Let me redpill you Sup Forums

Life is meaningless, there is no inherent meaning, there are no great truths that you can use as beacons for your life, no unchangeable, eternal laws which would give you direction. There is no God. The materialists were closest of all the philosophical schools in grasping the bits that we can actually call reality. You are nothing but matter (+energy, more of that later); therefore, your consciousness, everything you mean when you say I and Me, is nothing but your brain. Every possible process, emotion and moment of your life is the sole creation of your brain processing the input of your senses. You don't have a "soul", your death means the death of your brain, when your consciousness dies (that is your brain stops functioning) you will slip back into the eternal dark of ultimate non existence. Every philosophy that offered some "solution" to the fear of death did nothing but offer coping, wordgames to make you feel better. Epictetus, M. Aurelius, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer... all of them. It doesn't matter that the world, your children, anything exists after you die. These are mindgames too, since you rationalize that everything indeed WILL exist, but you will have no possible means of experiencing any of it (no senses, no consciousness) therefore you lose the world, everything you hold dear and loved in the moment of your death. You have to let go of everything. The law that energy cannot be destroyed and that it takes other forms is true. But what does it mean for a man? That the molecules which currently make up you get recycled and used as building parts for other things? That a squirrel will shit you out in a century? You are still dead, still non existant. The closest objective meaning life can have is the evolutional meaning. You are there so you can have children and further the human race. If you can not achieve offspring you are useless from a biological standpoint.

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Every human society revolves around the average individual, the average individual is the driving force of evolution (Nietzsche was not right, although I would have loved that his vision of better humanity is achievable). Political systems function around grooming the average individual, the wageslave, the drone, the cuck of today. Nations, politics are meaningless systems that were made by man to further his goal of easier survival in a hostile world, but turned into abominations that control every moment of our lives. We forgot that we were the ones who created the state for our benifits, and that the state did not create us to serve it.
Women are the perfected tools of evolution. They will use every possible way of altering and improving the gene pool. They are hardcoded to live that way. An user recently posted a study which shows that „double“ pairing exists since the dawn of time. Love, as our culturess created it, is nothing but a chemical process in your brain to get you to create offspring. Faithfullness is a modus operandi which is inherently bonded to the way our societies work, in a biological sense women are hardcoded to struggle against it.
I'm still not sure about free will, but if Sam Harris, and other significantly older thinker were right, then you have no free will and function in a determenistic chain of events. Imagine a train that you cannot stop and that just keeps going towards the final destination.
We are in the endtimes of Nihilism that Nietzsche predicted. If you are not able to create a meaning for yourself and your life, to live it to the fullest in spite of all the things I have said than you are one of the factors that is dragging western civilization into decline and ultimate suicide.

Recommended redpilling of the day: Max Stirner – Der Einzige und sein Eigentum (The Ego and its Own)

inb4 tips fedora

>he thinks your "soul" is your brain
>he thinks you only die once and not constantly every moment your brain changes
>he thinks I care

man thats way to much to read psych 101.

audio book plz


>I'm still not sure about free will, but if Sam Harris, and other significantly older thinker were right, then you have no free will and function in a determenistic chain of events. Imagine a train that you cannot stop and that just keeps going towards the final destination.

This is the true redpill. The hardest thing to accept and realize. Nothing matters and it was all a random spin of the dice. No matter who you are, no matter what you're doing, you are destined to die. Everything was decided the moment you were born into whatever identity you now have. We are all trapped.

>western civilization

Well spooked


Belief in a meaningful universe produces better outcomes than nihilism. You are an evolutionary dead end.

>weebshitter is still moping to nihilism 101
not surprising in the slightest.

Not an argument, you fucking leaf. Get out of my goddamn sight.

You are wrong, and most likely retarded. I'm sure you look and smell awful.

I'm no nihilist. I create meaning where there is none, for myself. But believing in a meaningful universe... that means that you create an illusion so you can live easier. But, I would love if anyone would prove that I am seriously deluded and wrong. Because it would be better and easier that way.

Instead i get FUCKIN LEAFS.

Take it to the next stage. Tell him why he's wrong.

Nah m8. You are the dictionary definition of one.

It's all been done before. Your error is to assume that all you can see is all that there is and all that can be. It's a black cancer upon your soul that's draining all drive that might otherwise be put to use.

In the end we don't know and likely lack the ability to comprehend the universe at its fundamental level. Rather than wallow in despair, might as well bet on the horse that offers hope. Don't give up half way to the finish line.

Your life has meaning. What you do matters. If to no one else but your fellow men.

If it doesn't, well you're a corpse anyway - but at least you have made life better for those that come after, should things swing that way.


Existentialism actually.

Still spooky

You're incapable of understanding due to your current humanist, materialist perspective. Seek out a breakthrough psychedelic experience.

I thought about that actually. But it would still be materialism 1/1. Chemicals are known to influence the brain, therefore your consciousness. I would gain nothing that I am not gaining in any natural state that is not the wake state. Therefore, dreams and illusions. I grew up thinking drugs are a thing "for niggers" so I never tried any, and enjoyed my "moral" high ground for a few years, but it kinda stuck with me.

Psychedelics bollocks and other spooks are for weak willed spooks

Stirner is the biggest spook out there. Firmly entrenched up his own arse, with little to offer anyone except destruction.

What did he mean by this?

People that say shit like this have never tried psychedelics and are just mad that they have no friends. Stay retarded.

Can you offer a little insight into that? Would you care to argument the points in which Stirner is wrong? I am genuinely interested... since I think that Stirner and some other thinkers CAN be destructive in certain cases.

It's like the German Ideology all over again, nothing but ad-homs.


>Said the druggie meanwhile he waved his hands to see if he is still lucid, cornered by his own spooks and nobody to help him scape his delusion
I pity you and those who convinced you to fall in that drug

Well it may be more his followers than the man himself, but his idea of spooks essentially reduces everything to the most base material. There is no room for human thought or creation beyond that.

"you're a bag of atoms so stop doing whatever it is you were doing because how can an atom think"

I find some of his ideas to be quite interesting. The introduction is a masterpiece of individualism. It's been a few years, but I remember that I was highly impressed with some points as the individuality of work and creation. (As that art can only be produced by a certain person and never reproduced by another). I found that his critique of any ideology is firm, the problem is he offers no solution, except radical individualism (to which I agree in some sense); not even the Nitzschean way out of being some kind of intellectual aristocracy that creates own values and meanings in life.


are you under the impression that humans are themselves too human?

would you have preferred to have been birthed a deer?

Stirner literally states he isn't out to save anyone and doesn't care if the world ends in chaos and bloodshed because people follow his "philosophy".

People who criticize him for this just confirms one of his main points; The non-egoist will never understand the egoist.

>muh spooks

Certainly it's not true. Since science would not function in any meaningful way if that would actually be true. It's like the new wave of humanists that got rekt by Alan Sokal in "Fashionable nonsense" and Stanislav Andreski with his "Social sciences as Sorcery" years ago.

Granted. Although I couldn't say I care too much either desu. I honor him if he found some parts of the truth, some of the ways in which the world functions, destroyed some illusions. And no one in their right sense would want to be a follower of anyone or anything. Paul Ree wrote in his Psychologische beobachtungen something in the sense of: "Only great followers have great idols." Reading, exploring, thinking is another level and following is another dimension (not implying that you don't get that, to be clear, just saying).

Spooks function very much like Lacan's "Big Other", basically projected Super-Egos that serve only to justify arbitrary hierarchies that keep people down.


you too

woop dee fucking doo

I lost a lot of respect and confirmed a lot of my suspicions when it comes to Lacan after reading the aforementioned book of Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont. They don't talk a lot about his psychoanalysis... but his fucking around with topology and things he clearly has no grasp of. The whole post structural / post modernist French school is a mess.

It's okay. God made you to be this way.

A nihilist can't see the beauty of life in it's infinite complexity of design because the beauty enrages his ugly soul.

>either the stick conquers the man, or the man conquers the stick
What did he mean by this?
Is he talking about baseball?

The world can be beautiful.
What do you mean by "infinite complexity of design?" Bone cancer in children? Brain eating amoeba?

Beauty is nothing but your subjective outlook on certain things. Certainly, I find some things beautiful, but you lost me on infinite complexity of design. Are you a creationist?

>a fucking leaf

So you are an existentialist? congrats.

I fucking wish Sup Forums was not full of first year students and high schoolers who think just because they have been introduced to a new topic they are the smartest person in the world.

Get fucked loser.

t. apathetic existentialist

>literally faps to 2d boys that look like girls
I know where that picture comes from, so you're just as much of a degenerate as me.

all meaning is inherent, reality is meaning, life is meaning, the conscious moment is meaning, please get fucked user

You think that because pain and suffering exist it disproves the infinite complexity of design?

Pain and suffering is what make good experiences so rewarding in life. Without pain there can be no pleasure. The world is not designed to be 100% love, peace and pleasure yet it is still beautiful. Growth and rebirth require destruction.

Creationist? No I'm not a bible literalist if that's what you mean. I do however believe that the universe we inhabit has the unmistakable mark of design.

Stop your ad homs leaf. Fight against the arguments not the person. I'm enough of an adult to change my views if I honestly think that they have been proven wrong. You contributed exactly 0 things to prove anything.

I'm not arguing with you idiot. You just sound arrogant trying to "red pill" people on a philosophy that is 10x older than you are. You act as if you are some grand philosopher when really you are just an arrogant dumbass that thinks you are more enlightened than others.

Eat shit.

This. The complex design of life requires balance. If there was no purpose for it, it would not exist. We are all here for a reason.

>Muh Job

I think if we would have been consciously designed by a loving, and above all, omnipotent and all knowing God, we would have better designs. You don't need to go further than human biology where there are so many knee jerk, illogical ways of functioning that would have been fixed by any engineer who knows what he is doing. And God created man in his image, isn't it?

Whatever the case is, leaf. Even if I haven't contributed with a single though, even if I am some kind of epigone; the thoughts are still there, the compilator is not important. So you can still suck my cock, Trudeau

Might makes right. The objecting being to be the mightiest.

>it's a baby's first existential crisis thread
You have to be 18 to post here OP

>This is the true redpill. The hardest thing to accept and realize. Nothing matters and it was all a random spin of the dice. No matter who you are, no matter what you're doing, you are destined to die. Everything was decided the moment you were born into whatever identity you now have. We are all trapped.

Bullshit. Let's define you as the collection and interaction of your environment, your genetics and random factors. Every one of these factors is part of you, according to the "waaaah no freee wheeeel" crap, right? The argument is that because these factors compose you, you do not have control over who you are. This idea is wrong because you are yourself the factors and the interaction between them. All variables that determine your destiny are actually part of you, as soon as they influence you in the slightest, including the most basic rules of the universe like how these variables interact. All part of you. Saying "I have no control over what I am" is beyond just a wrong statement, because the you are the factors that created you. A clock has complete control over what it is; all that a clock signifies is the variables that have created the clock, perhaps through other variable and other methods. But it all bottoms out at some point, at starting variables that set the whole thing in motion and are required at every step. These variables are the true significance of the clock, as your heritage, culture and genetics are your true significance.

Who says he is loving in the way we humans interpret love?

Our designs are imperfect because we are living organisms that must adapt to changing situations, we are not Gods. I didn't say we were made in his image.

Life adapts and changes and expands to fill the universe, a perfectly engineered being would not experience the spiritual highs and lows an imperfect being does. He would be a robot that wouldn't suffer or have to go through great tribulations. Perhaps we are here to go through a spiritual growth which requires imperfections in our design. Also your idea of perfection may not be an omnipotent beings idea of perfection.

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27)

>But the Bible says that God created mankind in his own image.

He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. (Deuteronomy 3:24)

>Therefore, humans are perfect?

I have a lot of respect for Jesus. Christianity is important as an cultural component of the West, although fatal in the destruction of the Roman/Greek cultural complex of late antiquity. I don't mean to argue about the Bible with you. You speculation depends on faith, and sadly I have none, but I don't think less of you because you are a Christian.

inb4 tips fedora, again.

I consider myself Christian, but I don't take the Bible word for word at face value. I believe our intellect and curiosity is a gift that we must use to question our existence.

In regards to faith I think that once you start to doubt and question things you can fail to question things from the other side of the argument. I think looking at things from multiple viewpoints helps to temper an intellect that is hyper skeptical and is drawn into nihilism.

Socrates asks: Do the gods love what is just, or is the latter just because the gods love it?