There's only one white gymnast on the US Women's Olympic team

>there's only one white gymnast on the US Women's Olympic team

every day we drift further from God's redeeming light.

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>your will never be crushed by those thighs

Did these two exchange legs

so sad.
My country = 1 girl.

jesus christ so many brownskin cunts

pic more related than the lack of hajis in the American teams...

notice how the two full nigs have ashy cunts

I see two whites

the white one on the right might be Italian or spanish


it's one White, 2 niggers, a pic and a Jew. FYI, they shoved the niggers in front of 2 White girls who beat them at the nationals.

They put one of the black girls on the team even though she qualified worse than the other. Yay diversity

That depends on which Italians we are talking about

>tfw no Aly jewfu

she's a kike

I see 3 blacks, a white and a Italian/spaniard


too much muscle
Let go of the masculine women dude

right to left, it's"

Nigger spic

Damn gymnasts have gross bodies

(((Aly Raisman)))

It's worse than I thought

>cant handle fit women
homo spotted

god damn non-whites are fucking ugly

i mean the white girl isn't even that attractive but the shitskins barely even look human

>The whitest sport in the Olympics
>Only one white girl

You fuck up USA

She's super cute though

Nice tight vulva mounds in those outfits.

gross dude

I know European men are not faggy, I know many of them. You must be the small man type


nope, it's 2 niggers, spic, jew, one White. 2 Whites kicked out by the Jews despite beating niggers and put in as "alternates."
Oy vey! how diverse!

You racist inbred idiots are so fucking stupid. Where you inbreds see color, others see human beings, because that's what they are. I know your puny brains are too small to comprehend this, but this is reality. No amount of being racist will change this reality.

you might be queer, user. The way to go is ballerinas. Not only for the body and flexibility, they also all have eating disorders and personality disorders.
This jewess has quads like a dude, just gross.

>You racist inbred idiots are so fucking stupid

No hips on any of them.


>eating disorders and personality disorders.
go on..

ur ping pong, table tennis and badminton teams for "USA" is also 100% chink lmfao

t. faggot

I don't know who I hate more the token kike or the token nigger. I can't hate the other nigger though because she's actually good

>tfw no gf with long slender beach volleyball body

No wonder, there hips are on muh dick.

They are all old have too. What happened to the days of having a team composed of tight little lolis?

hahaha sorry but no

>old have

*old hags

I know at least one table tennis player is a poo in loo.

and that's not surprising, desu. only Chinks and street shitters play those sports.

white people actually compete in gymnastics.

To be fair, the skill order goes jew > white = midget spic > younger black > Harambe looking one. And that spic is fucking adorable m8

They're all really ugly, man.

damn gymnasts are ugly little hobbits

God you people are fucking pathetic. the literal downfall of humanity on this site, right here. you can watch it before your eyes. Fuck this earth, how did I get put on this rock with a bunch of inbred hateful people like you all? I just don't get it. Sometimes I think this is actually hell, or my version of hell, being in this reality. Or maybe Im some libtard cuck, or whatever you want to call me. Who knows. All I know is I hate this place. I wish it was different. I grew up never knowing this hate, but the internet has really opened my eyes to how much of it exists. Now call me a cuck, you bunch of idiots.

The younger black one is the best female gymnast on the planet. How can you possibly say she's somehow less skilled than THREE of her teammates?

Fucking ignorant.



stop b8ing you stupid nigger you are not getting any (you)s pathetic autist

I don't see a spic, are you sure she's not black?

Even if she's not black she looks more like a mestizo

>implying you wouldn't go on an unexpected journey down her hobbit hole

track and field medals, basketball medals is also 90% niggers gymnastics are 4/5 niggers and jews, nothing representing america is white besides cycling and swimming, soon even if your weightlifters will be niggers

those beach volleyball uniforms are ridiculous.


I actually have a shit load of "good' pictures from a ballerina I dated last year...I'd dump them but not worth going to jail for these days.
Trust me, they are the best to fight with, and then have insane sex with as you throw them all around the bed. By far, best time of your life if you can get one.
Most act very "liberal" in public but behind closed doors like to be treated like a rag doll.

you can leave now.

>gymnastics are 4/5 niggers

Wow, almost enough to count as people!

anyone have the pics of the 3 german, 6 foot 2 blondes in bikinis playing against 2 arabs completely covered from feet to burka? they are funny as shit.
let me look...

here is one...lots of good ones..

don't worry-- soon the german girls will dress this way to so as to keep halal and no give offense and get raped..

>best female gymnast
>doesn't even go for the hard shit, just goes for max points on easy stunts
>still manages to hop on every landing
The jew was consistently doing harder stuff worth more points and blowing her out of the fucking water. Little miss spic-shine is also talented and has the best smile on this world.

A travesty, this was always my favorite event because gymnastics cutie booty. why live...

set up a VPN where you can get the BBC, then you can at least see the Russian girls and other cute Euros the US jews won't show.

You have to be good to get past the DNS settings BBC is putting in, easier to get the CBC (canada) but they have more commercials.


Seems like Sup Forums missed the fucking memo on the 1936 Olympics.

White supremacy BTFO for more than 80 years, you dumb motherfuckers.

I refuse to watch this, get my info from DM. apparently, the land whale tumblrinas were going nuts because some goy called the gymnasts or someone "the girls" rather than "the women."

You can't even get a decent fap to this olympics. When I was 9 or 10, watching female olympic gymnastics was biggest hard on I got.
The Jews are ruining the few normal White males left in this nation.

pssst, I can see your vagina

>White supremacy BTFO

But she's a kike. Shouldn't be fu anything

"dat [disturbing lack of] ass" where can I find one of these ballerinas? Can I mail order one from Russia

>tfw fat peggy is gone forever

Found the kike

actually, the Nazis dominated the medal count:

one jig winning one race doesn't prove anything.

Wow these are legit?

Definitely retarded, but I didn't expect much from Muridumbs.


reverse image search

>Not wanting a /fit girl

Not a jew, but come on you can't say that black chick is anywhere near as good as the jew, the white girl, or the smiling wetback.



Not really desu.


Fast twitch muscle fibers are a hell of a drug.

It's purposely done like that

>yfw jesse owens like Nazi germany better than USA
>tyfw luz long the guy on the right became his friend and gave him tips to eventually win gold
>yfw after the war and Luz was killed jesse owens got his son to put flowers on his grave in germany


Are Slavs white?

most are in jew york city unfortunately, and you you need to have a good job (expect to be used for money, since they earn nothing).
I'm a 5 foot 9 manlet, but gym obsessed and some of them ar eonly 5 foot 1-5 foot 5. Helps to have friends/siblings involved in the arts professionally so you go to parties where they are.

Also dated a korean rocket who was my sisters hair-dresser, cut hair when she wasn't doing the shows from Nov to Jan.

In NYC, they make a lot of money, even a man's haircut is like $85 at a decent place, god knows what a female's is.

So...have a good job, be gym-obsessed ( don't frequent /fit/ here, they suck and have no clue...try somewhere like anabolex if you know nothing about it.

Very fun, but prob not long term relationship material these days. Although who would want to bring a kid into a West that is falling?


korean ROCKETTE, they dance at the Christmas tree lighting and the Rockefeller center Christmas ("holiday") show.
She was hot as fuck, had bigger calves than I do. They have to try out again every year to be a rockette.
Had never dated an asian before, was interesting.

ugh, they look like deformed dwarves

i don't learn from Sup Forums much, but i never knew this and this is amazing.

two white better qualified gymnasts were turned down so that the puerto rican spigger and the niggress in the middle could have their spots on the team.


Black girls winning gold for our country rather than shitting out lil niggers and stripping on poles....

I'm fine with that. Anyone whose not is some weird fuck who loves seeing niggers be niggers. Meaning you love the nigger life and think it should be glorified

Fucking nigger lover

If someone can tell me how to block out a face on a mac, I'll post a few. I know, I'm retarded, but I don't use goybook and have always let GFs handle the picture shit.
Not sure if I even have the tools on my macbook...although apple pciture must have one for what they charge for these fucking things.
Inb4 "mac sucks, huudrr.." yes, then why does every vicious kike on wallstreet and in silicon valley use one?

it's actually amazing to have such an athletic and coordinated female jew. 99% are pic related.

what is her name?¿
t. virgin

those are some ugly mother fuckers

uncle fuckers actually