Who wants to go hunting with Sup Forums?

Who wants to go hunting with Sup Forums?

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what are we hunting, user?

Why pic related ofcourse

is that North sentinel island?
The place with the indigenous who kill foreigners on sight.

fucking apes

Rare flags

green people?

I'm surprised we haven't sent 2 soldier to gun them all down. A civilization that doesn't cooperate through American diplomacy should not be allowed to exist.

I like this kind of game. Got any clues?

I'd love to see that happen.


What shit is going on on this island?

Who else wants to explore it?

They threatened a former SA,SS and NSDAP member in 1974 with bow and arrow.

They must pay for this.

I feel like turning that island into a Sim City

> you will never impregnate the tribal people who live here, build a metropolis, and pass on a legacy, and a prophecy of the true religion, the religion of Kek.

Why live?

We calling airstrikes like /sg/ now?

Rate my collection, Sup Forums

Best place for secret base.

quick Sup Forums
stake your claim

Just don't.
We don't wanna give these fuckers any guns.

Yeah, let's all compensate for having a small penis/big guns by killing off harmless brown people isolated on some island in India to satisfy a Napoleon complex!!! Wow, what big, tough /men/ you guys are!!


It's King Kong Island, you fools. Nobody with any sense goes there.

Found the cuck.

How could you say that?

White men need the feeling of being explorers.

I will be fair and only use equipment of the late 1890's.

Borchardt pistol and Gewehr 88 (unconverted/round nose/lead).

On mobile so just give me the whole upper half famalam

Jesus Christ user

this is all we need to claim the island


You're missing some pretty common flags. Yemen, Oman are both pretty common, and Mongolia is slightly less common.

Here's my collection. I got US MOI from that one Sup Forums thread

These niggas is hardcore. Shooting arrows at helicopters and shit.


got choo famalam

ctr faggot confirmed

Fucking kek.



You need to set foot on land and the island has no rivers to shorten the line of retreat to the gunboat.

I imagine they prepared some nasty traps on their island, trapdoors with pointy sticks or poisoned blowgun darts or something.

OR there is Dr. Krieger from far cry, creating mutants to kill us.

let's play a game Sup Forums

>go to mapcrunch.com/
>click on Go!
>find the nearest airport


That island full of isolated nignogs in India.

need to revise bruh
seethats verizon land

Oh shit, that could provoke Verizon.

Do we have the first war on our beloved island that has been home to us for so long?

we should be exploring Antarctica to find out about what is really going on there

Yes, I bought a gun to protect myself because I have a small penis. You got me.

I was hoping the gunboat would draw out all the natives. I doubt they have quality traps though, they can't even create fire. Either way, one ASSAULT RIFLE will finish the job

And all that women that carry, what small dicked faggots they are roflmao losers

Horror dwells beneath the mountains of madness, friend. Dig not too deep lest you face that which man was not meant to know.

why not

Locking up the premier shorefront district for France

Why hasn't anybody made a game with this as the map on Sup Forums?

oh shit we need to merge

What is New Lesotho now? The Space between the black lines or the space where the symbol is?

Fucking lesotho niggers

But I want to be a conquistador and feel the indian blood on my skin

>pic related

>Buy boat
>Anchor 200 yards offshore
>Snipe lil negros when they come out on the beach to hit me with flaming arrows
>repeat 200 times until every man is dead
>Make landfall, impregnate all the women
>Live luxurious life and repopulate island with beautiful mulatto children

>us minor islands

No cheating

French-Lesotho Empire when?

Proposing a Treaty


Hey, I didn't cheat. I was there for it.


I didn't buy guns to compensate for my small penis, I bought them to hunt!

Split Belgium between Canada and France

Cant wait for the new chapter in history books,
"The Scramble for North Sentinel Island"

If is saved USMOI you might as well save

Good look my nigga.
Yeah, step off, bitch.

Might as well save all the other flags from Sup Forums

Not sure Belgium will be happy

I imagine in reality if these people heard a gunshot go off they would brick it and run in the opposite direction

Fuck your Verizon noncountry

Can you reword that? I don't understand what you said.

>without guns theres no violence.

no romans, crusades, or machete chimpout genocide!

I saw your post before

You said you started a month ago,

The post you linked is from 2014

Sorry I hit submit too soon

Na they also now that planes, helicopters and big ships out of metal exist.

I just dont understand why it is strictly prohibited to set foot on that island since 1996.

Seems they are hiding something from us.

>started a month ago

When did I say that?

North Sintinel Island is the most isolationist, based, non-femininist, traditional island, and you all want to gun it down lololol hypocrites.


Update: Verizon Wireless Nation is now 4G enabled

Place us closer to the french. That way our frogs can mate&Procreate

I think that deep in the forest they have the most powerful weapons of mass destruction that could easily wipe out any superpower nation, hence why the government wants us to remain peaceful with them.

It's more of a legitimate "country" than you'll ever be.



It's a matriarchal tribe for all we know

Or they would think it's thunder and chimp out


5G. Get it straight.

Anyone that comes in for service will have to pay a premium. $10 USD/hr

We need to form an alliance and take out the Dutch, theyve had it too good for too long

Or we can give the Ex-Belgium zone to St-Pierre et miquelon and Quebec.

Dammit Sup Forums didn't archive it

Atleast it's archived on 4pleb

My girlfriend is Belgian and not happy about this...

Kek, you meant
That's not me. My ID in that thread was zmoiAy2Z

I got dubs so my treaty is legitimate
Rip Verizon 2016-2016

Every time an outsider visits an isolated tribe they all get massacred because they are not immune to measles, chicken pox etc.

Its is a possible explanation.

Espcially when you realize that the nation that "protects" them are curryniggers who shit on the streets and dont manage to protect their own from living on toxic scrapyards.

Then how about this? You give us a corridor through the Ex dutch zone so we can have access to the West coast

First come, first serve

My point was that they have seen those objects with their own eyes multiple times as wikipedia explains.

Not if we kill Verizon plebs

Can we claim the island as ours and get some fucking wifi? What will be our economic policies?

We should make it like when we colonized North and South America
Muskets, foreign diaseases, slavery and all the fun stuff from the good old days.
Any of you niggers have a large wooden Cruiser?

I am surprised that India hasn't claimed the beaches yet

If ^^ we film the next episode of Survivor there.

The sentinalese people are not to be fucked with
Unless of course general trump will lead us with metal boats and armor to prevent their arrows from barraging us before we hit land

No way
We split the island down the middle
Its only fair that we get all of Dutch holdings
You get most of denmark, aus, ger, and US when the time comes...

They have. It's their island.