How do I convince faggots that Trumps not antigay?

I have a faggot for a friend that won't vote Trump because he says he will put in conservative justices which will roll back gay marriage.

He hates Hillary but will only vote for his gay marriage, so he'll vote hillary anyways.

Is there any possibility anyone could provide sourced examples or talking points that could help me convince him Trump is pro-gay marriage? He doesn't care about trans so no caitlyn jenner.

Apparently Trump promised to end gay marriage according to him.

Other urls found in this thread:

also, regarding your pic

This is good, thank you.

Hmm seems a little gay... doesn't really help much if it only points out the Traditional Marriage comments.

The questions are good but that guy dodged fast. He didn't answer well. Not evidence for my gay friend though.

I don't care if porn is banned, or at least more heavily regulated. It's kind of bullshit there's so little parental controls and it that exposes children and teens to explicit content.



Needs to have its own thread. Ive tried to tell people this and they dont believe me, they think its just about cp.

How would this even be enforced? Realistically. How could they possibly stop it? I mean, piracy is illegal and we still have thousands if not tens of thousands of sites dedicated to it.

> Islam is the biggest threat to Homosexuals
> Trump is the hardest candidate on Islam

Same reason Milo is a conservative. I'm pretty Libertarian myself but Trump's ideas on Syria for example are some of the best floating around atm.

By prosecuting people who ran websites with porn on them. I have no illusions it would remove porn from the Internet, but that doesn't mean he can't do damage.

What's wrong with regulating porn more to protect minors from viewing it? It's certainly unhealthy for teenagers and children to view it. Parents aren't all smart enough these days to properly monitor and control their children's internet usage.

I think ya'll are just closing your eyes to an obvious problem. Kids are able to access porn, and that's got to change.

I don't want to spring the religious thing on him though I know he should be anti-muslim if he heard what they do.

Enjoy your ban you awoo faggot

The Justice Dept (Attorney General) would prosecute cases, put some people in jail, and that woudl chill things. Chill what gets produced and what gets allowed on web sites.

Right now the Obama admin doesnt prosecute any obscenity cases, they focus on cp. Trump pledged to change that and prosecute obscenity.

You get him thinking about how not small of dicks his oppressors have

You do that with filters and such not by censoring everything.

>now just downloading hentai pictures is illegal

There will be thousands of people being put in jail and this will launch government surveillence of our own people into the next level.This is hilarious. Everyone will laugh it off because all the politicians beat off anyways to who knows what and then who knows how many people and politicians could be blackmailed by some hacker just because they downloaded one fucking picture of a person who isn't even real.

There should be no obscenity between consenting adults. It goes against the 1st Amend. Thats something the supreme court got wrong. There needs to be a new case and obscenity laws ruled unconstitutional.

Leave it to the parents. If they can't control their children and keep decent parental controls on devices they weren't ready for the responsibility of having a child.

This is just a step in the direction of breaking internet neutrality.

>trumps not antigay


Lets ban guns because children might get a ahold to them too. Forget about "rights" just take way everybody's freedom and make the country safe for children.

>Why should gays and lesbians be interested in you as a presidential candidate?
>I grew up in New York City, a town with different races, religions, and peoples. It breeds tolerance.


Why yes, the GOVERNMENT will tend to your children, goy.

Also, this thread. Trump plays Elton John at every rally and gays bring more women to our side. I'm all for it.

Show them this.

New york daily news Mar 7 2011-

"On Thursday, Trump talked about "exploring" a presidential run, and was asked f he supports "allowing same-sex couples to marry."

Trump said "no," but didn't stop there. When asked whether gay couples should have access to "the same benefits as married couples," the mogul initially replied that his attitude on the issue was not yet "fully formed."

After thinking about it for a moment, however, Trump said: "As of this moment, I would say no and no" to gay marriage and civil benefits."

PBS Jun 16 2015 -

"In a Bloomberg interview in January, the businessman asserted that he personally believes marriage is between a man and a woman. While he sees it as a state issue, Trump indicated that the Supreme Court could issue a ruling to determine the law."

Trump hollywood reporter aug 19 2015

Q: You say you would have liked the states, rather than the Supreme Court, to decide on gay marriage. Is this a dead issue for the GOP at this point?
A: Some people have hopes of passing amendments, but it's not going to happen. Congress can't pass simple things, let alone that. So anybody that's making that an issue is doing it for political reasons. The Supreme Court ruled on it.

You realize Im being sarcastic? If you use the argument to ban pron (obscenity) because of children, why cant you for guns too?

>Trump post Orlando
Trump doesn't care if you're gay or not, and he's certainly not anti-gay. I don't love that about him, but it is what it is

Its still illegal for minors to view it, but its an offence that does attempt to bar said minors in anyway. Trump is just saying why don't we have a system in place like we do with alcohol or tobacco, whats the big fucking deal?

No he's saying people should be put in jail for obscenity.

And he pledged to do that by appointing an Attorney General that will.

>oh no, why won't he be cool with us watching a live sex show of a murder orgy with everyone shitting everywhere? :(
It's mostly about cracking down on kids getting fucked and determining whether pronounce is bad for you. I jack it all the time and want a reason to have to stop, bring it on

Trump isn't anti-gay, but he does believe mostly in traditional marriage

Trump is only saying that to get attention and votes. He doesn't personally dislike gays and in fact has been openly cool with gays since the 80s. He's NY icon, of course he's fine with gays; anyway, they correlate with higher real estate values, and I'm not even kidding about that. He's a closet Dem in many ways.

I hope that when he gets into power, he'll forget about gay marriage and will hope that his voters will forget too. His Presidency on many key points will be surprisingly progressive.

Pic unrelated

>porn is now a right

Its censorship, you should be against censorship for anything with consenting adults

Hilary Clinton on gays

“Marriage has historic, religious, and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time, and I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a woman. But I also believe that people in committed gay marriages, as they believe them to be, should be given rights under the law that recognize and respect their relationship.“ - God and Hillary Clinton by Paul Kengor

Q: What is at the heart of your opposition to same-sex marriage?
A: Well, I prefer to think of it as being very positive about civil unions.

2007 HRC/LOGO debate

"Hillary Clinton endorsed gay marriage in a new video saying "that her views on the issue have evolved as a result of her experiences personally and as secretary of state," Politico reports." mar 18 2013

[referring to gay marriage]
" "I think that we have all evolved, and it's been one of the fastest, most sweeping transformations that I'm aware of," she said.
But after Gross pointed out that many people did support gay marriage during the 1990s, Clinton grew irritated.
"To be fair, Terry, not that many,""
CBS news Jun 12 2014

I am still stunned she had the audacity to tweet this after being a vocal opponent of gay marriage for many years.

Effectively though OP Hillary and Trump are pushing the same position. Both Hillary and trump have both in the past said they were against gay marriage, and both backed off over time. You can both see Trump saying "I don't support gay marriage, but we should accept what the supreme court says" and "I don't support gay marriage, but we should let gays in the military and let the states decide" from hillary as them either both doing whatever polls say is most popular, or you can see them as being pragmatic.

It's actually sort of uncanny how similar their records are on this issue. If you criticize Trumps record on Gay marriage you have to criticize Clintons too really and vise versa

Do you think if you tell someone to stab you they should be able to?

Gay here, tell your friend he's a faggot for me, okay?

Forgot tweet

It's actually incredible how similar Trump and Clinton have been. If Trump ran as a democrat and Hillary as a republican I can almost guarantee the timing of when they turned pro gay marriage would have flipped.

Free speech is a right. 1st Amendment

Because he's fabulous.

You don't have a right to have porn, do you? I guess I have the freedom to fuck a kid on camera, yes? That's "free speech"?

That different, thats asking for someone to commit a crime. There are laws against inciting violence etc...

Porn is free expression.

He said he was in favor of states rights, which Hillary also said.

Both of them have talked about how it's useless to argue with the supreme courts position.

So what's the difference?

>Trump himself underscored the problem on the weekend when he told a New Hampshire television station that from the White House he would push “equality” for homosexuals even further forward.

>NOM has also been highly critical of Trump, saying he has “abandoned” their cause. The organization said in its January 27 blog post just prior to the Iowa Caucus that “Donald Trump does not support a constitutional amendment to restore marriage to our laws. Worse, he has publicly abandoned the fight for marriage. When the US Supreme Court issued their illegitimate ruling redefining marriage, Trump promptly threw in the towel with these comments on MSNBC: ‘You have to go with it. The decision's been made, and that is the law of the land.’”

He also wished Elton John all the best after his marriage with David Furnis:

>There's a lot to celebrate this holiday season. Elton John married his long-time partner David Furnish on December 21. That's the first day that civil partnerships between gay couples became legal in England under the new Civil Partnership Act.

>In any event, I'm very happy for them. If two people dig each other, they dig each other. Good luck, Elton. Good luck, David. Have a great life.

What if you're fucking someone and you ask them to stab you?

You have the right to make it. cp is different, children are underage and cant consent.

What? It's still expression. I'm expressing how much I want to just do a kid

Edgy retards do that all the time for scarification and it's legal.

show him milo.
milo is a faggot. but a faggot that is a faggot and knows whats good for faggots like him.

Suck trumps dick in public. Its the only way.

You can say that, you cant do it though or tell someone else to.

Why is it legal if just having someone stab you shouldn't be?

Why? What makes it so different?

I dont think that is legal, its asking someone to commit a crime.

>Trumps not antigay
I don't think he really gives a fuck if people are gay or not, but he did say that he would appoint a supreme court justice that would repeal the gay marriage decision.

What? That thing that Trump mentions trying to stop being out there is illegal? Or does the sex part make it cool?

Expressing an opinion and committing a crime or causing someone else to commit a crime. Are you stupid? Youre just being a troll.

Hillary literally waited until Gay marriage polled positively overall, 69% with democrats, and 58% with independants to change her tune.

Trump waited until gay marriage polled at 34 republicans 64 independants to not support gay marriage, but denounce taking action against federal gay marriage as meaningless politics.

Read into that what you will. I just see two politicians that have to be dragged kicking and screaming to pro-gay marriage positions, but Hillary I think is trying to brainwash her delusional followers into thinking her supporting gay marriage only long after it became overwhelmingly supported issue among her base makes her a gay rights warrior.

How is porn the freedom of expression if it's an action, but child porn isn't freedom of expression BECAUSE it's an action?

Have you seen beheading videos? Should they be illegal?

You can't convince faggots of anything they think like a woman

I'm glad you're proving that drawn hentai has absolutely nothing to do this and it is farther from reality so we don't have to ban it because nobody is participating other than the person drawing it.

Yes, and so should beheading someone. Why do you think if you're fucking someone it's okay to be violent like that?

I already answered this. Youre just being a troll. Thanks for bumping the thread though and showing more people that Trump want to censor regular porn.

>free speech
doesn't cut it. I want a real explanation, you're the one who's so convinced that porn is being taken away, when it's really bad shit. Are you cool with people being stabbed during and kids getting fucked because someone is expressing themselves?

Tell him that the president is not the king of America who can do whatever he wants and get whatever he wants passed. Even if Trump is hypothetically anti-gay (which he isn't), America is at the point where everyone accepts gays and Trump wouldn't be able to get anything passed through Congress and then allowed by the Supreme courts even if he wanted to with all his might.

So just tell your faggot friend that not everything that the President wants ends up becoming the law. Trump has been a lifelong New York Democrat and only recently has jumped onto the Republican side because he has this image of a master businessman that is 100% a republican image. He is not anti-gay.

But sorry to say that if your friend hasn't figured all of this out already on his own and he really thinks that whoever is president decides whether he as a gay man has rights or not, then he is beyond saving. Your gay friend is a stupid fuck and he will therefore probably vote Democrat.

er 37 republicans 64 independants

Really when you think about it Trump has a pretty similar position on gay marriage compared to when Hillary was facing that level of support in '06. Right down to them both personally believing marriage was between a man and a woman and both supporting states rights.

I repeat, change Trump and Hilaries parties and they would be singing a differant tune. People that think Hillary is progressive are insane, when she was in about the same situation Trump is in now she was pushing civil unions. You could argue the democrats are more progressive on gay rights than the republicans, but Hilary herself slowed down the democrats acceptance of gay rights, she didn't speed it up. Contrast that to Trump and the republican field.

uh trump has promised to put in supreme court justices that oppose gay marriage. unless you lie, you can't convince your "friend" who you keep calling a faggot that trump is not anti-gay, because he is.

Thats the problem with identity politics, people don't look at the bigger picture. It's gotten so bad that people don't even consider their own individuality. Jus their most superficial of traits as the whole of their identity

You're right. Thanks for typing that out. I'll give it a shot.

How would gay marriage even get brought back to the supreme court? Without amending the constitution to allow discrimination against gays I don't see how it's possible.

I guess I'm not different for only voting based on who will support 2nd amendment.

wait, so porn is technically illegal in the US?

Tell your buddy to relax: Trump won't repeal it, though he should.

Meanwhile, You should work on having fewer faggot friends.

He's my boss at work... I will replace him someday when he dies of aids.

The answer is no. Here call it user's Law:

Morality does not have to be equal for it to be moral. If we have the freedom to choose to rape kids and the freedom to choose to not rape kids, having the freedom to choose to not rape kids does not make the act of raping a kid moral. Morality is subjective to varibles.

Tell him hilldog will import people who want to throw him off a roof. Its that or give up your fag marriage.

Tell your faggot friend to get some guns and stop forcing others to defend his fucking life for him...

Remember, in all historical conflicts. Unarmed faggots are the very first to die...

Show him the response to the Orlando shooting, the comments about how gay marriage is a dead issue, and his comments about not caring about what bathroom trannies use.

>>I'm playing sarcastically with you

What did he mean by this?

I remember some clip from the apprentice where he was pretty cool with a gay guy, said something about "that's why restaurants have menus"

Does anyone else remember this, I can't find it on youtube

maybe you and your friend are to young to remember but years ago and not even talking like 90s or earlier just years ago before obama got elected multiple republicans were found doing real ghey shit. like tap dancing in bathrooms for blow jobs

point is some admitted it after the fact and stepped down. some of the ghey republicans voted against ghey marriage. why would they not want to get married?

divorces. you want to lose half your shit? you want to pay for child support? if gheys cant adopt or get married they are saved a head ache with a excuse

>"its not that i dont love the buttsecs honey but we are not allowed to get married or adopt kids guess we just have to have fun"