Is he the most overrated President America has ever had?
Is he the most overrated President America has ever had?
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for now, trump will take over soon
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
OP is the most overrated poster on Sup Forums
No, this one is
Not so fast.
There is that scripted message again.
After Lincoln, yes
This. Almost made the depression 10x worse because he fell for the Keynesian Jew but lucked out with WW2. Total no leg shit bag and tried to consolidate power into the executive branch
Hey I got to kill zombies with this bastard, fun as hell.
>WW2 fixed the economy because the Government spent a great deal
>Keynesian economics is wrong
pick one you fucking retard
Bless these dubbs.
berntards favorite president to invoke when they want to point out how socialism "saved" america
>Keynesian Jew but lucked out with WW2
WWII did one thing and that was help unemployment figures by sending millions of men over seas
The economy didn't actually recover until 46.
See above
This guys are correct.
No. Because of him we went to the moon.
holy kek
Lincoln was a piece of shit tyrant who put a naval blockade on our country and suspended habeas corpus.
He can climb a wall of dicks
No, it saved the economy because it created a MIC to arm all the allied countries, then we were the only ones with a functioning economy and unscathed population when the dust settled post-war and everyone came to us to rebuild their infrastructure.
no he was one of the greats. so great they had to kill him
His successor was the one that passed everything he gets accredited with so, he's up there. Reagan as well along Lincoln (should have deported).
Washington deserves the praise he got though. Made himself filthy rich as well.
>so great ((((they)))) had to kill him
Yes. If he wasn't assassinated then he would have been forgotten in history.
What does Kennedy get credit for that LBJ did?
So the Government spending on all that military hardware boosted the economy by spawning a MIC?
That's Keynes exactly. Spend money, eventually boosting the economy so that the private sector can roll with it. The MIC is exactly a symbiotic relationship between government spending and successful private business.
>If he wasn't assassinated then he would have been forgotten in history.
If JfK was left to pursue his foreign policy the world would look much different today. Especially the ME being the war torn radical shithole it is now. Most all of it would have been like Syria and Libya were before we razed them to the ground.
So yes he probably would have been forgotten without the context of the shit show American foreign policy has been thanks in large part to his assassination
...Can we talk most undeated presidents? I think Andrew Mother Fucking Jackson is incredibly underated in today's society
Washington overrated
>So the Government spending on all that military hardware boosted the economy by spawning a MIC
It didn't the guys a moron
All WWII did was reduce unemployment.
The American economy was still shit and people were forced to massively ration everything which wasn't even widespread at the height of the depression.
> The MIC is exactly a symbiotic relationship between government spending and successful private business.
If a private business cannot survive without government money it isn't successful it is a leech and a drain on the wider economy
Hell no. Would've been the greatest had he not been cut down. He knew the dirty dealings going on, the CIA's connection to the mafia, the Fed etc. He was an honest man and wanted to do right. He turned down operation Northwoods and removed the chairman of joint chiefs of staff for drafting such a proposal. When they saw he wasnt gonna play by their rules, he had to be eliminated.
He didnt know what he was up against. But he tried, dammit. Now we need someone to pick up where he left off.
JFK was the Obama of his day
but more of a sleazeball
One woman JFK was banging was hired to be Jackies press secretary