many more fresh "british" voters we would have, and how that would swing the vote even more in europes favour, realy to sell out the country for a cheap dream, we got out just in time.

I like the statement we made towards the EU in leaving. Sadly freedom of movement is a condition of the single market, so I guess it was a relatively trivial exercise in voting leave

Yet you Bongs follow our "idiots" everywhere they decide to go fuck up :^)

last time a check, it was america who were situated on a 3rd world continent.

Hows that "Democractic" election going for you? let me know when your fed up of getting play'd by your own goverment

I hope Hillary is elected just so you realise how these comments are in vain

FUCK THE SINGLE MARKET, what have they got.... that i want.
Germans can keep there cars
and urm, what do the over countrys contribute?

How's the GBP doing? It's been free falling for awhile you poor faggot. We will still own you no matter who gets in office. With Hillary, we both will get a new war to fight together in ;^)

i beat trump was a plant by the shadow goverment, so people could feel engaged with the election. I rate Hillary will win

the people vote if we fight or not, like we have done on are past wars, this is why giving women the vote was a bigger issue here.

the sterling has stablised at the correct doubble A level

As anyone in any high end financial or legal institution will tell you Britain puts itself in a stronger position legally if they wait until they have a set of demands and their negotiators are ready to argue them.
A fool would go in to negotiations with "we don't know what we want" - after all we have 2 years to negotiate. There's a time limit we have to make the time our lawyers have count as much as we can.
It hurts the EU the longer we wait which is why they're keen as it creates financial instability in European banks. The longer we wait though the better deal we will get and the less likelihood of overrunning the 2 years. Furthermore we can ready extra-eu trade deals in the meantime i.e the commonwealth of realms and china. Like we currently are.
Nice shitpost bait thread though OP, made me reply and a lot of others.

Fucking great.

well spoken
give this man a cookie


If they work so hard why are council estates filled with brown people dressed like Aladdin you fucking wanker?

>dressed like Aladdin

you must be one of those earlier discussed uneducated people

Stronger than the Euro.
Stronger than the dollar.
Still the 4th strongest currency in the world behind 3 currencies that no one even fucking uses.

>please refer to my cultural attire by its appropriate name, shitlord! A niqqab is not a hijab is not a burka

I was laughing at your field of reference being limited to Disney films from your childhood, didn't mean to trigger you. All I'm saying is you got bullied by a bunch of chavs because your parents didn't work hard enough, that's all.

I would answer your question of whether I'd like fries with my meal, but honestly I think MacDonalds is too cheap for me

Based Jersey

ok, what comes from the east stays in the east, indians and hindus arre fine, but not im ment to know the diffrents between a nqqab and a hijan... nope
they must intergrate or fuck off what goes on in the east, can stay in the east

I suggest you learn to speak your own language before you attempt to preserve your culture


i dont go to scotland and expect to see aload of men wearing skirts. i dont want to talk to my local and see people dress as aladdin for no reason. this is what religious holidays are for. celecbrating our culture. now fuck off shitskin and learn to intergrate. if you cant see the problem, your part of the problem

Try stepping outside London once in a while. Near me there are a number of areas that are almost 100% Muslim immigrant populated. 20 years ago the houses in these areas were high priced and sought after, now they cost less than a loaf of bread and the whole place looks like a third world country. These areas are getting bigger too, quite rapidly. Just 5 years ago another nearby area was lovely, peaceful and a thriving retail hub. Now it's completely infested with, once again, Muslim immigrants and the housing market has tanked, businesses are going out of business like it's fashionable and the crime rate has soared. One of the major common themes among all these areas is that the police never go there so crimes are unpunished, and these crimes include human trafficking, forced prostitution rings and other such things of that magnitude. My city has been around for a thousand years and it takes these "pakis" just 2 or 3 decades to ruin it beyond recognition. London is a foreign place to the rest of England, it has trillions pumped into it and the filth is pushed into the cracks where nobody can see it. Outside of there, the filth is left to fester on everything and rot it's way through the foundations of what we've built.

>just 5 years ago
>2 or 3 decades

pick one

No, I'll pick both because they both apply. 5 years applies to that one area, 2-3 decades applies to the city as a whole.

if you weren't here, he woukdn't need too.
really makes you think.