Homosexuality or (straight) pedophilia?
What is more degenerate?
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A man with a little girl will eventually be like a normal relationship but better because they've been together since she was little.
Fags will just be fags.
Also. Homosexuality. If you married a little girl, she would eventually reach an age where they can reproduce. If a man marries a man, it is for nothing but butt fuckingm
>gay marriage is only for sex
How about for love?
>If you married a little girl
Heeeellllloooooo Mohammed
hurr let's be contrarian and say pedo's are okay and fags aren't
>I have no actual argument
>so I'll just call him a 'slime
Good job.
What isn't okay about liking little girls?
Its true. Historically, pedophilia has been considered fine, while homosexuality was for sickos.
What the fuck is this? Not the picture I uploaded.
I meant to picture of the Working with Lemons girls.
and historically Greek men fucked little boys and kings wore stocking and high heels and now we call them faggots
Pedos don't have a choice; it's just how their brains are wired. Gays have a choice. I was gay at 13 and some of 14 but literally prayed it away.
>homosexuality is bad
>marrying little girls is good
Mohammed detected
>Obviously pedophilia dumbass, because if you're gay at least you're into people similar to yourself. An adult and a child can never have the emotional part of a relationship, because your brains aren't developed enough.
did... did you...
You are using greentext wrong faggot.
Actually I had the strawpoll link at the top highlighted, so when I clicked to reply it automatically greentext'd that, so I removed that but forgot to get rid of the >
>I still have nothing to actually say but I am very mad
Okay, mate.
>little girls are emotionless robits
What, mate?
Mohammed we understand that you're upset about us insulting your heritage, but marrying little girls just isn't okay. If you're gonna immigrate to the US you should learn our customs.
>being a pedo is ok because the girl won't be a child eventually
GTFO pedo
How stupid are you like honestly. What is more degenerate. Newborn puppies. Or webdriver torso
Pedophilia. It's literally trying to fuck a child who hasn't grasped the concept of sex yet. Anyone who disagrees deserves to be hanged
>I had a fucked up childhood and can now speak as an authority on behalf of every homosexual person
I think you mean "most people before 1890".
>there isn't an option for equally degenerate
just pick one faggot
You could go back 50 years and i am sure that people would consider homo sex worse than fucking a young girl.
>marrying little girls just isn't okay
Why not?
No, being a pedo is okay because little girls are hot. A man having a relationship with a little girl is good because eventually she'll grow up and their relationship will be better because she grew up around him.
>who hasn't grasped the concept of sex yet
That's why you teach her.
>a child who hasn't grasped the concept of sex
but they grasp the concept of gender and can changing at will
>when the little girl accidentally kills her her dumbfuck father who thought it was cute to give a deadly weapon to a 6 year old
But the pedophile won't want the girl once she's older. Also, most pedophiles go for boys, just look at the arabs.
That's what he said dumbass
If you look at animals and notice how one animal messes with the offspring of another you will see the parent come in and try to ward off the other animal. It's like that with humans too, you would get your ass handed to ya if you tried to fondle the wrong person's son/daughter.
Which is why i was agreeing with him. You a spick or something?
>Gender is a social construct
>Race is a social construct
>Why not age
>You can't help what you're born attracted to
>OMG you're a pedo, you're a sick fuck.
Mohammud, I think you need to take a deep breath. Repeat after me.
>I will act like a human being
>I will follow Western ideals
Are we good now? I hope you've learned your lesson.
Both are equally bad.
This is a binary system, either something is degenerate, or it isn`t.
Yeah no. You know what it was? It was less pokemon go on the buses and more sucky dick in ymca with 1-5 wives in various houses. No generation has been without faggotry. Not one
>oh no someone disagreed with me i should assume that since they have a contrary opinion to mine, all their opinions must be contrary to mine
Are you sure you don't just like 10 year olds because you're an 11 year old?
yes. My great great grandfather in the early 1900's married a 14 year old girl when he was 25. The marriage turned out fine.
Thats not necessarily making a defense for "pedophilia" or "straight pedophilia". Like fuck that
Nice job trying to make me choose a side, faggot.
I was happy when at the end of the day in Orlando, there were 51 dead faggots, or 51 dead Muslims, which ever you wanna prefer.
Pedophilia is fucking disgusting.
Like no generation has been without pedophilia. The thing is, pedophilia has been accepted for much more of history.
I honestly don't believe the whole "born being a pedo", if it is I'll accept I'm wrong but I feel like a vast majority of pedos are the result of some form of abuse themselves, I unno
>I will follow western ideals
Hello cuck! How are you enjoying all the whore females...
Ugh look at this khazar
>it's bad to teach respect and proper use of firearms from a young age
Fuck off, nogunz faggot.
Well, of course it's wrong to just rape someone's daughter. Sex with a little girl is only okay if it's within marriage, which would require parents permission.
Good job continuing to not actually have anything to say. Accusing the other guy of being a 'slime is a total valid alternative to having an argument to present.
its subjective
Hell nah. Hell. Nah. Only kooks. And when it comes to pedo shit i dont care about history. It's not real love. You know what it's like? Pedophilia is like voting for a crumpled ball of regular 8.5x11 office paper. For president. In ball we trust
I gave both my vote.
What's disgusting about it? Little girls are pretty and good.
Let's be real here Sup Forums. This man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Yeah and homosexuality was cool in the Roman Empire, doesn't mean it's not degenerate.
Pedophilia is all about control just like rape.
Whats wrong with a 41 year old dwarf to go with your 107 year old herbert fat fucken ass
Little girls aren't even developed like wtf. Child molestation is not ok.
Alright so here's why it's wrong to marry a little girl. Kids are fucking retards. You cannot have an emotional relationship with them because they cannot empathize with you. Children are literally the stupidest group of humans. If you're so retarded that you can only connect with a child you should be in a mental hospital.
>Well, of course it's wrong to just rape someone's daughter. Sex with a little girl is only okay if it's within marriage, which would require parents permission.
Literally what mudslimes do
>vitality (isn't that the same as life? "Vita" is Latin for "life"... ) and energy
>spirit and gratitude
HIV via buttsecks will drain all that from you pretty fast.
No point in arguing with them. They are too brainwashed by feminism.
>Little girls aren't even developed
So? What's that have to do with anything?
>Child molestation is not ok.
Using bad words to describe a thing doesn't make it bad. How is it bad for a man to eat out his daughter's kitty? He's not hurting her and she enjoys it.
>Children are literally the stupidest group of humans
What does that have to do with anything?
>if [group x] does y that makes y bad
It's disgusting how pedophiles delude themselves into thinking that having sex with children is ok, children can't feel sexuality. Instead of threating their mental insanity, no, they just try to take pride in it and want everyone to be ok with it. Fuck you pedophiles out there. All you pedophiles have done is cause harm to children and leave their families upset and devastated. This is not fucking normal.
>How is it bad for a man to eat out his daughter's kitty? He's not hurting her and she enjoys it.
Ok, i am an actual pedo and this was too much even for me.
It is bad because that's a fucking tradition in middle eastern countries. You are trying to marry a small child who isn't even old enough to drive yet and somehow that makes it okay so long the parents are fine with it??? Into the gas chamber you go
Fuck you faggot
their both degenerate, implying one is not as bad is how people start accepting it.
Most autistic post in years bud. Fine filtered 15 times in antarctic caves
>children can't feel sexuality
What? Are you saying little girls can't enjoy sexual activity? Because that's very wrong.
Who hurt you, user?
Why? Father/daughter is the purest form of love. He made her and loves her more than anyone else could.
>It is bad because that's a fucking tradition in middle eastern countries
So, things aren't wrong because of actual reasons but because certain people do them is what makes them wrong?
Dwarves. Find adult dwarves. Why do you want to create inbred potato babies? You hate yourself so your copy of yourself needs to suffer. Repent
Not sure if it was the father daughter part so much as how you unironically used the word kitty. The only people i know who use that word are fbi and really old men.
>So? What's that have to do with anything?
Are you seriously this fucking stupid? Don't you realize all the victims of child molestation out there? Don't you realize that some of the kids that dealt with it soon get killed by the pedophile that sexually abused them? How exactly can you say that sexually abusing a child is ok? You'd have to be fucking insane to think that something like that is ok. Seriously, get fucking help or kill yourself ASAP.
Dating a child is degenerate because you cannot have an emotional relationship with children. Are you mentally stupid?
but one IS not as bad dumbass
Goes to show that pedophiles are too fucking stupid, we should get rid of this plague ASAP.
I've known several people that were victims of molestation and sexual abuse as children that ended up killing themselves as adults, men and women. Just because the child doesn't understand the concept of what's going on at the time doesn't mean it won't fuck them up down the line once they understand what happened to them.
At least homosexuality is between two consenting adults. Comparing that to raping children is stupid, even for Sup Forums
The same way you enjoy your goats, Mohammed Ibn Camelfukr
Yes and mudslimes are only a third of an actual human, might as well fuck goats then while you are at it buddy
Rape in general causes mental health problems. But a loving relationship that just happens to have physical bonding will be not only not harmful, but benneficial to a child.
>Why do you want to create inbred potato babies?
What? I didn't say anything about making babby. By time a girl is that old she should be married, not messing around with her daddy.
Oh, well, I like it. You call women's vulvas "pussy" so it's fun to call a little girl's "kitty".
"Dating" in general is wrong. "Dating" is just how sluts justify their sluttery. "Oh, it's okay I sleep around because we're dating".
Sex is only okay within marriage.
>you cannot have an emotional relationship with children
Why not?
This isn't anime. The child won't know whats going on and they'll be very confused. That alone can fuck them up for the rest of their lives.
Children experiment with themselves sexually naturally. It is just something that happens. Little girls will often rub themselves on the edges of tables etc without knowing what they are doing. It is a natural part of growing up.
I can't believe you're this fucking stupid. You have got to be one of the stupidest people alive. Kill yourself now.
Are you not listening? Because children are fucking retarded. Fine, not dating you deflecting faggot. Marriage or whatever the fuck. The only reason you would fall in love with someone is you feel a connection to them, which you cannot feel with a child because children are. fucking. retarded.
>you cannot have an emotional connection with children
Children. Are. Fucking. Retarded. You can't have any more of an emotional connection with a 9 year old than you can with someone with down syndrome.
Don't you know? Little girls are emotionless automatons. They don't feel love or really anything at all. People only develop real emotions when they reach an arbitrary age.
Let me get this straight. Even in a non pedophile context, you cant have an emotional connection with children?
With themselves. Do you not understand the difference between a child discovering their body and an adult taking advantage of them not understanding sex and raping them? You said it yourself. Without knowing what they are doing. One day these children grow up and then understand. Understanding that you were masturbating and discovering you were raped are not the same thing.
People really get ridiculous about this dont they?
But it doesnt have to be rape. A loving relationship will just naturally produce physical bonding. Romantic or non romantic.
It's rape because the child literally does not understand what is being done to their body. They have no context for it. Have you ever even spoken to a survivor of childhood sexual abuse? One day it finally clicks and it fucks you up for life.
Absolutely. The only reason people put up with children is because they're someone's child, they're getting paid for it (teachers), or it makes them feel better about themselves.
Not to mention the fact that children are programmed to instinctively follow directions of adults because they rely on them for survival. Children eagerly go along with a lot of things without knowing the consequences, especially adults that are an authority figure in their lives. Their brains aren't even close to fully developed, they can't make decisions the way adults can. That's why they can't take out loans, have credit cards, vote, and their parents have control over their health and education to a certain age.
If a stranger pulls up in a van and offers a child candy, and the child goes along with it, they child was still kidnapped. It didn't matter that the kid fell for the trick and "agreed." It's the same thing with having sex with a child. It's rape.
I voted for pedophilia but it depends on what your definition of pedophilia is, sexual acts with prepubescent children or this pseudopedophilia statutory rape crap as defined by redneck baptists.
>these results
Newfags everywhere
In homosexuality both persons having sex are degenerate. In pedophilia one the adult is degenerate. Hence pedophilia is less degenerate.
Pedos 1 : Homos 0