Welp. It finally happened, I had to Dump Trump. I was a supporter from day 1, ordered every season of The Apprentice...

Welp. It finally happened, I had to Dump Trump. I was a supporter from day 1, ordered every season of The Apprentice, stayed at Trump Tower in Chicago when I visited, bought all his books and highlighted my favourite quotes with the classic neon yellow highlighter we used back in school, I did everything to support this man. But, now, I'm just tired of it. I'm tired of staying up all night on social media trying to defend all of Trumps blunders, this call to arms by him to kill Clinton was just the latest one. I'm tired of always being stressed out, wondering how badly new blunders will hurt him in the polls.

It finally hit me, this man has been exposed countless times as a progressive liberal, so why am I staying up all night, every night to defend him? It's time for ALL of us to fess up, Donald Trump tricked us, he made us all believe he was a true conservative, well hes NOT and I'm tired of pretending he is, I've spent nearly every night of the past eleven months trying to defend him, and I'm exhausted, angry and lacking so much sleep.

IT'S OVER, I'm sick of it! I just took the ultimate red pill, the TedPill. Now I'm going to rest easy and catch up on some much needed sleep.

Finally, peace.

Other urls found in this thread:


I with you brother


Isn't it too early for Aussies to be shitposting? Don't you have Wombat Rugby Men's Finals on the Olympics to be watching?

Gosh, if only Aussies could vote

I dumped Trump weeks ago. I'm just hoping that the upcoming housing crisis is bad enough to help Ted Cruz get elected in 2020


I seriously cannot believe what has happened to this place these past few months.

We can't have serious political discussion anymore because Hill shills flood every Trump thread. That's not the worst part though. For some reason nu pol cucks don't support Trump and instead join the shills and trolls. These liberal cucks can't handle the fact that there are people who disagree with their stupid opinions and are always in the need of a hugbox echo chamber, which pol isn't.

Well, at least it wasn't until now. These cucks have completely taken over this board and there's no point in visiting it any longer. I suggest that true pol users migrate to r/theDonald for Trump related discussion, free of liberal cuck opinions, free of Israel hating newfags, free of Trump haters. I remember when we could openly discuss anything on pol without shills and trolls. Truly a bastion of free speech. However, now these leftist cucks have come and are trying to limit our free speech. Pol has become an anti trump sub full of shills and slide threads.. I just can't handle the anti trump rhetoric any more. See you guys on r/theDonald!

lol. literally who cares OP. I'm voting for trump and you can't change that.

Sup Forums got played, Trunk was a Hillary plant from the start. All of this was planned. Hillary will blow out the election now despite being the most disliked Democratic nominee in history.

Go outisde , exercise, better yourselves.

I give Trump credit for one thing: more interest in politics. I hope next cycle its actual discussion of policy and not memes 24/7

Part of me is relieved its over. I have a lot of shit to do.

Thanks for yet another great thread Correct The Record.

They will leave once Hillary keels over or loses the general.

Sup Forums is the only place I know where you can actually have unfiltered discussion and not the sanitizedmanipulated bullshit of reddit.

Yes it is fucked at the moment from tye CTR barista faggots, but they'll all leave to cry on tumblr in November.

Please don't let Sup Forums die. It's the only place left where people can be real people.

You know Trump is going to win in November. That why they pay you to be here and shill.

Also check out some facts: youtube.com/watch?v=7LYRUOd_QoM

>I suggest that true pol users migrate to r/theDonald for Trump

Don't. Stand your ground, these CTR cucks will assume they won't. They'll never win, but what you're doing is telling them you're a defeatist and you're handing over Sup Forums to them. What comes out of it next is Sup Forums becoming a Lib faggot playground.

Well this really fondled my thinkpan

I am now #HillaryArtillery

why don't migrate to cripplechan if you are annoyed with the shills ?
+ it's not a place to support Trump, this big piece of shit is sucking filthy mutilated jews cock since the day 1, he is not what you retard think he is.
By giving your support to this pathetic joke, you support the continuation of the ZOG and the domination of the zionists globalists.

See you there brother. I too am tired of all these (((CTR))) shills and trolls. At least on r/theDonald we can be free to discuss all the serious issues and policies without fear of being slid.

>1 post by this ID

Shills are on overdrive in this board.

These shills aren't even well written. A child could pick this apart for what it is.

Marmite > Vegemite

What more is there to say?


Why does anyone care if an Australian doesn't support Donald Trump for the US presidency?

Who are you mad at? The shills or Trump?

Trumo pissed this election away and let us all down. I almost think he is a plant. Gold star family: "hur hur I wanted to see the wife talk". Fucking idiot. I think he is a narcissist.

The Khan family entered into the political arena and started throwing punches, Trump struck back. I'm not even voting Trump but this idea that gold star families can dish out political attacks and not be struck back is BS, they had it coming.

I'm so glad that you took the time to Correct the Record. enjoy your five cents.

Voting for Trump no matter what, you must want Mexican Amnesty and Sharia Law OP. Traitor.



Abo please you probably never even visited the U.S, no real Trump supporter is dumb enough to fall for the MSM lies.

Look at the Benghazi mom. Clinton kept her mouth shut.

Its called politics. Somtimes you dont respond to everyone dissing you. Or maybe you just release a poliete statement. The DNC played Trump like a fiddle. Used a Muslim family with a dead solider son to bait Trump and he bit.

And its not onlu that. Its 10 other things bit that ruined it for me. And i am not even the target voter. Now do you expect normies to vote for him?

Don't reply to shill posts.

I have two maga hats. White and camoflauge.

I will probably vote for him. But he needs millions of votes and drives thousands away whenever he opens his mouth.

But the way he is so inept at speaking is ridiculous.

I almost think he is a plant at this point.

I agree it was bad PR but he literally did nothing wrong. Of course normies won't vote for him now if things stay the same, however, another Clinton scandal will get in the way and he will shoot back up over her in the polls, this election has been a big game of hot potato and I don't foresee anyone having a handle on who's going to win until the last second.

I'm a cruzmissle now


Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit.
Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.

(replace spaces with dots)

>Americans on here didn't get out and vote for Stephen Harper in the last Canadian election
>expect me to go vote for Trump
I'm not your friend, guy


Now this is shitposting

Who would spend money to have people shill on here? I understand normalfag sites like twitter and facebook, maybe even reddit.


I see you've corrected the record. You fucking faggots giving up is basically the same as voting for Clinton.

Go fuck yourselves.