Ew, you support donald trump user? That racist sexism bigot?

Ew, you support donald trump user? That racist sexism bigot?

I... I don't know if I can continue this relationship user.. If that's how you view people different from you. Let's just be friends.

Bitch I paid for all this food, now you get none

did you make that shirt yourself? with scissors?

Haha I was kidding, im not really political.

Who are you voting for?

*say im votong for whoever she says*

You do know I wasnt paying for your meal in the first place, right bitch?

"You don't even have a cap on your milkshake, you uncivilized whore. This relationship is over."

The illusion has been broken.

We're done here.

Fuck off, bitch, right now.

k cya

>tfw nearest steak n' shake is 2 hours away

Friends? You're just a hooker aren't you?


Try not to get raped when you have to hitchhike home

Then fuck off, you were just a group of warm holes to me, bitch,

i would shoot her dead on the spot


kek nice roleplay

>Ew, you support donald trump user? That racist sexism bigot?
No but he is the last option and i don't give a shit if you are offended bitch.
>I... I don't know if I can continue this relationship user.. If that's how you view people different from you. Let's just be friends.
Nah i am mgtow i don't want a relationship with you unless it is purely sexual.

Meh 3/10 bait because i would never take a chick for a lunch date nor would i pay for it.



Okay bitch, goodbye.

I'll have another bitch before nightfall.
Leave the burguer and the fries.

ugly little monkey

Jade, listen... heh *shakes head* have you ever seen The Matrix?
Indeed? Good, then you're acquainted with the concept of the Red Pill.
You see, Jade, I was fortunate enough to take it years ago. Since then my power has grown, and I've become a Master, as Neo did. I am now offering this power to you in kind...
This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill -- the story ends, you wake up in my bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill -- you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep my white cock can go.

Not a problem, you small titted cunt. By the way, your sister sucks cock better than you.

Correct, but why the fuck would we be friends?

Bitch, who the fuck are you, and why are you sitting at my table? Get away you fucking skunk, I don't swing that way.

alright bitch, enjoy your empty life :')

No I don't support Trump or Hillary because I realise that they are both tools of the same Jew-Lizardman nexus and I wish to resist the conditioning that's part of the same mass social engineering that will end with us all being put into FEMA camps while we have MK-ULTRA spayed on us from the stratosphere by drones owned by Red Shield banks. Do you know what really happened at Waco? Wait a minute baby I'll fly my 737 into your world trade center, don't worry it's just a hologram, jet fuel can't melt steel beams baby give it up.

Ok, I'm gonna go to the bathroom and leave you here to pay the bill.

ur not missin much 2bh familia

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of dinner guest. He is a fanatic trangender and a deceiving pig, and belongs in jail.

>implying you'd want a leftist bitch for anything other than a one night stand

step it up senpai

>He fell for the MGTOW meme

You are as pathetic as libcucks that let rapefugees take their women.

White ghetto niggers exist man

Ummm......who the fuck are you?