Bombing of Tokyo. You need to apologize for it

The bombing of tokyo was the most destructive bombing in history.

B-29 started raiding tokyo targeting civillians.

75.000 to 200.000 deaths.

Pic related was a mother bringing her son on her back, both carbonized.


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Japs had it coming bud

Right after they apologize for Nanking, Bataan, and Korea.


nah fuck you weeb

only good slant is a dead slant

Should have surrendered

Predicted casualties for invasion of Japan

rape of nanking had more people raped, stabbed and killed than all of hiroshima, Tokyo and nagasaki combined

even after that, the rape and pillage of the philipines, vietnam and nearly all of south east asia and of whites and dutch and non germans is more than the jews killed by hitler

I'm sorry......that we didn't bomb them more.

Right after they apologize to China for the Rape of Nanking, Pearl Harbor. WWII had many horrible atrocities, every country involved did something evil or wrong. There is no sense in making the people who were not responsible answer to their ancestors' war crimes. It is pretty much like putting someone on trial for murder for what their grandfather did. Fuck off, shill.

i'm sorry that we didn't bomb more of your shitty cities

fuck off Ireland ;DDD


Two bombs weren't enough

>apologize for something that happened before you were born

Sure, if you're into meaningless gestures, I'm sorry.

We cool now?

>implying we're supposed to feel sympathy for a bunch of yellow sleepwalkers who raped, imprisoned, tortured and experimented brutally on POWs that violated every conceivable international law at the time, not to mention sacrificed their own citizens if it meant a couple of throwaway victories under their belts.

Gooks put the sub into subhuman. "a bloo bloo, but muh 200,000". Get fucked seaweed suckers.

The war is over Mussolini. You and your buddies lost.

Oh, and we should have nuked Tokyo too.

They need to apologize for Kojima first.

Why is some italian dude asking some random internet people to apologize what some, probably already dead, us veterans did way back in the past, can somebody explain that to me


Unit 731
Wiki it


Only thing the Americans need to apologise for is not dropping a third.

what kind of cuck takes pot shots at someone who's trying to defend their country?

A fucking apologist faggot that's who.

nope. You should have been first.

>Bombing of Tokyo. You need to apologize for it.
Why? We literally did nothing wrong, in fact, we took in hundreds of thousands of japanese refugees fleeing the devastated country, to the point in which we now have the largest population of japanese descendands outside of Japan.

Apologize for being such a worthless ally to Germany and Japan.

>you should apologize to the descendants of the people that your ancestors shat on

Why? How is it meaningful to get an apology from someone who had nothing to do with it?

I mean, it's different if your kid fucks something up because you raised them, but apologizing for your ancestors?

sorry we didn't do more. we did try our best, I promise. you know how much electricity it takes to enrich uranium in a particle accelerator??? fire bombs are just more economical

Suck my dick, Mario.

There are no innocent parties in war.

Unless you're insane and are just killing innocent people for the fuck of it.

I'm sorry you didn't know how to wage war.

We would have gone easy on you, but you looked like you could handle it.

i dindnt bomb tokyo


I feel like if I take your side you'll just switch teams as soon as some brit bantzes you

I'm sorry we didn't send another.


Don't start no shit won't be no shit.

Maybe Japan shouldn't have fucking bombed Pearl Harbor. Maybe Japan shouldn't have started getting aggressive with US allies in an attempt to expand their empire. Maybe you should fucking die faggot.


America continues to expand their empire forever

I'm sorry the nips didn't realize how bad they fucked up before it was too late.

Nop, fuck them.

Official statistics published by the West German government 1956 put the death toll due to air raids at 635,000

At least it's through soft power and not force(unless you're the middle east :^)

>oy vey feel the bern

lmao that's not real you dumb cuck, I guess memes > facts

It would have been impressive to take part in this. The last B-29s over Tokyo flew through a glowing red mist that smelled like burning human flesh. Some of the crewmen threw up from the smell.

They don't make wars like this anymore.

So what? The Chinks and the electric fans were faggots anyway.

Fucking leaf

I think Australia's hands are relatively clean, correct me if I'm wrong but there were only a small handful of prisoner killings which were done on the battlefield.

The Japs fucking deserved it

Fuck off wop.

One of the pilots in an interview said he came to feel genuine hate for the B-29 after listening to the screams from people below.

>nuking 200 000 nips
>not just raping them

Americans confirmed for gay homos.
