2nd amendment is racist!

Yet another reason it should be repealed.

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Your funny

Gun control was first enacted against niggers in the 1860's.

I hope he gets lynched.

I love being racist.

You can tell blacks that all day and they don't give a shit.

You can try teaching blacks about the racist history of the Democratic party, the founders of the KKK, Jim Crow and Robert Byrd, and 95% still vote for them.

I hope the dems picks this up and push it


Haha! I did not partake!

it's wonderful, it's like having an antidote to leftist attacks.

Go ahead and call me a racist I don't care

"white supremacy" is a term that incompatible parasites use to justify further welfare expansion because they do not have a hope of competing in a truly fair, western, meritocracy.

Guns for the right are like teddie bears to children

Prove me wrong


When we lower the bar into the mud, for the sake of others, for the sake of the weak, our society will fall.

>please stop being superior beings gosh

Teddy bears are for liberals who hate loud noises and liberty.
So you made a shit poor analogy, son.

2bqfh its like a badge of honor in this society

Why can't Colion be in every one of these articles?


Not so fast you commie nigger

>Giving to right to have guns for the citizens
This is why I hate the NRA, not because it wants to protect the right to have guns but because it's a reactionary lobby!

wtf im racist now

>1post by this ID


Didnt prove me wrong though father fucker.
Try using the words you were taught in school please


Everyone who was running the NRA in the 60's is dead now.

D E V I L ' S A D V O C A T E

>2nd amendment only applied to citizens (le fugging white males)
>a lot of them were racist
>used that right to kill negroes

not saying i agree with him, but i see where the logic is coming from

I would recommend that Mr Horne give this book a good read.


The modern NRA is a lobbying group for American firearm manufacturers, not a rights group. If they thought gun control would get their constituents more money, they would support it.

They work on our behalf for the most part, but they still work against foreign firearm imports and military surplus liquidations.

>2nd Amendment related to White Supremacy

Shit I love my fuckin country even more

the constitution doesn't give you a right to teddy bears faggot

Is this it? Could the Democrats really be going Full Retard and openly opposing the Second Amendment?

Lord knows they've been doing it subtly and behind closed doors for decades but could they be so braze, bold, and downright fucking stupid as to openly call for it to be repealed?

Please God...


It doesn't mean the guys who run the NRA are not reactionary.

Sources or never happened.

IRS records say you're full of shit. They get 73% of their financing from dues paying members and individual donations. Furthermore, NRA members get to vote in who actually runs it. Please go shill elsewhere, low information voter.

t. NRA member

They're the reason we can't import most Russian firearms anymore, and they did nothing to endorse the shipment of M1 garands from Korea the other year.

The NRA is a good lobbying group, but they're beholden to their interests. They ceased to just be an educational and safety group back in the 50s and 60s.

The Frontline episode on the NRA is really good, if dipped in liberal fearmongering.

Can't use teddy bears to defend yourself when the government decides to mass import jihadists that want to execute anyone who won't follow Sharia Law.

Trump may be baiting them into doing just that.

Funny since gun control laws originated to keep blacks from owning guns...

You know which people I hate most?

White Americans who are against the 2nd Amendment.

They are literally lower than niggers.

haha wow nice frog dude praise kek

check out instagram.com/mememang/ for some great "dank" memes xD

Kek, niggers are really going all out. Wake up white man.

>you cant disconnect it because superior white science made the weapons protected by the second amendment.
shitskins on suicide watch.

why do people keep implying that racism is bad?

anyone anti-second amendment
or anti any BOR amendment really
are traitors


And labeling the 2nd Amendment racist will lead to exactly that situation described in the Turner Diaries.

Whites will be disarmed and terrorized by niggers gangs (even more than now).

And about 50% of all whites will applaude that.


No, Obama's embargo was after the Russians invaded the Crimea. Nice try though.

And the Garands and carbines are blocked by State, not Congress. NRA has no leverage.

Some nigger told me today that Bird apologized and was accepted by the NAACP.

I asked him if he new what they called a black man who stood up for the KKK.

He deleted his tweet.

I thought it was because there was the very likely possibility the British would try to take all their stuff back.

These guys get it.

Dats some good welfare dick.

>That’s obviously poppycock. I mean, President Obama is under a lot of criticism and a lot of pressure from the right wing to distance himself from Black Lives Matter. That would be like distancing himself from his own children. I think that he should be pressured instead to give support to Black Lives Matter, because they are the hope for the future.

Here that guys? BLM is our future! We are fucked

atf controls import of defense articles faglord. state only has jurisdiction of exports

This racist nigger boy needs his ass whipped raw...

▲ ▲

But gun control was originally racist. It kept blacks from owning weapons.

So was the minimum wage. Better get rid of that, too

who is this coon?