Holy shit you guys were right
Holy shit you guys were right
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The saddest words in tongue or pen are these, /pol was right again.
I didn't see things like that before
I am now a #trumpett
When are we wrong?
wtf I hate snitches now
Seth Rich was the one we expected in the wreckage.
What does Drudge mean by posting these?
Assange fingered some whore snitch in the server room at the DNC?
Oh mein god, Sup Forums was right again!
Don't tell me
omfg, drudge confirmed for autist
too true, friend
also checked
what if the reason Trump chose those words about the second ammendment was because he knew about this and is going to turn it back on them by saying he meant using their power under the constitution then reference the strange number of suspicious deaths surrounding hillary lately
I always hate when Sup Forums is right,
and Sup Forums is always right.
He's so desperate to shift the blame away from Russia that he's using a dead guy as a scapegoat? Disgusting.
>The Gateway Pundit
Damn that is fucked.
I wonder why he waited so long to identify the source if he had already died
>0:55 to 1:02
look at assange's body language when asked the question
Maybe hoping a news organization would look into it. High hopes I know.
He shouldn't have snitched. RIP
Sup Forums is always right
I'm confused.
He never actually said it did he?
He said he wouldn't name a source.
What did I miss?
This leak will be the end of Hillary's campaign.
he noded in the interview when asked was he your source?? but no, he didnt say anything
assange nods at 1:02
Wikileaks has a policy of not naming their sources. This is important for whistleblowers.
So his suggestion that Seth Rich was assassinated gives the hint without saying outright "he's our source".
when the dnc and media were screaming about the russians wikileaks said lots of people would have egg on their face if/when the source was revealed. Then wikileaks put up a cash reward for info on seth rich's murder. Now assange randomly brings him up in an interview. He probably doesn't want to fully admit to it til they have definitive proof linking his murder to hilll/dnc
Thanks. That does seem damning.
nice single, faggot
If only they knew how fucked everything is.
Kek has blessed this thread
i posted this thread earlier like 4 hours ago with a different source and got "fake and gay"
that was hillary bots
Wikileaks put 20k bounty on the killer yesterday:
It is actually ridiculous that Seth Rich was killed in DC. I worked there and would routinely be piss drunk alone at 2 a.m. waiting for a bus in the nignog part of town and nothing ever happened to me. The worst thing was some nig yelled "fag" at me as I ate a delicious empanada.
That's the word they chose? Seriously?
>what if the reason Trump chose those words
He has the best words, but he was just rambling at a rally desu.
True tho.
Clearly Rich was the leaker but Assange won't say it (--yet, maybe), and of course can't prove he was murdered for it, which is why he put up the bounty. It's the biggest scandal in American politics in forever, with the candidate for POTUS (or DNC operatives) fucking assassinating people yet the media will do its best to ignore it. That's where the (((media))) is at in America, ignoring murder to get a murderer elected POTUS so she can murder the country.
So assange had him killed to conspire this story right?
dubs on a fpbp
doubtful he has those resources...
Someone in the State Department and Classified clearances would have a larger presence in those kind of matters.
Drudge looks like a 1930s gangster, so yeah it's not really surprising
Scapegoat implies a crime dumbass
I'm sorry but..."fingers"?
Snitches get Stitches.
Man, Assange needed to keep his hair and beard, he looks like Milosevic now.
He's rich u noob
Have to protect his family even though he's dead.
like if you are identifying a criminal in a police station and they have the potential criminals all lined up, you point at the culprit, or "finger" them. its kind of an antiquated term nowadays
Doesn't mean he kills people for publicity..
for fuck sake anyone could have seen that a mile off.
Ha Ha Ha Ha. He does. The Slobe 2.0
Was getting dubs part of your plan?
anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;
anonymousFuntion2 = function(){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;
Nice job.
There never was a sadder phrase
no sadder line to pen
than to hear the awful truth
that Sup Forums was right again
Literal pottery
the dubs, the poetry, the shillbots crashing their posts...
You need to praise kek
>praise kek
>best image of 2016