Happening! BREAKING NEWS: A media bus was shot at while travelling between Olympics venues in Rio


is cultural enrichment coming to brazil?

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Good. Fuck the media. I hope a few of them died.

Most of Brazil is a bigger shtithole than the middle east. It would be cultural enrichment in the literal sense

>is cultural enrichment coming to brazil?

they need no enrichment, they have enough of that on their own.

It's just Brazil being Brazil. Nothing to see here. Stop calling every little thing a "happening" you faggots.

That's not a happening that's all day business ove there.

wtf i hate buses now. I'm now a #HillDawg

Thank you for correcting the record in the wrong thread


It's not a happening mate, it's like posting that a beat has shit in the woods.
Favella monkeys shoot one another. We know that. Now, if ISIS takes Israelis hostage (although why bite hand that feeds them?) and begins killing Jews on live TV, that is a happening. Although we'd have to ask other nations to post since we have no "live" coverage.

When I went to vacations in Rio the 24 hours news channel would report some new favela kid shot to death by a stray bullet every day. All to the tune of upbeat samba music.

This is not news there, it's an everyday thing.
Welcome to Brazil, enjoy your red pill


I don't see how a nog taking pot shots at a bus counts as a terrorist attack


There's a happening every waking minute in that shithole called brazil, what the fuck.


>Breaking news, Brazil is in Brazil!


May many media (((professionals))) die from this.


That's what happens if you drive too close to a favela you don't belong in and BOPE hasn't done a sweep recently.

Democrats are already crying about the possibility of a Trump presidency and how that means we'll never host an olympics again.

1. Why are they panicking about Trump if their polls suggest Hillary is in double digit leads?

2. I'd tell the olympic committee to enjoy one lack luster event after another in third world shit holes. NBC was already bitching 2 days in because the ratings are garbage, plus the constant spaghetti spilling by the Brazilian government.

How dare you call ((( them ))) professionals.

The Olympics is a total scam and I'd love nothing more than to see it gone.

Has the record been corrected or is it still incorrect? You guys are confusing me.

Nice baitbot

>The Olympics is a total scam

Imagine "Watching" it as a burger:
>everything tape delay
>already know winners
> commercial literally every 6 minutes
>every commercial pushing globalism.multiculti
>Out of the 3 hours coverage, maybe 1 hour is actual sport. And only what the Jews feel like showing you. no watching qt russian gymnasts, just the super diversity US nigger team

No. Cultural enrichment was delivered to the people on the bus.

Also isis is going to attack the olympics. Thats why russia was "banned".

Not so fast...

diversity is our greatest strength

Brazil is the way it is BECAUSE cultural enrichment already came to it and is now the default setting.

what a ((coincidence)) the media bus gets shot just like the media tent got shot at the equestrian event which is far from every favela in rio. they sold happenings and are disappointed non will happen so now they need to create happenings

Well, at least we had Sochi, the Jews still haven't figured out how to shove niggers into that.
Now is we could find a way to get the girls to ski in bathing suits, we'd be OK.

You're eithe retarded or a schizo. If there's anything the jewish media values over pushing diversity, it's protecting their own asses.

How about the idea that animals with guns act like they act the other 365 days per year?

Guess they weren't able to spin the wheels on this bus fast enough.

Mate you get shot everywhere

>shooting journalists

They should get a medal


That's just Rio de Janeiro on a good day, nothing to worry about.

Hitler got to host the Olympics, I thought Trump is literally Hitler, why wouldnt the Olympics come to America im lost.