
>Not getting tanned

It's summer, motherfucker
Only redpilled men and women get tanned, beta nu-male cucks with bad genes stay pale skinned in summer

No excuse

>B-but I'm white as fuck, I can't get a tan

Bullshit, you just have shit genetics or are to lazy and degenerate to go to beach
I know plenty of white as fuck people, many of them Americans, who achieve a tan in summer. Even gingers
>Pic related, even God Emperor Trump is part of the tanned master race

Don't tell me to tan you dirty third world mexican

I didn't know brown people got tans. How does that work for you?

>Bad genes

Fuck off Pablo.

Fucking mexican fuck telling white people to get tanned. Go eat some donkey meat burritos you retarded fuck.

I did a little tanning. Never tanned before and was always called Casper and stuff. Used a little banana boat spf 4 and tanned about 30 mins per side for a few days. Got a nice little tint. Not brown just that Aryan gold color.

fuck off you mexican, were like trump and put spray tan on year round

the sun ages you dumbass

Pale skin > tan skinned

enjoy those wrinkles

Normie privilege is getting a tan

Have an upvote freindo.

Found the basement ape

>Only redpilled men and women get tanned, beta nu-male cucks with bad genes stay pale skinned in summer
Lol nope. Sounds like work class problems.

>having a tan
Enjoy shitty genes dumbass degenerate you beta by male cuck

No one on earth did that

You are working class

>Found the beaner that works 16 hours a day on the field in the sun and now thinks he's a hollywood star with a nice tan. Desperatly trying to be tan is a lower class thing. Sorry to tell you Paco.

Pic related.

>Tfw legit can't tan because you're a ginger

How do fellow gingers cope

my skin is not the tanning type. I'm not pale but I'm not tanned. I'm just stuck in the middle

whites don't tan and browns are always tanned.

Femanon here. The true redpill about tanning is that it ages your skin. Young teenage girls tan not because it's sexy but b/c it makes them look older. Ask any highschool boy what kind of girl they would like to date, and more than half the time they'll say a college girl. Tanning shows the girl has matured her body and is signaling guys she ready for babies.

actually mexicans do everything to stay as white as possible because they judge each other on how spanish they look

>Geting tanned for summer.

Only the flamboyant metrosexual gayboys of /fit/ should worry about getting tanned or working out for aesthetics.

Being redpilled has nothing to do with that.

Build wall, paco.

>laughing Iberian

Tanning is for poor brown people

Thats retarded.

People tan in usa to imitate wops in mafia movies.

The Iron Duke was one badass dude.

The sun will fuck your skin up m8. Enjoy your cancer.

I honestly find the right side of the image more attractive.

Top tier Hollywood actors like Tom Cruisie, Brad Pitt and Robert Downey jr tan

Billonaires like Trump, the Hilltons and Giorgio Armani tan

Enjoy your vitamin D deficiency

If you put some self-tanner you could tan

If you have naturally fair skin as a woman, tanning is degenerate. Pale skin, so long as it isn't pastey, is always more attractive. It's like long hair vs short; girls with short hair CAN be attractive, but they look better with long hair.

Sorry you got shitty RNG at birth, Mexicuck.

In the middle ages, fair skin was a sign of royalty, for not having to work outside.

Moving into the 21st century, being tanned/bronzed is the sign of upper income brackets, as you are able to vacation, or tan at the country club in the pool or the golf course.

Tans are gross.

It's not like getting in the sun some days a year will fuck you up


only if you put the cancerous creamy jew on your skin

>tfw ginger
>tfw live in a desert for 8 years and only have a slight tan

Fuckin knew it.

Tanning is still something poor people do because they can't afford spray-tan / airbrush or don't have pristine white skin.

Tans are for poor people.


My skin is so tan right now I look like I'm half spic.

Pale is better

>never tanned call Casper and stuff
>little banana boat spf 4
>nice little tint
>not brown, just Aryan Gold.

Could you be anymore of a faggot?
There are 10 year old girls who don't sound this soft.

>why aren't you out getting vague short term benefits by doing horrible long term damage to your skin?
I like not having leather for skin or cancer, thanks.

> Only redpilled [...] women get tanned
But I like pale freckled girls. Now what?

>tfw wop
>tan as a beaner in the Summer, White as porcelain in Winter
the ride never ends

Agreed. Pale goes so much better with black

>not wearing sunscreen every day

Enjoy your premature ageing skin. Not worth looking like shit at 40 for a temporary tan. No sun here anyways so no worries

try looking at that cunt without makeup on

miss my tan tbhnest
how some of you palefags can't tan even when in tropical weather is beyond me.

Yup, that's me...

Tan skin is hideous and an emulation of disgusting shitskins. The tanner a woman is, the more of a turn-off it is. God intended the superior race to be pale-skinned.


Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

no thanks, don't want skin cancer

> willingly making yourself darker
> getting skin cancer
> becoming more nigger like

I guess you're one of those mexican intellectuals i heard about right?

who is this demon? (looks young)



slouching toward degeneracy

who /moles/ here

I've got around 100 all over my entire body, and I'm too afraid to go outside and get even more moles, so I use fake tan.

nice try pedro. did you know skin cancer rates have been on the rise for many years. did you also know its not just whites who suffer from skin cancer. even dark black people can get skin cancer

"you need to stay inside. close the blinds and put on some spf 5k lest clear light judge you harshly"~the dalai lama

your burning your skin


Lol fuckin homos, tanning is for women and faggots. The only tan a white man should have is a farmer's tan. Your ass and thighs should be as white as rice on a paper plate with a glass of milk in a snowstorm.


>too afraid
Do you have moles on your vagina, too?

A filthy coalburner

fucking beaner trying to get the white world to be tanned degenerates like you retards

I just go red when sunbathing.

I don't tan unless I sit in the sun for 12 hours

He tried to be cool
But he got reked in the end


>Tan one summer
>3 girls throw themselves at me

Degenerate and I'd call it semi-rape but doesn't Sup Forums know white girls are magnetically attracted to darker skin?

>white-tan master race checking in

OP's pic has got nothing on this contrast

Doesn't matter fuck off

>pale cave dwelling NEET detected

I'm lucky. Even when I stay inside a lot, my skin only gets to a point of having a kind of olive color. I'm half spic and half Irish.

I've been outside for the past couple of weeks fuck off

I never saw pale as bad anyway just not extreme pale