Ya boy is fucked Sup Forums.
Ya boy is fucked Sup Forums.
newsflash: this wasn't the first time SS is aware of comments made by Trump
Out of the loop
What happened?
trump is an undercover democrat. it's so obvious. he has no intention of winning this election.
What happened
They're just saying it so everyone will stop telling them.
Trump is a Hillary Clinton plant, this was all planned from the start.
This is 'fuck off' the-tweet
"Yes, we know about the comments made. Hillary supporters can stop calling, and deafening, us with their shrill voices demanding we arrest Trump"
Basically, he encouraged "You second amendment people" to "do something" if Clinton wins, because no one else can.
he literally called for NRA cucks to assassinate her earlier today
this desu senpai, let's wait for Trump's next tantrum. Should be tomorrow.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
literally nothing. Trump made a comment that people who love the second amendment would never let hillary be president(implying that they would go vote against her) and now the media is trying to spin it as Trump encouraging assassination.
Which is quite funny and ironic considering that Trump has had multiple attempt against his life already.
"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
"Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know."
Retards out in full force tonight
What's more funny is Trump supporters trying to spin his comment so hard none of them agree what he "actually meant"
Jesus Christ! This man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
>all the shills in this thread
OP, if you want to blend in better, don't talk like a nigger. Using the term "ya boy" is a red flag. Better luck next time.
He joked about someone using the 2nd amendment to assassinate Hillary. A true Sup Forumsack.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Damn, yall arent even hiding it anymore.
>NRA cucks
CTR thinking they can use gimmicks properly is cute
>MSM say he called for her assassination. better repeat them like a good shill
Only one candidate has implied that and it wasn't Trump.
>this denial, Sad!
Looks like Doofy Donald made another goof.
t. CBC
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
He either made a bad-taste joke or a poorly timed comment that came across as if he was calling for his supporters to assassinate Hillary. That's obviously not what he meant, but desu he should've just been smart and kept his mouth shut.
luckily it's not your problem
Here's your (You)
CLinton is a repub plant by the lizard people.
>am I doing it right shills?
>fans on the internet don't all agree with each other
>better blame the candidate
kek Clinton is fucked then
stay mad
Oh fuck off, concern troll. He does what he's best at: projecting a verbal Rorschach to rustle the MSM's jimmies, and he's succeeded again in doing so.
He did not.
what he said is exactly how you handle potential tyrants. It's an escalation and you only turn violent once you have exhausted every other option:
-Vote against them
-If they win, protest
-Do not comply with unconstitutional decrees/ laws
-If they try to force you to comply, resist
It's not simply "If you disagree with them, shoot them." But it figures that liberals immediately jump to that conclusion. They want guns banned because they think every gun owner is as violently-impulsive and out of control as they are.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
This is just in time for coverage of the new email leaks so the msm can piss themselves about this and ignore the new emails. Really makes you think.
I swear I saw something similar to this somewhere. It was a story idea, that someone ran for President, but didn't actually want to be Pres. so they did everything they could to get impeached, but turns out everything they did was actually right. Invade Canada? Turns out they were housing terrorists and were planning a massive attack. Shoot rockets at the moon? Turns out the moon was causing global warming. Shit like that, no matter what he did to get impeached it always turned out better.
how many times are you going to say that?
>every gun owner is as violently-impulsive and out of control as they are.
did you get the memo?
guns cause white people to be psychopathic rampage-murderers
Hey wait a minute....
You're all faggots.
why you copypaste verbatim?
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
$0.01 has been deposited into your account.
tell that to the black and Mexican gangs
It's pretty obvious what he's implying. Not sure why anyone is trying to play ignorant about it.
How is he racist?
thats the whites' fault, or at least the guns'
Muḥammad ibn `Abd Allāh, this Kafar is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
because they payed per post
>we're aware
Pussies won't do shit.
well he is white
therefore racist
or if not necessarily because of that
then he is racist because he doesnt roll over
and agree with everything "liberal"
Why does trump literally go out of his way to give the msm something to talk about then? He literally has to come up with something so retarded. It really makes me think.
>Another goof
>"Hillary wants to destroy the 2nd" on MSM ad nauseam for a week
Pick one.
wow its fucking nothing
plebbit pls
>1 post by this ID
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Another unforced error by Sup Forums wunderkind and mental defective Denald Trump
It doesn't matter if assange leaks proof of Hillary shitting on an aborted fetus while shooting up heroin at this point.
I had a quick thought. What if Trump was an undercover plant for Hillary but at a certain point in this election cycle he has gone rouge. Where was the turning point where he might have gone rouge, clearly Hillary is panicked because his motives are unclear. Help me out Sup Forums I think I'm on to something.
>how to fuck up an election so bad you lose to pretty much the most hated candidate ever nominated
I'm starting to come around to the democrat plant theory.
>Stumping himself weekly
Trumpfags everyone.
Lmao wow.
It's literally nothing.
You think anyone here falls for your fucking shit?
Pol is edgy but the reason we're all here is because we aren't susceptible to brainwashing. I.E. We're too fucking smart to eat your shit.
Who said what now?
Oh sweet a new non-issue for the media to plug for a few weeks, cause I wasn't sick enough of the last zombie outbreak
This is who you want in the White House? Really?
This is who you want in the White House? Really?
>people constantly talk about wanting or planning to assassinate trump
>nothing happens, not even their twitter post deleted.
>trump talks about the second amendment
>the media and the secret service plan to fuck him up the ass for it
You keep using the word but I don't know if you know what it means
Great. More spambots.
>fags getting mad about Trump being intentionally ambiguous
>people can't prove Hillary intended to fuck up national security
who actually gives a flying fuck
This same reply word for word in multiple threads. Nice to meet you, shillbot.
What you did there, I see it, and I like it.
nice damage control you braindead shill
>$0.00 has been deposited into your account
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
>using concern troll unironically
That's absolutely nothing compared to all the lefties and nu-males on Twitter who have straight up threatened to kill Trump.
I mean, it was a dickish thing to say, but most of the things he says are.
Haven't there been two actual attempts on Trump's life? There was the British citizen and the long dead FBI agent, not to mention the cuck who actually rushed Trump on stage. But Trump suggested that the Second Amendment could be used to give the people power over a tyrant? KILL HIM! DESTROY THE CONSTITUTION!
This place is like 75% shills. You aren't fooling anyone.
How much do you get paid per post?
>hillary wants to destroy 2nd amendment on msm all week
Yeah, breitbart isn't msm. I'm pretty sure msm will be talking about how this kind of rhetoric(if indeed it is only rhetoric) is undignified, and unsuitable coming from a potential president.
Meanwhile more republicans jump ship because he's perceived as a threat to national security.
>it is possible to brainwash a group of people who voluntarily spend their time on a korean origami board that is known in the mainstream for pedophilia, misogyny, racism, bomb threats and general evil
>things shills honestly believe
This board is basically the place everyone is warned to never, ever visit. The people who visit it are obviously not very good at following instruction
>>Another goof
>>"Hillary wants to destroy the 2nd" on MSM ad nauseam for a week
you've got to be kidding
you think he intentionally speaks like that?
he clearly was rambling and said some bat shit crazy shit
that's already lost it for him
Just wow.
Let's say that Trump is Hillary's plant
So what? What am I going to do about it now? Vote for Hillary? By your logic that's the exact same thing.
Please explain your solution or are you just hear to bitch and complain?
>the secret service only exists to make fake concern tweets to give the ruling party an edge
Literally wew my lad.
Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit.
Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.
(replace spaces with dots)
autoreply_4ch_pol_2a: "Jesus, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
This is actually sickening. I cannot believe the media is shilling this hard. Pls if Hillary wins you yanks better actually use that 2nd amendment because your country is beyond fucked now.
It's to show how stupid you cucks are for not supporting an actual conservative when you had the chance
That's an assassination threat? Uh no it's not. The second amendment folks have one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington.
He is literally saying that the people with guns, will defend that right
>trump is a bad guy for invoking part of our Constitution
I'm sure even Khan knows this is nothing
Think a little harder then you cuckold connoisseur. Ever heard of "there's no such thing as bad publicity"?
Fuck off, boogerman.
>cuck is OUR word! You are NOT allowed to say that!
Of course they know, they were at the rally, and most probably agree.
wtf I hate trump now