If Trump lost the election to Hillary on Nov. 7th, What would the Sup Forums front page look like?
If Trump lost the election to Hillary on Nov. 7th, What would the Sup Forums front page look like?
Sup Forums harbor 2.0
9/11 x 10000
Those who didnt commit suicide will pretend they never supported him in the first place.
Just like what happened with Romney.
>when peaceful revolution is made impossible.
"If"? lol. I think you mean "when".
Its going to be worse than it was that 2012 I'll guarantee you that.
>Sup Forums BFTO
>You should have given me the delegates Donald
>Sup Forums on suicide watch
>Nov. 7th
Election is Nov 8th dumbass
It would be the biggest shitshow on Sup Forums ever. I truly hope I never have to see that day. I really would like to see the great celebration if Trump wins.
Ideally? CTR gloating and shills high fiving as the sound of gunfire and explosions comes from outside.
in a nutshell
The mods will lift GR15 from Sup Forums for a day or two.
>front page
leddit is this way -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=======DD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O:
Every thread will have 1 reply
People from all boards are going to come here to shitpost and laugh at us.
Not too different than it looks now. Seems most of the Trumpfags have been run away with their tail in their legs.
I don't want her to win, but I'm not too optimistic about him being able to win.
I'll probably be buying some lower receivers for AR-15's.
Not too different than it looks now. Seems most of the Trumpfags have been run away with their tail in their legs.
>$0.05 has been deposited to your Correct The Record account.
You mean, page 1 of Sup Forums is composed of almost entirely Trump related threads?
You copypasted.
>0.02$ will not be deposited in your account. The CTR does not thank you for your laziness.
I'm sorry, ma'am. Show me on the doll where the bad man triggered you.
>the celebration
God damn this so much. I want a right wing prez victory so bad. Pol needs to be around for the next one.
Not if, WHEN. People will shitpost until the end of the year, Sup Forums will never be the same. Maybe this board will die, since most Sup Forumstards are in delusion right now and will probably commit suicide when he loses.
I'm watering at the mouth for a republican president.
Here's to a celebration in a few months.
Can't he just drop out? Can't we coronate Hillary today? I can't wait anymore.
>implying this is a Clinton vs. Trump election and not a Clinton vs. Ted election
It would be full of racewar loadouts and guerrilla warfare tactics.
That sounds kinda fun actually. I could go either way in this election
It's not going to be like ripping off a bandaid, it's going to be like having a bandaid ripped off everyday for the next 4 years.
identical to how it looks now
99% Hill Shill threads with no content
1% actual threads discussing anything relevant.
A bunch of "TRUMP BTFO AHAHAHAHAH!" threads.
"Hurr the elections were rigged durr"
The united States is on schedule to fall, and now the door has been permanently shut.
If whites can't do it now, then it'll never happen and America will look like Brazil shortly.
Trump was a long shot anyway and he had to immediately act on his promises if we wanted to right the ship, he might not have fixed every problem, but he had a forest gump sense for what the problems where, but if Clinton wins it'll be a one party state for a long time and even though we still might get some bits of technological change that will improve our life, however ultimately life in America might become a little more miserable.
It's incredibly hard to reverse the decline of an empire, so it would be the historic norm for us to continue on that path.
It's gonna be 90% trumpets shouting about the election being "rigged"
Unusable, much worse than the height of CTR shilling a few days ago
What exactly was the first Sup Forums harbor? I don't know much about it other than it being a massive raid.
Just like Romney, and McCain
fuck off CTR jew
I will create thread with this image probably.
Mad World and Hurt played on loop.
Im in Charge now
the old owner of the site got pissed because he was called a cuck by Sup Forums (he really was) so he played a bunch of cuck porn audio on the front page of Sup Forums and removed all captcha, posting limits, and mods so Sup Forums got completely raided by every board on the site
404 page not found
Or was there someone else I'm completely unaware of? I thought we only ever had moot and hiroshima
Within a few days of a Hillary "victory," I will probably start preparing move to Asia or some Pacific island.
As a white male, I will have no reason to live in this country anymore. America will be dead. Hillary will be the final nail in the coffin.
Let it all burn and get comfy while watching the race war and destruction of my country on HD streams.
come home
>oh no someone disagreed with me, they must be getting paid to do so!
Btw I am Jewish but I'm poor as fuck, sorry if that breaks your fragile worldview :)
Moot was truly a master ruseman, this site's not the same without him
Post pics of nose as proof
good, go away.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Maybe. It's contingent on Brexit actually happening though.
If Hillary gets elected and Brexit goes through, Britain will end up being the new superpower in 10 years as America crumbles.
Man, I should really rewatch Children of Men. Fuckin amazing cinematography
>trip 6's
>accurate appraisal
This user is right. If Hillary wins the door is shut and America will be on a permanent decline. I would predict that sooner or later America will dissolve into multiple states, maybe along the lines of the existing 50, maybe something different.
This is not one nation any longer. And the groups trying to share this land are only moving farther and farther apart.
I wish I was here when the internet was chaotic and messy.
>you will always be a new-fag
>durr you should stay and fight for your country!
Why would you fight for a country that doesn't want you? They're shipping in spics by the million, and if Kerry gets his way, we'll get 10 million "refugees" soon too.
Nobody would care.
Sup Forums would implode and become even gayer than reddit.
Donald Trump said that the public would never ever see him again if he lost this election. I could not live with this.
It would be the end, my friend...
I didn't come here much, but people actually thought Romney and McCain would win? Why?
Trump won't take a loss and he won't let Hillary beat him. He'll blow it up. He'll openly signal assassinations and insurrections. He can lose the election and still win.
>I'm Jewish
>I'm poor as fuck
>I'm black
>I'm really intelligent
>I'm Elton John
>I'm straight
>I'm Obama
>I'm American
>If Trump lost the election to Hillary on Nov. 7th, What would the Sup Forums front page look like?
>What would the Sup Forums front page look like?
>Sup Forums front page
>front page
GTFO of my board you reddit cuck imposter. Shills everywhere need to take a trip to the gas chambers or play soccer on the highway.
hope you get raped.
Nobody thought McCain would win.
But Romney was winning up until the last 2 weeks before the election before he randomly disappeared from the public eye, made no appearances and basically gave up.
There will be a lot of butthurt and anger. Cruz cucks will return from exile. "I told you so" posts everywhere. "RUBIO 2020" will start popping up.
you missed out m8. People have hyped up Sup Forums to be some SUPER SECRET CLUB for non-normies, but Moot was just a chill introvert who liked anime and jokes.
Pre-/news/ Sup Forums was golden age. Now it's filled with even bigger faggots.
All the little men talking tough from behind their keyboards are going to hide come November.
Enjoy all your big boy talk abut what "we" are going to do and how "we" are going to hang liberals.
You're not going to do that.
You're going to do what you always do: fail at life and be sad.
You're going to wish you were dead after eight years of her. Enjoy World War III when her highly unstable cunt takes office.
Honestly I've started buying up ammo already. Not because I think there will be a revolution. But as a Legal immigrant I think I will be targeted by dumb ass Sup Forums tier retards. I'll be voting for Johnson but I will protect my self my parents and my property
It'll be worse than 2012. Much worse. Trump drones are the most blue pilled faggots I've ever seen on this board. They literally have scripts to hide anti-Trump threads that might trigger them and disregard any facts against Trump as made up by paid shills.
I honestly think a couple people will literally suicide when Clinton is pushing Georgia and Arizona election night. Not because Trump lost, but because of the realization that they were dumb enough to get played for 18months by a reality TV star celebrity billionaire, the realization that they are just another dumb as fuck gullible poorfag with no purpose in life after Trump lost.
I still don't get why people thought Goldman Sachs Mormon was going to beat Goldman Sachs nigger.
I will seriously spiral into a huge depression. Not even joking, Sup Forumstards. We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to turn this country around...and it might slide right through our fingers....
American Sup Forumstards looking for a "based" country to immigrate to.
Pretty ironic.
>Enjoy World War III when her highly unstable cunt takes office.
More drama from a silly little manbaby.
Clinton is the stable one.
Trump is the thin-skinned fool who can't ever resist the bait.
Thank god the piece of shits gone.
Please, Trump supporters will never wake up
Because going into it, Obama had like a 35% approval rating.
Romney was supposed to win easily.
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I thought there was like CP and lots of raids and happening.
I started Sup Forums over a year ago, but even then Sup Forums was full of Twitch raids and Sup Forumsrad and Lani.
I'm on Sup Forums now because Sup Forums now consists almost entirely of cancerous normie memes and porn.
I actually miss funny banana.
We're fucked. It's pretty much guaranteed she has the presidency. How do we survive? America as we know it is over.
if we don't activate conversions en masse it's going to be a supreme court shitshow just like Bush Gore
Obvious shills are obvious
Like any of the other faggots running were good. TRUMP 2016 faggot, don't give a shit if he loses either.
I dunno what the page would look like, but I do know what soundtrack would be appropriate to listen to when it all went down.
Same. Trump is the only one who can tear down this corrupted system. If he loses, it's game over. We will never get a shot again outside of a 2nd revolution and if it gets that bad, it will be too late.
Shit was rigged though. It wouldn't have mattered anyways. Romney would have done the same shit Obama pulled except without all the racial division shit.
Same with rmoney eleciton, silence and lack of conservative posters for few days and then blatant denial
>it was newfags and summerfags who supported him
>I knew he was going to lose anyways
>Sup Forums supported garry johnson
You absolute moron. WWIII or something equal will happen if Clinton is elected. Her foreign policy and how she handles world events is proven to be terrible. There will be more proxy wars that eventually lead to a big one. But whatever. I am sure she will win. I will love seeing numales that voted for her get shipped off to war.
Holy shit kill yourself and never post again.
t. Someone who's been here since Cracky-chan.
It's November 8th actually m8.
Basically a total shitstorm of liberal/sjw/muslim/mexican non-stop gloating. American posters will permanently lose status on Sup Forums and will join the ranks of Sweden, Germany and Canada in the League of Cucks.
If Trump wins there will still be lots of shitposting but nothing compared to the collective mental breakdown Twitter, Reddit and Tumblr will have.
No idea, but I won't be on Sup Forums I'll be on /k/
>pretty much guaranteed she has the presidency
nothing is guaranteed, but you're fucked no matter who wins, thats true of every election
these things are crafted to be divisive intentionally, nobody is allowed to take the easy move and say shit that will unite everyone, because thats bad for rule and empire