First results in Wisconsin are in

Paul Ryan: 1,180 votes (90.5%)
Paul Nehlen: 124 votes (9.5%)

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Why is Wisconsin so full of cuckservatives?

Paul Ryan: 10,006 votes (89.7%)
Paul Nehlen: 1,149 votes (10.3%)

Precincts Reporting 62.2%
Total Votes 11,155

Well that's extremely disappointing.

Wheres the proof dude

trump endorsed ryan so he wins

trump should of never endorsed this weasel

What did you think was going to happen?

>Wheres the proof dude

Paul Ryan: 19,683 votes (85.0%)
Paul Nehlen: 3,483 votes (15.0%)


Holy shit lol

>They're not voting for the candidate internet neo-nazis support

>REEEEEE fucking KEKservatives!!!

Trumpf btfo

Where can I watch them live?

really would be a miracle if the neo-con purge of the RNC were completed with this, but will never happen, that place is too full of cucks.

I can't believe anyone would vote for that flaming queer

>Globalist wins

You would think the local GOP base would see all the shit Ryan pulled and vote against him.

That's right. Trump bent the knee and Ryan still won in a landslide. Based!

He's a true conservative

>Why is Wisconsin so full of cuckservatives?

Too close to Canada.

As with JUSTin Trudeau, they love their brainless pretty boys.

20000 votes is not a landslide

Trump endorsed him, Justin.

wisconsin hate threads when? hope those cheeseniggers get a mouth full of yellowstone eruption

Would have been great, but we all knew it wouldn't happen. Hell, more than half of Sup Forums is cucked. Why would you expect half of wisconsin to not be?

Everyone knows Nehlen is the real Trump candidate.

Wisconsin's going blue this year.

Where's your god now Trumpfags?

Out of 21000, yeah it is.

its a republican primary for a seat that represents 400k people only

They rigged it



Paul Ryan is a fucking legend. I don't know where all this hatred has come from (not from Wisconsin obviously) but you can go back to where you came.

I predicted 45% but I guess I'll have to settle for 55%,

jesus, the more I see of this guy the less I like him

Are you this delusional or just a fucking retard?

83:17 is a blowout.

It's where Swedes settled down when they came here. No joke, Swedes and their descendants are all cucks of one variety or another.

he's a fucking legendary faggot

God this is pathetic. At least put up a fight WI.




Are you retarded?

Trump was pretty much forced to endorse this cuckservative prick.

I feel bad the Nehlen, though I don't know much about him. The fix was in.

20k for 400k population is nothing, it just show that trump seriously lacks a grassroots movement

Venezuelan Education.

what is wrong with people that they vote for paul ryan or hillary

mind you the only person paul ryan lost to is obama

the us is fucked. we need to start a separate country

hey, fuck you. Also, Ryan doesn't cover my district so I couldn't vote against him.

If Wisconsin goes blue it's because of all those retarded liberal fucks in Madison and all the niggers in Milwaukee/Racine/Kenosha. Death is better than what they deserve.

They're too far north. They have yet to experience the redpilling of cultural enrichment.

The majority of Wisconsin is made up of descendants of Germans. Swedes aren't even in the top five.

nice ID

Goes blue, like we aren't blue already. I don't think we've voted red in a presidential campaign in god knows how long.

That would be Minnesota and he Dakotas, Wisconsin is german

This. Former French colony states are always cucked.

thats minnesota you retard

Turnout usually is not high and this was a republican primary for registered republicans only. So 20k votes is quite a lot.

Blow. Out.

Nehlen was a real statesman about it all. He said he understood what Trump had to do and supported the decision.

How do you have internet? Aren't you commies starving?

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

The asshole cheesedicks are dazzled with a WI yahoo being #3. They are more concerned with their rep, being #3 in the chain of command than the greater good of the nation as a whole. And from what I gathered, Ryan doesn't even bring that much pork back to WI.

I've always said America's voters have been a detriment. They usually claim they don't like the direction the country is going, but they will double down on the status quo. I thought Minnesotans were pieces of shit, but cheesedicks quite possibly could stink even more.

Pathetic excuse of a Midwestern state!


CTR needs new attack lines.


Most poor people are, serves them right cuz they were the most lefties class :^)




Go north of Madison and it's all Trump banners and signs. I haven't seen a Hillary or Sanders sign north of DeForest.

You're forgetting all the Polacks from Milwaukee, back when it was white and a city of industry instead of black and a small version of Chiraq.

Based Wisconsin Germans.They're taking revenge on America for the wars .

Found the assblasted Vikings fan

Ryan doesn't cover my district - if he did, I'd have voted against him. Fuck him and fuck Janesville too.

>the candidate internet neo-nazis support
Kikes always use either a scandinavian nation or south africa. They won't use israel.
Believe it or not Hymie, we as a nation are broke. Some of us tired of giving jews billions and billions per year (and they want a huge increase this year!) while fighting endless jew wars against sand niggers.

Neo-cons are finished.. The game is up Shlomo. the goyim know.

Wisconsin is full of Germans, and Swedes.

I had a talk with a family member in Wisconsin back in 2012.

All they said was "I'm afraid Romney will take away my benefits, otherwise I would vote for him."

Literally, ultra cucks.

Holy shit, this man is not suitable for the role of Speaker of the House. He is a fanatic and a loyalist cunt, and his darkness belongs in jail!

I am shocked. Who in the RIGHT mind would vote for globalist ass-hole scum-bag Ryan??? He HATES America, HATES Americans, and is an Obama lover. I hate Wisconsinites now. They suck. You idiots. Enjoy your globalist diversity lives. Thanks for ruining America.



But what are the unskewed votes?

>Wisconsin is full of Germans, and Swedes.
They should feel much shame. They just helped destroy America. Ryan is a globalist scum-bag who loves Obama and hates America and Americans. Idiot Wisoncinites.

the right man for the job is winning

flatlanders btfo

How is that possible? Are all Wisconsin people brain-dead, or just all commies?? (I guess that is one and the same.)

Literal proof people don't know what socialism is.

True patriots always win. Why have you mental midgets not realized,
> You have no power here!
Nehlen and his wannabe Trump platform BTFO!

Paul Ryan is bad, but the people who vote for him holy shit how fucking cucked must they be

>True patriots
What has Ryan done to be called a "true patriot"????

maybe you should leave the echochamber once in a while


This so much.

His first act as Speaker was to give Obama a blank check. What a faggot he is but what mega-faggots they are

What is that supposed to mean? Ryan is a commie, a globalist. He hates American, hates Americans, and loves Obama. Prove me wrong. Tell me one thing he did for America and Americans that benefited us and not the illegals or globalists. I will wait.


Name one thing that Paul Ryan has done for the average American who elected him

For one thing, he hasn't succumbed to the bigotry of the Trumpublicans who stand in opposition to the words of our Founding Fathers who reckoned that "all men are created equal...And are endowed by the creator with certain inalienable rights...among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

>prove me wrong

He has never ever said one single thing to indicate that he is a communist.

My parents and I voted Nehlen. Literally no one else was even at the voting center. Honestly I don't think very many people knew about it.

social security is a kike socialist scam.

Wanting no borders and an influx of illegals is communism. Globalists are communists. Wake up.

Answer the question. What has Ryan actually done to benefit the Americans who live in Wisconsin and voted for him?

I literally came here to post this. What the fuck is going on with Wisconsin lately? Paul Ryan is a human abomination.

It was already answered - Swedes and Germans.

Any area not dominated by WASPs is cuckland.

I'm not fucking surprised. Nehlen never had a chance.

I'm in Indiana, and it's worse than you thought, I'm a Colts fan!

Family Values -Rep Sean Duffy dances naked

Ryan is fucking ripping trump on fear mongering?

If he fucking pulls this shit some more and doesn't back him, it's time for a change

fuckin drumpf and his endorsement

Not in America anyway. Ever since Reagan, the stupid, fat sows in this country think socialism is anything left of The President of the United States of America - brought to you by Wal*Mart. Idiocracy is real and the republishits created it.

Yeah but you'd expect them to go liberal cuck, not raging pro-business reaganite cuck.