How fucking long does it take to get rid of pec fat and lovehandles?

How fucking long does it take to get rid of pec fat and lovehandles?

This shouldn't be fucking possible why does it take so long

never user i'm 6'0 135 lbs and i still have them

What the hell do you have zero muscle mass? Post pic

I'm not posting pics on Sup Forums, probably my 1rm curl is like 88 lbs

Do push-ups and not those pussy half done ones where you lean your waist, keep your body straight and go all the way

I am flat benching 195lbs x3 right now but I still have fat on my tits despite it coming off everywhere else I'll have abs soon before the pec fat is gone

>pec fat
That's gyno, son.

You can't target fat, bro.
Okay, you definitely have gyno.

That’s pretty good desu. Have you ever tried doing body weight? I only do push-ups and got rid of my pec fat in 3 months.

Dyel, noone cares what their 1rm curl is lol

Yeah you can’t target fat but isolating your muscles and focusing on them will make the muscles you isolate bigger and it will balance with the fat. I can do 300 push-ups per set and my pecs look shredded even though the rest of my body is pretty meh

I dont think it's gyno but I do have slightly puffy nips

I do banded pushups sometimes as a t3

You have gyno, user. Feel your tiddies, if you feel some sort of lump in there, it's gyno.

Don't really feel anything senpai is it suppose to be hard in the nipple area?

It’s just chest fat. Gyno isn’t super common. I mean it’s a possibility but I doubt it

Press your hands flat against your nipples and feel around with your nipples. Do you feel like pad of something moving under there different from the rest of the fat?
If he's having such difficulty with his tits that he's not losing fat in that area as he says, I'd imagine it'd be gyno.

>tfw i have unbelievably great physical appearance body genetics when lifting regularly
>tfw I was absolutely shredded in college cuz dedication to workout routine

>mfw i'm 27 now and too lazy to work out anymore because work and other responsibilities and have become skinny with my leftover frame.

Gyno is something that people with hormonal issues have, if he can bench 80 kg then I think his test is ok

Not really dude I think it may just indeed be stubborn pec fat.

People often develop it in highschool though and it doesn't go away for some. Plus it's not even your test but your estrogen level isn't it?

You can lift heavy and still have gyno. 80kg isn't impressive for a bench.

testosterone will naturally block the effects of estrogen if you have it in normal amounts, gyno is a low test issue

I woke up one day and now I'm fat.

How do I get a flat stomach?

Eat less and exercise.

Then why do steroid users get gyno? They have skyhigh levels of testosterone by your logic it should just "block" it.

Obviously there's more to it like prolactin and shit.

Eating along with fapping is how I cope.

I wonder, why do I want to get skinny if even when I was skinny I could not get gf?

Maybe your body wasn't the reason you could not get a gf. There maybe have been other reasons at play.

if you have too much testosterone it can convert into estrogen, hormones are real fucky.

>I wonder, why do I want to get skinny if even when I was skinny I could not get gf?
I dunno. Why do you think we care?

What is the difference from prolactin-caused gyno then?

i'm not a gyno expert but prolactin probably suppresses testosterone production, it's just one cause of low test

No it's not. I've had manboobs my whole childhood, lost weight, gained muscle and now my pecs look fine.

Maybe that wasn't gyno dumbass? Gyno is literally breast tissue you cant do anything about once developed.

I know what gyno is, and unless you are in a lean state you can't tell. I'd say if you have good visible abs and still a fat lump then yes you have gyno. But if you are still a bit chubby then its probably just fat.