i didn't know about this, what kind of communist magic is china using?
i didn't know about this, what kind of communist magic is china using?
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They just went from being undeveloped to developed very quickly. It has leveled off since then.
Building fake, empty cities to make it look like you're growing will do that
>what kind of communist magic
The kind where they put everyone to work and plan out the command economy to increase output.
They're pseudo-communists. They really enjoy their capitalism when it benefits them.
Give people the ability to own private capital and the country will benefit greatly compared to the "dark times" of Communism.
Sadly this upward trend can only continue so long, the middle class is being squeezed, and the billions of Chinese are PISSED
State capitalism
>Communist Magic
The only reason China has a great economy is because they completely ignore safety regulations, minimum wage, and international copyright laws.
Any other country that did this would get it's shit kicked in by the global community, but China has a big enough army and nucular arsenal that it can violate international trade laws, steal countless jobs from every first world countries and get away with it.
Do not be fooled, China has not been remotely communist for decades. It's government is closer to tyrannical Crony-Capitalism.
Are you stupid? It literally says, "Market-based economic reforms since 1978".
They are economically free to do everything they want. If they rip of a phone, their company gets shut down and they just make a new company. Economical freedom is the best freedom
Whoa it's like the free market actually works or something I can't believe it
It's called they loosened up their insane socialist central planning a good amount and let market forces and investments by capitalist to do their magic
>has a market
>participates in the market
the magic was giving up on communism.
Something BR HUEHUEHUE will never understand. Free market economics. Enjoy your import taxes lmfao.
Basically this, China has hollow wealth
Only the members of the communist party are rich and their wealth is built with either poor quality or knockoffs.
this is why i'm trying to learn chinese
Now show their 30 trillion public debt
this sounds like a meme, but its not.
any chinese can come here and start a business. if you are not chinese good luck starting one there - you are only allowed to via joint venture with local chinese or all these kinds of crazy rules (or not crazy because they are working)
Trump will do the same to America with his great deals.
They are slowly transitioning from socialism to a free market. This is the reason why China's economy is booming. They are living proof that socialism is a failure
adopting capitalist means of production
1 child policy
1. Setting up special economic zones operating as capitalist entities through which a majority of chinese wealth is accumulated (i.e. communism didn't work)
2. Deliberate inflation of their currency
3. Ruthless expansion of commerce into untapped regions of economic potential
Not to mention they won't buy or goods and even if they wanted too, they aren't payed enough to afford them.
Worry not though, outsourcing will eventually fail too due to the fact it takes wealth out of the country and puts it into the hands of people who won't pay it back
you mean capitalist, they embraced capitalism and now they are doing great
People living on the west coast of north America are all pretty Familiar with chinas financial situation.
Long story short, that shit is an insane fucking bubble and you're delusional if you think china actually became 250x more productive since 1952.
But they still kept the authoritarian government policies
Remember, you still address others as "comrade"
Question: How?
Answer: It's the _not_ Communism part that's working
Australia, New zealand, America, and East Asia are going down with China. Also the provinces of British Columbia and Ontario.
Whenever I think of how fucked up the economy actually is I get sad.
>it takes any person at least 24 straight hours of paperwork just to buy a car
Forgot to add that they do everything in their power to prevent states that they trade heavily with from implementing protectionist economic policies, hence why the Chinese government would support a Clinton presidency more than a Trump presidency (not that Trump would work to enact protectionism on all industries, only a few key ones)
Every time someone implies that China is communist, Karl Marx does a cartwheel in his grave.
>China has gone part capitalist some years ago
That is capitalism magic, pal.
>Government mandated social media credit rating apps
By having the Jews outsource all of the West's manufacturing jobs to them in a plot to destroy Western Civilization via massive debt, endless wars, economic stagnancy, media propaganda, and the mass-importation of Muslims.
Every Jew is squealing Trump can't use protectionist policies and bring US manufacturing back, yet China is using protectionist policies and has a booming middle-class. The Jew does NOT want the white man to succeed.
slave labor.
>A fixed currency for decades
it's called ripping off America
They artificially raise their GDP by building empty city's and complexs.
China is weird
Prosperity everywhere but nobody is enjoying it and the sound of George Orwell saying "I told you so" in your ear
1. It's not communist;
2. It's nominal so that is counting up inflation too;
3. Someone does not know shit about exponential growth.
Theyre ripping us off in trade!
>what kind of communist magic is china using?
and complimentary suicide nets ;)
don't worry friend. Soon we will remove commie chink from glorious independent BC
It's called dropping communism for capitalism (even cronyism is better than socialism)
They measure economic growth through real estate
>Sell shit to America
>Buy USD from businesses with freshly minted currency at current market value
>Not jumping the wall to freedom or building a cuban ship to escape
That is sad that that is the only way out in an authoritarian country like China
china isn't communist, its been capitalist since 1992
China joined free trade agreement in 1998 thanks to Bill Clinton.
It's called building giant ghost cities and bridges to nowhere just so that GDP grows on paper.
Anyone with a college-level understanding of economics knows that part of GDP's calculation is government spending. The more the government spends, the bigger the GDP grows. China spent a shit load of money on projects that boosted the GDP of the nation on paper but did nothing to actually increase the standard of living of any of their citizens. So once all the money was spent on these projects, there was no continued GDP growth at that same rate. It's a paper dragon, it's fake growth. Chinese are still poor and the Chinese government did everything in their power to keep the numbers looking good with nothing to show for it afterward.
>a fucking leaf
>not Chinese
The term you are looking for is Communist Oligarchy mixed with a little bit of Libertarian Capitalism.
Why can't we do that?
Better than being forced to address someone as sir or mam or hir or boss or any other artificially imposed social construct.
What the hell do you escape to? I dont fucking want them
Hell we need an authoritarian regime here to kick them out!
The exact opposite magic that we are.
1.Slave labor
2.No fucks given about conditions, they literally see their fellow Chinaman as less than dog
3.They are essentially the photocopier of the world, they have little innovation or ingenuity, they just rely on smart westerners to come up with items for them to produce at low costs
4.China's debt is out of control, you know how Americans are freaking out (and rightfully so) about their debt? China's debt is 250% of GDP....yeah let that sink in
China is mostly a shithole photocopier, it'll take 2-3 generations to undo communism/collectivism mindset, that is if they're not bankrupt by then.
They shit on human rights and exploit the work force.
Kinda ironic for a communist country.
Oh no comrade, there is still a social class structure. Comrade is an honor, it is better than being called a slave just like the other 800 million non communist Chinese slaves.
For fucks sake you Americans complain about 3 things: 1. gun violence problem 2. Nigger problem 3. Not being competitive with Chinese slave labour
America would literally solve all 3 of its big problems by repealing the 13th amendment and making niggers into slaves again. Why the fuck are you wanting the second pro gun amendment repealed instead of the 13th amendment which lets the niggers run wild
The magic of taking advantage of stupid American government.
No, slaves still cost money and Jews will try to breed more of them. It is better to bite the bullet and pay the wage
thanks for the graph that is literally 10 years old
I hope Canada gets better at this whole "growing the economy" thing.
Cut down more trees then
ching chong work 14 hours a day and will put up with being covered in coal char, discipline important
>Human rights
>Environmental protection
>Caring about trade partner's economy
Why round eye wage war on progress?
Ha hilarious
I think this is basically what Trudeau is going to do however it's backfiring already. We are going to be in Great Depression 2.0 next year
Hopefully trump can help us with a military coup. The army absolutely hates Trudeau and it would do us some good if we had our own Pinochet for awhile
Ave citizen.
Kyle is a fag
>Muh ghost cities
People have been saying they were going to pop over the past half-decade (they kinda did last year, but they rebounded).
China's growth is due to competent economic planners and overseers, ease of the government doing what they want to implement (if they really want to implement it), and a highly collectively-minded society that comes from long historical roots and some radical collective reforms during the Great Leap that took decades to successfully complete. They realize that comfy office-jobs and a middle-class like the West has doesn't come without some blood-spilling and ruthless industrialization. Their government has successfully gained the trust of a lot of the plebs-to-higher-middle-class citizens over there enough for them to take their advice in what stocks to invest in, in the Government economic newspapers and magazines.
People have a distorted view of China right now from new-reports of mass industrial accidents and mistakes, to the overall picture and context of their size and background. China will go down as a huge example of mass economic collectivization done right -- just like the American war efforts during World War 2.
Compare it to India for a second -- where 90% of people work under the table and 70% are considered "self-employed", and if you employ a decent amount of people (I think like a 100) you can't fire one of them without getting permission from the Government (or at-least officially on-paper); not to mention the poo in the loo meme.
If they have such a paradise that won't collapse there why the fuck do they insist on coming over here in hordes? If China is great why did they all come to shit up BC even though we hated them to the point where the federal government had to force us to accept them in
We need to bring back the head tax then. If they're so rich they'll be able to afford it