I need 245 people for suicide mission

Join me in helping bring truth to America.

I need 50 people volunteers one to be the representative of their state.
I need 195 people volunteers one to be the representative of their Country.

Totaling 245 volunteers who aren’t afraid to speak the truth.


Other urls found in this thread:


If for some reason you want to be serious, you are an idiot

Have you found any major disagreement with The Humanity Party's proposals?

Kek, already your faggot cointelpro ass is calling for suicide jihading.
Keep trying CIA, Sup Forums isn't ever going to fall for your stupid bullshit.

Wayne, this is the type of OP that attracts police to the front door. You are a nice and genuine guy (albeit one who needs some psychotherapy) and I know you are well intentioned even if misguided.

Your headline makes it sound like you are trying to recruit people to do violence.

I will kill myself for you wayne

What's the last book you read Wayne?


Wayne doesn't understand the jewish question. He's been trapped into thinking Zionism is the entire picture. He's actually an anti white who has fell for jewish subversion. He can't run on an anti jewish/zionism ticket

>Have you found any major disagreement with The Humanity Party's proposals?

No major disagreements. There spokes person said that since I don't support major oil. They don't want to back me. We had a disagreement, I said USA is out stealing other people's oil. They said I was wrong. I said that nobody is giving us their oil We have guns at all the places we take the oil. I felt they were paid by big oil. I could be wrong. I really like their constitution.

Humanity party Jump to 48:30

After Humanity party.

Humanity party was condescending. I'm trying to take them seriously but they hid their identity. Throw shit in my face. Offer no support and shit on my technology breakthrus. Probably just some stoners in Hawaii haveing a laugh at my expense billing the CIA for astro turfing me.

>If for some reason you want to be serious, you are an idiot
What's your point faggot?

>Kek, already your faggot cointelpro ass is calling for suicide jihading.
>Keep trying CIA, Sup Forums isn't ever going to fall for your stupid bullshit.
Why not? This is gold plated freedom. We will win. you'll get promotions and massive pay.

>Your headline makes it sound like you are trying to recruit people to do violence.
It can sound the way you want it to sound. The video is clear as blue sky my goals with an action plan. If the police want to arrest me. OK. I'll win in court. There is no threat. I don't live in fear and I don't break the law.


>What's the last book you read Wayne?

I'm often reading 20 books at a time. The last few

Tao te ching lao -tzu translated by Stephen Addiss and stanly Lombardo

Power by Robert Green I'm always reading.

Blink by Malcom Gladwell
Outliars by Malcom Gladwell

The Four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

The Gourn Dominiion by eric van lustbader

The memories of casanova, spanish passions

>I'm often reading 20 books at a time.
This means you don't read. You read a page or two, pick up another book, read another page or two, repeat, and next thing you know you're reading 20 books at once without reading any books. Pathetic loser.

>Robert Green
>Malcom Gladwell

Shit taste friend

>The Four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Really good book.
Was exactly what I needed to read after I got out of rehab, and was struggling with relapse.
I suggest everyone reads it.

So what if I don't have a twitter, and have no plans of making one?


woops forgot to take off the name, excuse me.

OK. You're the winner now go away.

>Really good book.
>Was exactly what I needed to read after I got out of rehab, and was struggling with relapse.
>I suggest everyone reads it.
>So what if I don't have a twitter, and have no plans of making one?
Than you'll be no help.

Social media is the currency of the elections. Twitter is the battle field.

wtf i hate wayne lambright now

>I said USA is out stealing other people's oil. They said I was wrong. I said that nobody is giving us their oil We have guns at all the places we take the oil. I felt they were paid by big oil. I could be wrong. I really like their constitution.
Hey dumbass.

What's the last book you finished then, you retarded illiterate faggot

So Sup Forums, is this the political version of CWC?

He's not nearly as bad, he's still at the point where he could just come out and say it was all a joke.

>wtf i hate wayne lambright now
simmer down
simmer down.


>Hey dumbass.
Yes I can make pie charts with fake data also.
What's your point smart ass.

>retarded illiterate faggot
How to murder assholes from Sup Forums. By: Wayen Lambright

>What's the last book you finished
what book did you finish last?

For me it was Power and Tao Te Ching. I'm read books multiple times if I love them. I'm at fifty reads on sun tzu art of war. I'm sure you'll shit on my comments. Go ahead. You're fucking karma in the ass you fag.

Here is why you have anger.

You're jealous of my success and leadership.

While you yank on your dick all day playing video games, I'm changing the world and I represent the man you wish you were.

So quit being a loser. Go do something with your life. Help other losers like yourself from losing so much and over time you'll become a winner.

>You're jealous of my success and leadership.
You are indebted to literally every person in life. How is that success? You are ridiculed in every aspect of your online life and have no life outside of that. How is that leadership?

You're the polar opposite of those things

the absolute madman!

You don't know shit.

I speak a truth that is dangerous I live amongst people afraid.

Not all afraid, I have a core group that understand and support me. They get what I'm up to.

My investors and the ex-girlfriend who's dads are members of the grove. intellectuals get me. So if you don't understand what I'm doing. That is why. I'm not saying you're stupid. I'm saying you don't see what I'm up to. Plus you only know what I have told you. I'm playing a game, don't you know. I'm like an actor. I'm the hero of a story. Called my life. I choose to do the most riskist thing in the world and I'm doingn it.

>the absolute madman!
God bless you!

Bro's to the end! The end of Zionism.

Together we can do it.

>intellectuals get me.
Unlike you, intellectuals read. If any intellectuals "get you", it's because you're a meme. Even intellectuals enjoy laughing at retarded latent homosexuals at times

I know you don't like people sending you death threats and insults so if you became POTUS what would you do to them? Would you try and trace their IP and whatnot to get them sent to jail?

"Why am I here again?"

"Oh, right... the mission"

You have a spelling mistake in your youtube description Wayne. Doesnt look very professional for a man that's part of the Bilderberg group

>fake data
you get more and more fucking retarded by the hour Wayne

>social media is the currency of elections
in that case, you're dead broke... fuggin top kek

Based Lambright!








You realize we come here to shitpost about politics, right?

>I'm at fifty reads on sun tzu art of war
Memelord: Extreme Autism Edition

>Unlike you
Makes no sense, say a different way.

>get them sent to jail?
The law will take them into consideration like it does now.

>"Oh, right... the mission"
Yes I'm on a mission.

>spelling mistake
Shit. Thanks for the heads up.

>you get more and more fucking retarded by the hour Wayne
God bless you. you understand me.

>S U C K A B A G O F D I C K S
I get about $10,000 from safeway for each time you say that. Thank you. You put money in my pocket.

>You realize we come here to shitpost about politics, right?
100% Birds of a feather!

>Memelord: Extreme Autism Edition
Thanks brother. We're all in the cookoos nest.


It doesn't take that many people to kill yourself, Wayne. Do it yourself you fat, lazy nobody.

>I get about $10,000 from safeway for each time you say that. Thank you. You put money in my pocket.
oooh sheit well played based wayne

Bump, based Lambright, maybe you should run fir local office before running for president. Honsestly that would actually achieve something locally man. Start small man, and then go from there.

OIC he's a mason. Crypto jew vs globalist jew.

>the voice of anonimoose
lmao no one speaks for me, nigger

wayne take this shit to reddit, you're in the wrong place.

>telpro ass is calling for suicide jihading.
party van incoming!

>I'm often reading 20 books at a time.
how do manage to keep track of soo many?
any tips for a fellow schollar? kek

Do you have any sort of autism Wayne?

I'd vote for him.

i remember this in the gold thread back in summer 2015, so based


what happened to you and monex?

You are too fugly to lead this. Get a different spokesperson for the revolution and id consider.

My inner Jew screenshots all the pain and suffering for the settlement day.

>wayne take this shit to reddit, you're in the wrong place.
I did.

Guy at reddit told mt to take it here. What should I do?

Also are you a Jew?

look at how it works




Now Lambright is on the cover. It's written.

I liked it better when you plastered your name on your threads so I could filter them faggot.

anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;

anonymousFuntion2 = function(){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;


Heh heh. A fringe candidate. Poor, confused bastard.

>CIA login
>FBI login
Watcha doing chaim?

fucking kek

i kekd

>not even reddit wants him
Do you even have any policies? Tell me about your tax plan.

Oh the good old days. I'm winning you're losing. LOL. YOu're ass blasted. Why don't you have a drink of the liquid Jew? Go on have a beer or a shot of something to calm your nerves. You deserve it, you good goy work hard.

I'm not asking you to kiss my ass, but if you want to, I'll forgive you.

Shalom brother. I'm keeping the goy busy.

I guess dumb fuck can't read.

God are you really this fucking lazy?

I had my tax plan 9 months ago. What a pile of shit you are.

so is this like some kind of joke or something

this is underrated as fuck

Imagine how ass blasted Rothchild will be. Jews hate to lose money. Than USA will Arrest Rothchild. He'll stand trial and if found guilty hanged.

>tax the rich 50% if they can afford it

>or something
Clearly, you're too dumb to watch a video. I doubt you can even read.

Don't worry, we will re-educated your kind.

the guy is probably just insane

>malcolm gladwell

That mushroom cloud looks concerned and unimpressed.

>Heh heh. A fringe candidate. Poor, confused bastard.

Say's the guy who has no life browsing pol to feel human. I'll move on with my life, You're stuck here for life. Poor bastard.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

>malcolm gladwell
I totally agree with you.

You're right. Let's make Israel a State. That's what a racist bigot would do.

>the guy is probably just insane
Nope. Not insane. Just smarter than you all.

I choose to help the needy. Sup Forums is my place where broken souls hangout. It's easy to find people full of hate. You're easy pickings.

Fix your script. I saw it erroring on the threads.

Can we have some real shitposting please?

How do you feel about the fact that you'll always be irrelevant, Wayne?

nah you're literally crazy as fuckfam

I'm not particularly inclined to put in the effort to look up your policies. What sort of incompetent politician would expect people to look it up instead of relishing the opportunity to enlighten them?

That's the worst tax plan ever.

i would love to have a debate. you should make a discord and let Sup Forums ask questions. it would be fun :D

RIP in Peace, Wayne.

RIP in Peace, Wayne.

>1 second slow
You've failed!


Protip, it's not the White House.

free real estate?



Suicide Squad confirmed for ISIS propaganda.

Social suicide? Come out as a gay man there. Sounding you want a daisy chain going.

It's a free fucking house, Jim.

Graphics like this will make people wonder if you're literate


I could do a live broadcast on Youtube