Its scary how many comparable things the movie 1984 has with the current american government, the clintons and the mainstream media.
Thought police disguised as political correctness, manipulation of news, political assassinations, everything.
And the people gobble it up.
Its scary how many comparable things the movie 1984 has with the current american government...
Shoo shoo trumpshill
Not an argument.
Don't forget to tune in to ClintonNewsNetwork for your daily two minutes of hate, citizen.
our country really is 3rd world tier in politics
>$2 billion in donations from foreign countries and corporations
>shown that she rigged her primary
>supported every war and shitty trade deal ever
>still in the lead
>>still in the lead
According to rigged polls.
>Not an argument
Not an argument
$0.5 have been deposited into your account.
>Thanks for of record korrecting, comrade. 0.15 rubles are to mailings of your account. Дo cвидaния!
See I can do it too. And unlike CTR, there's actual evidence that you might actually be a Russian Trump shill.
$0.5 have been deposited into your account.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail. .
$0.5 have been deposited into your account, thanks for correcting the record.
Our dear leader Hillary Clinton appreciates your efforts.
Thanks for of record korrecting, comrade. 0.15 rubles are to mailings of your account. Дo cвидaния!
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
$0.5 have been deposited into your account, thanks for correcting the record.
Our dear leader Hillary Clinton appreciates your efforts.
Thanks for of record korrecting, comrade. 0.15 rubles are to mailings of your account. Дo cвидaния!
$0.5 have been deposited into your account, thanks for correcting the record.
Our dear leader Hillary Clinton appreciates your efforts.
This is how the world ends, not with a bang, not with war.
With applause and then a confused whimper.
They all deserve what's coming.
Justice Kennedy was quoting a Senator, and not favorably:
>Whether spoken with concern or pride, it is unfortunate that our legislators have reached the point of declaring that, when it comes to apportionment, “ ‘We are in the business of rigging elections.’ ” J. Hoeffel, Six Incumbents Are a Week Away from Easy Election, Winston-Salem Journal, Jan. 27, 1998, p. B1 (quoting a North Carolina state senator).
>the movie 1984
Never heard of that one. Have you seen the movies War and Peace or Oliver Twist?
How is this not an insult to all of the past presidents?