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I say we let them have this one
what is this from
What's with the purple hair though? Is this the melanoid's final form?
Why would you ever make a claim without research it first?
Why are people so fucking stupid? I don't understand it! I really don't! What the fuck do they do with their lives?! WHY ARE NIGGERS SO FUCKING BRAINDEAD?! WHAT THE FUCK?!
Not even shitposting, I've just had it! The average citizen in the western world has become so fucking braindead it isn't even fun to joke about it anymore! I want to move to China or Japan where people are uncucked and don't give a shit about racism or bigotry! FUCK THIS GAY EARTH
>kangz with blue hair
wuz we also alienz n' shieet?
Is this from a heavy metal magazine?
>adds nigger nose
Really? I mean, come on.
their only proof that they were egyptian is that egypt is in africa!
They do have "research" its called afrocentrism. Every now and then they try to get their works published in a reputable journal. They generally are laughed off, which is why they stick to self publishing and websites.
The irony is that the pharoahs used slavery 1000x more and harsher than America.
Black people are constantly talking about how whites are responisble for slavery and they are all responsible because of their skin colour...
So when are black Americans going to pay reparations to Egyptians they enslaved?
>Lighter skin tone than 'we wuz' blacks.
>Coloured hair.
>Yellow eyes.
>Blowjob lips.
>Big tits.
>Big cheeks.
>Small tits.
I'm impressed. This is as far away from a real black women as it can possibly get while still being identified as a black woman at first glance yet the artist only managed to make her 'somewhat cute'.
Heck if the skin was a shade lighter and she had a button nose then it would be a drawing of a tanned White woman.
Speaking of hair dye, my old high school recently lifted an old rule about banning unnatural hair colors (red was allowed though)
Took my kid and I could instantly recognize all the children who needed help.
>Small tits.
I meant jaw. There definitely weren't tits on my mind while I was typing.
As usual, this is only valid if you're an Ethiopian
No self respecting Ethiopian woman would be dying their hair poisonous colors
I'd fugg that queen tbqh senpai
You're already in China's colony country, Lee
Nigger if you go to another country and you have to wear sunscreen when you go outside, you're not from there.
I prefer brown girls over niggers any day of the week.
>When the ass is so huge the 'sexy' scene looks like a beaching whale.
t. Ministry of Bunda