Other urls found in this thread:
He deleted his campaign
>looks at trump's polling numbers
That's not "How is cyberbullying even a thing?"
>uses Farage reaction pics
>anti Trump
Does not compute.
Oh hi CTR.
all this shilling is having the opposite effect
even better.
Let's be real here Sup Forums. This man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
where's his tax returns?
Belongs in jail? For what? Don't you need to be convicted of a crime? Or are you just a liberal fascist trying to start concentration camps for the white race?
Do you think you shills will survive the civil war? That you'll recede safely back into society once the anger of the people subsides?
We'll find you.
Wtf do shills use cute white grill reaction pics, when you openly campaign for the shitskin niggification of all future born children?
>racist pig
you know a lot of those early presidents were fond of beating their slaves to death before engaging in white sex
Oh fuck man why this obvious shillinf is even allowed here
You can see it from miles.
Also if i work a CTR will i get so many proxies to shitpost too?
who is the semen demon
thanks for the laugh
Oh look.A leaf.Nice red leaf we have here.
+0.02 shill monies.Keep it up good goi!
its funny because trump wants to leave NATO and become friendly with Russia which would make your country 100x more vulnerable
Scared? i be if I were such a retrad
If Hillary can delete all those emails surely Trump can delete one Twitter account. Come on!
It's also the best advice anyone could give to Trump. Just delete your account and stop tweeting. Everything you say is being used against you, so stop saying things.
Trump is too stupid to understand this.
Yeah im absolutely terrified that a no name ''''pollster'''' has made '''''unbiased'''' results that favor trump whenever every single reputable pollster has said the opposite.
looks like
It aint my country.Something habbenz?I still have money from IT field to leave any time I want.I invested in gold.If war breaks out,aint gonna be a hero.
Thing is i support Trump because he speaks my kinda racist and scared mind.But I am not racist.Im just aware of cultural differences.And thing is I propably move to USA,so aint havin a problem hier.
>Cheki Breki!
>I am of shitposting for motherland!
>anything that doesn't show trump winning isnt reputable
dude, ive seen your comment copy and pasted in almost every thread today. Fuck off shill.
>anything that shows trump losing is reputable
Wtf drumpf btfo
Which is every single reputable pollster, even the right leaning ones like rassmussen that will give the benefit of the doubt to the republican candidate
Yes clearly she was just trying to help the poor goyim, she obviously wasn't mimicking her sjw base, and had no intelligent response. Good catch user.
But rape enabling, war-mongering, Killary does?
Jesus you shills are turning this place into nigger twitter
>post convention wave is cited when trump led hillary but not vice versa
damn, she even stole bernies twitter bantz.
How can tweets be real if...
>belongs in jail
You mean hillary right? Trump hasn't broke the law.
Good advice, Hitlary has experience with deleting I heard.
What a cheeky leaf
>people on nazi board paid to support right-winging authoritarian candidate
Sounds like a good use of money
>where's his tax returns
He's under an audit.
delete your thread.
Trump was leading by like 1.5% max. Hillary is leading by almost 8%. Also, trump's lead only lasted a few days before he managed to fuck it up. Hillary's has broken at all, in fact it has kept rising every day
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
meant for
that pasta
not just any leaf
the ultimate leaf
>a leaf and a knock off pakistani shilling for Clinton
what the fuck does that have to do with the post you responded to?
I copied the wrong post
you fuckers are so paranoid. anytime someone compliments me you go full autist
Wasn't written by Hillary
You read her emails? The most she can type is "pls print"
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
is this the right image?
Trump is unsuitable for president. I'm glad I'm now voting for Gay Johnson.
Where are the e-mails ?
Where are the news about the resignations of the DNC leadership ?
Where are the bernouts who were left in the cold during the DNC so they wouldn't protest over a rigged campaign ?
What kind of deal or dirt does HRC have on Bernie ?
Where is the outrage over donations made to her campaign/foundation from Arabic countries ?
Where is the uranium she sold the russians ?
Where are the numerous women who made rape allegations towards Bill Clinton ?
Why is a member of the Secret Service carrying a syringe with him ?
Why is she always having blank moments during speeches ?
Help me here CTR friends and awnser these questions you are trying so hard to obfuscate.
>the quantifiable media bias has no bearing in this
alright, i see there is no point using facts or logic when debating trumpkins. have fun with your delusion
You say that like its a bad thing
You flat out copy and pasted this in another thread earlier
I award you no shekels, and may God have mercy on your soul
Cool so finally you can get the fuck off you my board?
Exactly, there's no point. At least they have a safe space in /poll/
>I'm set aback with proof of institutionalized corruption
>my reaction is textbook leftist redirection
>your board
Where the fuck are Trudeaus?
Running the fucking economy into the ground
Might as well cite alex jones you fucking tinfoil
Actually it would force other countries to grow balls and defend themselves
Why do you consider it a good thing to be dependent on the US for protection?
hard to believe that anyone would pay for these shills - weak
>"he" says with textbook leftist redirection
I agree it's time that Trump release his tax returns and his emails. We need to see his dealings with Russia.
How can telling off one family of goat fuckers damage your polls this much especially since most Americans seem to at least distrust the rats? Especially since he's said many """mean""" things before against much more well liked groups
Hmm. Something doesn't add up...