Hilary Clinton on gays
“Marriage has historic, religious, and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time, and I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a woman. But I also believe that people in committed gay marriages, as they believe them to be, should be given rights under the law that recognize and respect their relationship.“ - God and Hillary Clinton by Paul Kengor
Q: What is at the heart of your opposition to same-sex marriage?
A: Well, I prefer to think of it as being very positive about civil unions.
2007 HRC/LOGO debate
"Hillary Clinton endorsed gay marriage in a new video saying "that her views on the issue have evolved as a result of her experiences personally and as secretary of state," Politico reports."
Politicalwire.com mar 18 2013
[referring to gay marriage]
" "I think that we have all evolved, and it's been one of the fastest, most sweeping transformations that I'm aware of," she said.
But after Gross pointed out that many people did support gay marriage during the 1990s, Clinton grew irritated.
"To be fair, Terry, not that many,""
CBS news Jun 12 2014
I am still stunned she had the audacity to tweet this after being a vocal opponent of gay marriage for many years.
Effectively though OP Hillary and Trump are pushing the same position. Both Hillary and trump have both in the past said they were against gay marriage, and both backed off over time. You can both see Trump saying "I don't support gay marriage, but we should accept what the supreme court says" and "I don't support gay marriage, but we should let gays in the military and let the states decide" from hillary as them either both doing whatever polls say is most popular, or you can see them as being pragmatic.
It's actually sort of uncanny how similar their records are on this issue. If you criticize Trumps record on Gay marriage you have to criticize Clintons too really and vise versa