I'm not saying Trump definitely donated to NAMBLA. There are many people saying he did, i don't know. But if he did donate that should be a serious concern. And if he didn't donate then why won't he release his taxes? They might show he donated to NAMBLA I don't know, but a lot of people say they would show he donated lots of money to NAMBLA
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who thinks Trump's alleged ties to NAMBLA are no big deal
Holy shit, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and his darkness belongs in jail!
>serious concern
why is donating to a pedophile support organization such a big deal? it's not like the firefox guy donating against gay marriage, which also wasn't important IMO
Love wins, bigot!
>Not donating to NAMBLA
Who gives a shit if Trump fucks little boys on his free time? This is about the presidency, not him.
Why is /r/politics invading? I'm not a Trump supporter but this meme is stale and forced. Fuck this shit.
The Republican nomination maybe he donated to a bunch of child molestors, and doesn't want anybody to know about. There's a possibility we could elect a child molester and you think it's just a "meme"?
NAMBLA is a non-profit organization. Lets say that he did donate to them, it would not show up on his tax returns
Damn, I mean is not a non profit organization
>caring about ties to NAMBLA
Since when, leftists?
Nice meme.
No evidence. If he did, though, I wouldn't vote for him.
This is desperate, even for paid professional shills...
What are you, some kind of bigot? He can't control his sexuality. It's 2016 asshole.
When neckbeards and fags, who want to legalize pedophilia, attack trump for "supposedly" donating to a pedophile organization.
Fucking hell. Every thread, word for word, different flags.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a kiddie diddler and he belongs in jail. Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a kiddie diddler and he belongs in jail.
Look I don't know if Trump donated to NAMBLA or not but I refuse to support a candidate who loves little boys. All of this could be resolved easily if he released his tax returns.
>concerned about pedosexuality
Wow, you're such a horrible bigot -_- I can't even right now, just stop. Just stop.
It's probably people copy/pasting it as a meme now to get a rise out of the OMG SHILLS idiots who think it's a conspiracy. It's pretty much the same as wtf I hate ___ now thing. Get over it.
They're reaching for the pedo angle now.
The old 'Hitler' thing has grown a bit stale I guess.
This is some really weak shilling.
wtf I hate memes now
>not wanting your own slave with a greedy boipucci
Bill and Hillary had a close relationship with Jeremy Epstein, so if we're going off of who's fucked the least kids you still lose, shill.
The point is to mock the shills who dare come here
I thought liberals were pro-pedo?
fuck off
where's the PROOF? SOURCE?
what the fuck dude, its from cuck porn, you sick fuck
He's almost Biden level creeper.
at least the shill threads are beginning to have a hint of humor in them
No one is shilling for Hillary. It's just a bunch of trolls doing it for the (you)s. That's why they're always so transparent, they want you to see them as shills and reply.
I'm not saying that Hillary is a reptilian. There are many saying she is, but I don't know. Bit if she is a reptilian that should be a serious concern.
Calm down, take a breath and realize that they have to be here to get paid, which means that they're at our mercy for their pitiful little paychecks.
Keep calm and make them fight for every penny.
>I refuse to support a candidate who loves little boys
Agreed, boys are gross, little girls is where it is at.
So do you have to report back with the results of these threads?
Your boss wouldn't be very happy with how this is going.
I fucking wish, I would love to have a president who actually likes pedophiles. I kind of doubt it though.
Did you know that Pence is the one who wrote the PROTECT act, that ridiculous law which banned "obscene" drawn child porn, among other things? Honestly I'd consider voting for Hillary if I thought she'd be any more pro-pedo than Trump.
This thread is comedy gold. I'm so triggered right now. Were did this rumour come from?
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
I thought NAMBLA was just a South Park joke.
wtf I love boys now
hehehehe reddity :D hheheheheheh reddity :D = D
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
What proofs?
preach brother
keep on slaying
Hi reedit
Or is it correct the record?
Just who the fuck are you?
>excuse me but where are the proofs?