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>that way he nods yes and says no
assange is going to get himself charged with rape again
>That micronod
Lmao it doesnt seem like rich was the rat. Assange is just pointing fingers to be in the news again
>Assange fingers murdered DNC staffer
Interesting fetish.
bump. shills trying to slide this info
Really? A DNC staffer shot with no obvious motive right after Wikilieaks drops the DNC's correspondence and you think that's just some kind of coincidence?
what did he mean by this?
Is Judicial Watch an unbiased website?
Truth has no bias.
WTF I hate murders now
When will he drop the hammer? He's been saying he has enough for inditement. What's he waiting for?
Tin foil
That's not what I'm saying.
I'm asking if they go after both sides equally because their website doesn't seem like it.
More material to Trump play with , but the (common) media will simple ignore this
It's right-wing but reliable
bamp 4 # sliderz
I don't think he's timing it for the sake of making a PR blow to Clinton's campaign... if it's as big and serious a leak as he's insinuating (so big that it would guarantee and force an indictment of Clinton as he claims) than my guess is he's working to get all his ducks in a row before releasing - that means going over every possible lead with a fine-toothed comb
He's probably just trolling at this point. I would too if I had that kind of information.
they are considered conservative
What the fuck is there to go after on whatever you think "the other side" is?
That sucks because the normies will just ignore it then.
Drudge is hauling ass this election cycle and dropping red pills like mad
>he thinks Republicans can't be just as corrupt as Democrats
Very. Libshits hate it more than Breitbart for that very reason. They can't just dismiss its data out of hand.
bumping to piss off the CTR shills who are accessories to money laundering and bribery of the Clinton Foundation.
I asked you what "the other side" is, cocksucker; these people are going after the federal government.
What is "the other side"?
No, it's a biased website, they push very hard to see democrats burn to the ground however the data is accurate.
>that anchor
>Julian Assange being a supporter of Donald Trump
listen you're looking for objectivity and reliability in a world that doesn't see either as profitable. judicialwatch is a conservative site, yes, but that's because you wouldn't expect a leftist site to house this sort of information. Take downs of both sides of the aisle isn't good for business. it's one side or the other. right now, we have the opportunity to destroy one party of the american political system. I don't expect nyt or cnn or msnbc or yahoo news to help that assured destruction to come lightly.
always be skeptical of any source. that's about all you can do in the way of remaining "objective".
anyone who believes that any media personality "newscaster" isnt a complete and utter cocksucking whore is a moron
the media is suppressing it!
get out of my country your fagging it up
>you're either a supporter or not
He just wants Hillary in prison like the rest of us. Her indictment would be huge symbolic victory over these kinds of people. A warning to her handlers
bad source dingus
What a surprise
It just amazed me how blatant he was. At least he let Assange talk though, American and a lot of British news anchors would talk over him and then cut him off once he brought up the murder thing. I also like the implication that even if it was only a robbery, that it wasn't a murder because it was a robbery.
This. Do not seek a messiah. Recognize relative strengths and triangulate (ie, RT is good, but it will never criticize Putin). Then recognize that often, even obnoxious right-wing voices have real bases for credibility, while MSNBC falls back on cultmarx humanities degrees or "journalistic integrity."
you underestimate how popular drudge is
Does anyone else notice her username in the emails?
>[email protected]
Her maiden name is Hillary Diane Rodham. Why would she use these initials instead of her real initials or even a more random set of initials? Seems to suggest an attempt to memtally separate herself from Bill.
literally every person working in DC checks it multiple times per day.
/r/politics is a lost cause
If you disagree, you get downvoted so hard that you can only post every 9 minutes
>Assange fingers murdered DNC staffer
Gee whizz Assange is one sick bastard
>literally 12 threads on the same subject, Trump's 2nd amendment comment that's being turned into an "assassination call"
A lot of times, I have to sort by controversial to find anything I agree with. Frickin' reddit.
That's because the mods deliberately ban people with right wing opinions to skew the top comments and influence people
Clinton is fucking finished.
For the humanity's sake, we can only hope, but likely not finished completely until the October surprise.
In a perfect world she would've been a long time ago, but tons of people wouldn't give a fuck if it was proven she got someone assassinated.
If I were Assange and I released my slim pickings DNC information while still combing through my bombshell information and suddenly my source connected to the DNC information was shot dead I would probably wait until I could offer some semblance of safety to the providers of the bombshell information.
Think about it, he can't just let all his informants die. Everybody would just stop leaking info to him unless he could find a way to provide some measure of safety.
How has this not blown im yet, or has it?
Does Assange need to sacrifice himself for Trump to win?
I unfff every time at that chick mang
Why can't Assange confirm if Seth Rich was the informant? Doesn't seem like anyone but the DNC would be hurt by it.
I mean, I'm to the point where anything not lauding and fawning over Hillary, the DNC, open borders and multiculturalism must be considered right wing bias right?
Hurts to say it about this country, but that's the state of media and information now.
Democrats and the DNC control the suppression and dissemination of information across all mediums.
Not total control like the Chinese, but man, it's effective when Google, Facebook & Twitter are used in conjunction with traditional media outlets.
For all practical intents and purposes, they are able to achieve blackout now; the DNC Leaks were a perfect illustration of that.
It sounds like he's trying to make a question disappear by blaming it on a dead person.
Some girls with short hair are so fucking hot. She does looks like a man though
lol so random
I hope you Americans use your freedom you still have and not let this topic die.
It's you against the media.
Glück auf!
There are other threads on this topic being slid/brigaded. Do your part to keep it above water wherever it's being mentioned.
Vielen dank!
Good point here
Just wondering can what's your guys opinions on these "mysterious" accidents that happen to people around the clintons? I'm not a conspiracy guy at all but the bodies are so numerous and span so many years, not to mention how bizarre some of the deaths, that you have to wonder what exactly is going on
>fingering dead men
First rape now necrophilia? Dude Assange sort it out
Bend me
i dunno but i hope they send to execute all the staff from correct the record.
>shill for hill
>get get kill
This will scare leakers
Hopefully he has all of the information he needs.
Put on that tin foil hat because there is a reason they label anyone who connects them to the Clinton's conspiracy theorist
Just how deep does this fucking rabbit hole go?
link to the youtube video, not some obscure right-wing polemic
there is no end
This isn't even the beginning
Don't worry Krautbro. Help is on the way
DNC and Hilldawg kill again.
WW2 Vet relatives only had good things to say of Canadians they fought in 1944.
Gonna trust you on this.
God you're such a blatant shill. I genuinely want to hunt you shills down and cap you like Hillary did to the staffer.
Can we have a good ol sanders meme thread? One last hooray before everyone forgets about him as he drives his R8 off into the distance. I'll start
Tin foil???? Explain what the fuck you mean you piece of shit shill.
>Shots fired
In the back
Won't take wallet, watch, or phone
Robbery gone bad
>Sprinkle some crack on him Johnson.
i heard he fingered him in a nightclub