NatSoc General Threads

Why doesn't Sup Forums have them every day anymore? It's a big part of this board's identity, the heart and soul of Sup Forums..



Because all the people who are intelligent enough to host them and have interesting conversations about NatSoc left. They're all the same images and trolls now.

I agree, we have put pressure on these shills like a soccer mom.

Post your rarest of Hitlers!


They'll be back soon...

Hail Victory


that's not rare tho


I'd say that I'm a white nationalist and sympathize with fascism and National Socialism. But I don't think it's good to fetishize the Third Reich in the way that you guys do in these threads. Even in the most generous historical assessment, Germany committed horrific war crimes and bears much of the responsibility for the war. It would be better to not make the Third Reich an integral part of one's political identity.

>Not drinking tea as a friendly gesture to anglo saxon posters
Hitler is back, love and friendship are on his side

>Germany committed horrific war crimes
Muh six million

>bears much of the responsibility for the war.
Remember that France and England declared war first.




Shills everywhere

I too miss nat soc generals


OP should've used pastebin though
Next time

No, no no. See this is /GOP/ now. Stop with your homophobic and LARPy purity spiraling.

Nazis are just like commies and hate freedom. Freedom to fuck animals and raise transsexual children.

Work has increased plus a couple life events.



Cuckest philosophy ever-the only Nazi who was worth a damn was Hitler and even he was too weak to face reality without an arbitrary set of delusions. As a state apparatus it failed inb4 muh outside aggression-doesnt matter who starts the war it matters who wins. More like the 1000 year kike



He did fix the worst economic crisis in history by subverting the jewish international banks and wallstreet though



You're really missing the good old times, hu?

>the thrilled posture
>the smiling eyes

It's shit like this that keeps me up at night, knowing that he was possibly the last genuine man to rule in our history.

Look at him, he loves these people, he loves his country, everything he did was for them.

>and they loved him too.

They left .
4+Sup Forums now

War crimes by which standard? I agree that the Third Reich should not be fetishized, but for a different reason: they lost.

Hitler build his empire on blame: blame the jews, blame the commies, etc.

The german people, by and large, agreed and kicked out the nasty elements of their society.

They went into the second world war without the excuses of the first world war. And they nearly pulled it off:

We could argue where the fucked up tactically, but the spirit of their movement should be remembered:

Communities belongs to the working man, and every man should be an asset of his community.

I don't agree that nationalism should belong to a race. I think national socialism should draw its principles from the mongols:

Loyalty to your community is absolute. Betrayal= death
Every man has a use, and should be an asset to his community.
Generation of wealth is of utmost importance. Immorality= loss of wealth for the community= death.
Return what is given. As white men, we must understand that there is no labor beneath us, and that anything given, should be returned. We should hold other races to those standards, and judge them by the merits for which they present to the community.

Good times are always here
these people come and go in phases, doesn't matter who's on Sup Forums, just like to dump occasionally

Actually Roosevelt fixed the actual greatest economic crisis in history by killing a fuck ton of Nazis.

You'd think. But that chan has become /donald/ as well.

You'll have to join a forum like Iron March or something if you really want to talk national socialism with people knowledgeable on it.

Have a
on the right

yes, sucks only demonstrations allowed for gay rights and islam these days

I don't love Jews I just hate the state more.

Don't worry. We'll occupy you again soon because we need more Lebensraum for all the fugees ^-^

>Implying you'd occupy us
Hans, for how many hundreds of years how many different empires have tried that now?
You'd tell us our shop would need to pay rent to you, but it would still be our shop, or swamp actually.

I hope they will come back after the election is over.

We should introduce ideas based on the absolute foundation. Friedrich Nietzsche, by making memes about contradictory outlooks presented and brought up in all of the first world societies. Bring about the sunlight in this cave we call Sup Forums, and to outshine the fakes who make the sparks for the false fire, to bring clarity to the beings who move faster than a silhouette and that appear to have concrete wisdom.

Hail victory bros. How you holdin up?

>You'd tell us our shop would need to pay rent to you, but it would still be our shop, or swamp actually.

I love you dutchies.

Would a state that cared about your family and your rights be more amiable to you?

How good is Iron March?

pay respect to the spanish king and sing your national anthem.

However bad the system we still need a system, some kind of law and order must be sustained and role on.
If it's corrupt then you need to deal with that specific problem.
However what are those in the US?
Besides how well insulated they'd be, the fed is basically an institution and the banks have their own private military armies as well as the politicians and every year with every shooting of every minority in particular the 2nd amendment comes again into question.
Eventually there will be a split between the mud races who vote for welfare basically and are only useful idiots to democrats as they are a slave to their own stupidity.
No it will be white America who will stand up and deal with it, however by any means law and order must be sustained,
Being in the US for so long I fully understand this crime ghetto drug lifestyle is something like a cancer that would never be and should never be tolerated in a white society.
>tl;dr remove corruption, parasites and heal society

We tried to have one about an hour ago, but the shills slid it. Nu-pol has been conditioned against natsoc, because the shills are winning

We strictly gas our autists that show up. You'd be amazed how drastically that cuts down on numbers these days. We're the forum that sprang forth National Action in England and a couple other similar groups in Europe. Well. I won't say sprang forth. .we provided a platform of communication and the forbidden texts that the world view of fascism is based on freely in digital format.

That's what we're mostly about. Its not exactly a jumping, active forum because people post mostly when we have something important, profound or informative to say or we've made a great piece of propaganda.

Story of this poster?

German Slavic friendship

But the colors on the helmet insignia? Doesnt really make sense...

How can you boast about great propaganda when you "gas the autists"?

Watch it die all over again.

Autism is an affliction. Not a super power like the alt right would have you believe.

>heheh dude I love facism lmao trample the rights of people I dont like

Maybe it is Russian Nat Soc propaganda.

Because I'm Slavic and offended because hitter hated Slavs

You are stupid


We can't drive anyone away because they have personality flaws.

Why should we turn on our own? I agree discussion should be intelligent but if we model ourselves after Marxist intellectuals, just dicksucking each other's intellects then what will we achieve.



Thanks guys, I just wanted to know you're all still around.. I love that feeling when I say a thread just covered in NatSoc imagery and smart discussion. So much optimism and hope, this is what the movement is all about. God bless you all.

I'm born in the wrong time.

Holy fuck I love hitler now. He predicted what's going on today! I read a quote that said he called us a slave race but after reading what you showed me I saw fuck whatever he said in the past

An open door big tent quickly becomes a crowd of disposable filth. Weak, broken, useless people have little purpose. You have a lot to learn.

Freedom of speech and rights are theoretically guaranteed to everyone and they have every right to use them. But they cant because that guarantee is mostly a lie.
They never guaranteed them in their countries and never claimed to have.

We need to make new pictures

Not sure if b8 or not. You leafs are getting better if it is.

>what is the Russian liberation army
>what is the Ukrainian national comitee
>what are the ustasha
>what ate the chetniks
>what are the thousand of Baltic volunteers
>what are the cossacks

This. Seriously.

We news new propaganda. Any MS paint wizards among us?

We are always born in the best and worst of times, it depends on which characteristic. Just be thankful that our conscience isn't a fruit fly, or worse, a Liberal.


one day at a time, one day closer to vindication

But I thought hitter called us a slave race

Canadians are a slave race



National Socialism was the party of the blue collar worker, the veteran (like Hitler), the architect, the farmer, and the engineer. It didn't have the squabbling such as capitalism does, where labor and management are pitted against each other by banks and politicians, or vice versa. You're doing no one any good by being an autist yourself while deriding others. Nationalism does not belong to only us but every man who loves his nation, his people, and his neighbor.

U gotta learn

lol says the guy that's going to be ruled by hillary clinton

I love this picture. This guy has the same facial structure as me. my father and grandfather.

I still post in Germany No! threads regardless.

Why were nazi's such embarrassing failures, Sup Forums?

natsoc discriminated the idea of nationalism and national states, also killed mah granpas))00000

Shoo shoo smelly jew

LOL would u rather live in todays germany or todays russia? i think u should kill urself schlomo.

This is from the '34 Nuremberg Rally. I recognize those bitches in the fruit hats from Triumph of the Will


>Not believing in Trump


>what ate the chetniks
why are slavshits so illiterate

>Nu-pol has been conditioned against natsoc, because the shills are winning

No, it's because stormfags are idiots who believe in jewish conspiracies when it's obvious that the enemies are women.

>Why doesn't Sup Forums have them every day anymore? It's a big part of this board's identity, the heart and soul of Sup Forums..

Because of pic.
