HOW can we combat this SHILL invasion?

HOW can we combat this SHILL invasion?

Other urls found in this thread:

invade social media were people actually are


Glass them.

Let's be real here Sup Forums. This man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

you gota fuck em up

Give up. We were fools to believe in the first place

No idea, I've been reporting the shit out of then and not single proxy has been banned from what I can see. Mods have abandoned us.

But Sup Forums is the one invading in that picture retard.

It's pretty simple, son.

All you gotta do is sit back till November, then you go out and vote. All you gotta do.

Mods actively ban people for posting anti-hillary stuff. When the Huma leaks happened, I and a ton of other people were banned for 2 weeks or more.

I think it's not possible not to reply, because there will be an idiot who replies. The easiest way is to spam the threads with long, red-pilled youtube videos. People are going to click the links and watch the videos. That prevents them from replying so the thread dies out.

We'll, shit. Keep fighting the good fight then. I'll keep sageing and reporting until November

We activate the ring.

Got some examples, krautbro?

Eh, it'll all end after Hillary wins....

You mean examples for long, red-pilled youtube videos?

I think the most simple answer would be something like:

"You know Trump is going to win in November. That why they pay you to be here and shill.

Also check out some facts:"

But you can replace Clinton Cash with some other red-pilled long youtube video.

bump for great justice

God you're an idiot. First the wrong thread and now a double post. Did you just start at CTR today?

We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

see how good it's working? This thread dies out immediately.

Fuck off jew

I've already seen this post word for word 3 times. Try a new one CTRnigger


5:46 onward:

What if we just go full Sup Forums and post gore and shit with our posts?

Will that stop the shills?