>Sander Buys $600,000 Home
keep in mind his net worth was 300K at the beginning of his campaign
Sanders went full blown kike at the end didn't he
Remember when he bought that sports car too?
This is why you never trust a Jew no matter how genuine they seem. It's in their genes to be conniving liars, since those Jews had to survive in medieval Europe.
Yea fucking con artists
Is Reddit okay?
americans having a poor grasp of socialism.
You guys think this will red pill Reddit on the Jews?
Least you could do seeing as FDR turned boats of Jewish refugees away before WW2 REALLY kicked off. Reparations. Every Jew deserves at least what he got.
HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHA the bernouts got so BURNED
you think they'll remember his Hillary endorsement come November?
Is this fake?
wonder how much he got for dat hill endorsement
I think Sup Forums will never let them forget
No, they're too busy buying the Shillary onslaught to notice what fucking tools they are.
I really disliked Ted because of his hunger for power but at least he was not a hypocrite
>$600,000 Home
>his net worth was 300K
Consider the possibility that he took out a mortgage with a bank.
>mortgage at age 70
you're forgetting his kike wife probably siphoned some primary funds.
>3rd home
k pal
Hes going to be 75 in a month
Seems like a good business decision to run for President and then retire on retarded students.
Wow. Goosebumps.
I'm pretty sure his wife is quite rich and they don't file joint tax returns.
that's basically the only defense I could come up with give me a break it's at least plausible.
>you didn't fall for the Bernie meme
Well it was convenient that (((they))) shut down /r/SanderForPresident not long ago.
Fucking classic democrat ratfink move.
Loved to see all the BernieButthurt at the DNC.
This mofo sure took them all for the ride. LOL
"I hate money and houses and I am adamantly opposed to buying houses for money."
- Bernie Sander, Never
Wow, what a hypocrite.
You were warned
For a socialist he spends like a capitalist
>yfw you will never be a bernout
>socialism means everybody should be poor
For a politics board this place sure is filled with people who don't understand politics.
So how much did you donate?
No my friend, for a socialist he spends exactly like a socialist, while his dumbass supporters are taking loans to send him few bucks to support his anti estabilishment, anti big banks, anti corporations campaign.
While Sanders amuses me, he does not in any way surprises me.
Well considering Bernie consider people making 500K a year the 1%...
Well, considering that less than 1% percent of people make $500K, it kinda, sorta, almost checks out.
Fucking math.
I haven't said he should be poor, but it's funny how political figures that talk about socialism or even communism are the type who spend lots of money to keep their rich status.
Brazil is a good example, most of our commie politicians use expensive watches you know, those with retaded high price because of brand etc while the few good politicians use modest accessories.
God damn get the fuck off of his limp socialist dick. It's not even a $1,000,000 house, I could afford a fucking $600,000 house. All he did was buy a new house, can't the man live in it peacefully?
It's not his main house user, it's a fucking summer house. How people do you know own a summer house? He's probably going to live in the place 2 weeks out of the year.
He's a fucking Jew he's not gonna let $600,000 go to waste like that, he's most likely going to frequently visit or even move in once he retires
did he pay for the entire thing up front?
I see no reference to him spending more than an average first payment anywhere
You're right goyim how could I be so ignorant? I'm glad that kike Bernie tricked all the cuck goyims into giving him mad shekels.
Jew'd hard
Posted the article on kikebook, cue defenders with lines like "It's not that much money, I live in NYC and $600,000 will barely get you a 1-bedroom apartment"
I can't believe I have so many people in my life who don't understand something as basic as how property values work.
delusional Bernouts
Hillary plant
>No refunds
>As usual Sup Forumstards are unable to read or do basic research.
>“My family had a lake home in Maine since 1900, but we hadn’t had the time to go there in recent years — especially since my parents passed away,” she said. “We finally let go of it and that enabled us to buy a place in the islands — something I’ve always hoped for. ”
Oy vey youve got it all wrong my friend, he will be renting it out for a nice 5000$ per month with a 3 year lease, 3 month security deposit + first/last month in advance
I can't help but feel sad about all of the young people who were taken for a ride.
At the end I hope a lot of them learned an important about gullibility not being a virtue.
low energy bait
>facts are bait
Only among Trumpkins.
something something, millionaires and billionaires
>hey throwing that campaign paid for this house!
>at the end
It was the plan all along. He just ran interference for Clinton and got himself a nice little retirement fund.
They work by having interest rates in the gutter and indebting the fuck out of people. I dont
see this elephant in the room being spoken about from you fags nor the Bernie fags so you're both spastic retards on this front.
Raise rates by a mere 1-2% and watch house prices halve overnight giving gen y fags the affordable housing they crave but are too fucking stupid to bring about.
Don't joke about this
Has anyone seen Reddit, g-guys?
Lol but muh open borders. I'm glad for him for screwing over cucks.
I was talking about how a 4-bedroom house innawoods with a nice hunk of private lake-front costs as much as a shitty studio apartment in a major metropolis not because the house is somehow cheap, but because of basic supply and demand.
do you know a socialist country that's ever been rich?