Vietnam moves new rocket launchers into disputed South China Sea

These are state of the art Israeli rocket system backed by US tech.. What are the Jews and Vietnam planning now? New weapons testing?

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yeah that's why Obama visited Vietnam a while back, to get them to suck his TeePeePee and to proxy war for us

Please test those weapons directly at south korea

Vietnam is now our bros
>tpp was designed for them (and Philippines)
>weapons ban lift was was for them

We (USA, CAN, AUS, Israel, Japan, S. Korea, Philippines) have some big plans for Vietnamese soon. It will be a BIG happening. Good luck Vietnam and Philippines!

Do Vietnamese men not find Vietnamese women attractive?

Im scared

China threatened UK about delays at Hinkley point

China threatened India today with war regarding south China sea meanwhile China keeps funding Pakistan with weapons

India is going to sell Vietnam these in a few months, which can destroy any Chinese ship

Who do the Chinese think they are?

the communist party is too strongly tied to China they will do nothing against their will.
As seen in 1988 battle on the islands, and the 1991 summit agreement between the two parties whose contents nobody knows

Why not? I think they're fine.

The Vietnamese girls here are all going for German dudes though. Better chance with a German qt than a Viet.

How good are poo in loo tech?

China is massive now. Still shitty, but still massive, wouldnt they crush Vietnam ezpz?

y sk?

Good enough to knock out cheap as shit Chinese garbage.

Going as far being a threat to US ships, here is a very good analysis.

Also Vietnamese won a war against China, so they are no push over.

No we don't. They're really pushy, and are encouraged to marry a wealthy white guy by their parents.

Israel is the 2nd largest arms supplier to Vietnam after Russia

They're also the 2nd largest arms supplier to China after Russia.

They're also the largest arms supplier to Russia since France cut the Mistral deal.

All these countries are zionist shills

Pic related, this is every country in the world Israel sells arms to in the last 3 years. If you're not on the list, you're not a cuck nation.

Half of that stuff are US arms going through Israel evading US export laws.

Bretty much this

US foreign aid to israel works in the benefit of US (((military industrial complex))), not Israel like how most of pol believes. Israelis get foreign aid money, but that money can only purchase US weapons. It's not a blank check, its wealth transfer from tax payers back to US companies jew management lol

That said, israel is our proxy arm wing as well. Vietnam receiving Israel tech is basically US tech.

While UN don't allow Vietnam and Japan to have nukes, we can't repress China. Japanese elderly retards also don't though

A percentage of that money*

US might soon be selling F 16s to Vietnam, possibly manufactured in India, since Obama lifted sanctions on Vietnam.

I am just speculating though as Lockheed are looking to sell F16s in India and are promising to move Asian F 16 maintenance to India if Indians purchase.

Interesting stuff is happening in Asia right now.

it lost its fedora midway

Japan and russia are nuking up Vietnam
They are building the latest generation nuclear plant

I believe India is installing several "weather" military radar installations in vietnam as well

Vietnam should is a hot pot of tech

quite insightful , cant wait for the latest BIG happening

It's a range limited (300 km) P-800 Oniks Yakhont Anti-ship Cruise Missile.

Chinks think they rightfully own the world because of something some crazy Chink emperor said thousands of years ago.

They keep """digging""" up ancient maps as evidence of their rightful clay, like it means anything and the courts just threw that shit right out of the window so now they are just resorting muscling their way with war and economic threats.

jokes on them when the polar caps melt the islands will be gone

Islands aren't important. The natural resources in the sea and the trade route is

China wants those islands to expand Aliexpress for faster shipping

no weapons from israel

>Impotent world "courts" told China they can't have their islands.
>China ignores totally irrelevant courts and continues expanding as they please
>World does nothing
>Can do nothing
>China laughs

China is in charge in Asia bro, we are just over there pissing our pants and trying to pretend we aren't a complete joke.

Asian geopolitics have always been about the strong subjugating the weak. Now that China is strong again it feels the need to revert back to its old ways. Best thing the west can to do is to sell weapons to neighboring countries and let them fight it out. The jobs end up coming back to west, wages increase, and a bunch of gooks die.

The only problem is I see Washington trying to save their stupid globalization project and sending Americans off to die in another war.

redpill me on china and their relations with the west please. what's all this fighting over the seas that ive been reading about too? how can they threaten the west?

>>China is in charge in Asia bro
No they aren't actually, and the harder they try to pretend that they are in charge, the better the odds are that they get reminded that they aren't.

>Not building Islands and laughing at Neocon tears

Your post is a perfect example of us "pissing our pants and trying to pretend we aren't completely irrelevant" as I posted above.

They can't threaten the west. At the direction China is heading, it will end up getting involved in a major regional war before it ever attacks a western nation. The only reason the US cares about that region is because corporations run the government and that is where their sweatshops are located. Your average American doesn't give two shits about the south china sea.

In a total war against China how quickly do the nukes fly?

God damnit you meant north

How ironic would it be if in 5 years time, Vietnam is fighting China in a war where we back Vietnam with support, when just several decades ago were in a war with communist vietnam which was backed by China.

Things that make you go hmmmm...

Yeah the Chinese do this shit all the time. It is just as retarded as when you hear Israelis say they are entitled to Israel because they were driven out 2,000 years ago or something.

None of these motherfuckers ever heard of the statute of limitations.

Argentina does this stupid shit with the falklands too.

And Mexico with the American Southwest. Dumb assholes. If you haven't been in control their for multiple generations you don't really have claim anymore.

We have a long tradition of recruiting our greatest allies from our worst enemies. England, Japan, now Vietnam. The world has changed. Fuck the Chinese, Viet girls are qts anyway

Its not ironic. We've always back vietnam... South vietnam.

China went to war with vietnam right after US pulled out due to Vietnam taking out China's "literally worst than hitler" puppet regime Pol Pot in Cambodia

Brief vietnam history
>1940's french indochina gets btfo by imperial japan and since french lost to german, resistants fighters (Ho Chi Minh) teams up with pre-CIA American forces OSS to fight Japan

>1950s battle harden Ho Chi Minh rag tag group btfo French after the french bailed on Vietnam during WWII, 2 state established, tons of vietnamese slaughtered but the ones who survived become battle harden viet congs

>1960s US gets dragged in lol, many viet cong slaughtered

>1970s end of us / russia proxy war. Remaining viet congs obtains leftover US weapons. Cambodia decides to chimp out and genecide their own people along with Vietnamese across the borders. vietnam goes to war again. Easily btfo China backed Cambodia.

>1980s china fights Vietnam, but small battled harden vietcongs with Russian and US tech btfo and slaughtered the Chinese

Vietnam is on one hell of a wild ride

South korea raped vietnam though

Its okay, vietnamese love south korea (kpop and k-entertainment)

Half viets/half korea girls are extremely hot. Probably the best asian mix you can get. Tall, double eyelid, lighter skin