Imagine the feels that come along with it.
What does Sup Forums think of Native Americans?
they were based, but we were more based, no hard feelings
It was right for us to take this land.
I think they're misunderstood and got a shitty hand throughout European colonisation and American expansion. I do however think some of them were savage and didn't need to be on the same continent as my ancestors or any European, but some were cool and got dealt a shitty hand and were taken advantage of ect. ect. ect.
I've talked and hung out with some, and they were honestly bro tier (patriotic Americans, not angry at us or anything) and were completely at peace with what happened and think it was for the best.
Mongoloid genes with none of the smarts.
They didn't even have bows, horses and dogs before European-contact.
Didn't get the message in time.
Niggers should've been the ones being exterminated, the indians were smarter but weak.
They didn't tech fast enough.
GG no re
american indians and pacific islander are bros, what the actual fuck happened with abbos from australia though
typical Sup Forums opinion
>blah prairie niggers blah blah
I like them a lot
They got fucked by mass immigration, and serve as a grave warning of what could happen to the West.
i don't like pacific islanders 2bh
abbos got so fat and their tits hanged so low and then the aussies didnt even bother which also explains why 90% of australias population lives on the coast while the centre is abboland
This. I go to washington every year to meet up with some old friends who are are Natives. Always have a good cry on the last day before we leave to missed those guys so much
>Inb4 being called a fag
They are savages who raped, raided, killed and burned spanish/american/mexican/texan settlements in the north of mexico.
God bless the USA for protecting us from the comanche menace.
>Makes settlements
>Expects not to be attacked
what the fuck?
I've been a part of native ceremony since I was 16 as a white guy. I can honestly say they are the some of the nicest people I've ever met
Just brown people like mexicans.
Brown people love being half naked painted and tattooed having orgys its their tribal ways
thats why nobody moved north in the colonial era, making it easier for the US to annex the huge territories in the mexican cession.
I like North Americans natives, I like their culture. Southern ones are subhuman manlets.
How were they based?
At least they invented the wheel, I guess.
DESU, I think since abbos were never romantized unlike indians and pacific islanders, must people don't really like them. like with natives you have teepees, headdresses, handsome warriors and maidens ect. while abbos got "they hit an animal with a stick". even hawaiians got hula dancing, ukeles, all that cool shit.
Part of their culture and traditions live on in the American spirit. I think even though we tend to think colonials just completely wiped them out, I've observed that American society is actually a fusion of Native American philosophy and Western philosophies. I respect Native Americans even though they're druggies and drunks nowadays. They're still like an old relative.
Prairie niggers who murdered indiscriminately. They couldnt be reasoned with and you cannot live peacefully next to a rabid dog
Savage here, I like me
I dated a Choctaw girl in College, but every time we went out dancing it would start to rain.
why dont you just dance in the rain?
I'm glad big strong white man came and took my land and created greatest nation on earth. :^)
>never got past the stone age
>never invented the wheel
>never invented writing
>ate all the horses in North America, because they were to stupid to ride them
>die from foreign diseases and blame it on the Europeans, who had no control over it
>sell entire country for some fucking beads
>complain about how the white man took their land
>give them free money just to shut the fuck up
>waste free money on drugs
I'm 1/500 Iroquois so I can't be racist
like a rain dance or something?
Does Sup Forums even know that there is legitimately a two-tier legal system in canada?
That if a chug breaks the the law, even if it's beating a teenage girl to death, they will receive almost no punishment because of "muh residential schools"?
IF you are a native with an IQ above 90 where I live you can be a multi-millionaire due to handouts and affirmative action.
I just wish white people got the same treatment in their homelands, then I wouldn't care.
Wrong except for the horses.
Powerful and vital, keepers of the demons of America, chose death rather than submission. Based.
America was never meant to be inhabited by humans
I like their culture, think I'll use it
savages the lot of them
> In the fall of 1838, when Matilda was about thirteen years old, she and four children of Mitchell Putnam were captured by Comanche Indians and carried into the Guadalupe Mountains. Two unsuccessful excursions were made to free the children, one to the head of the Guadalupe River in late 1838 and one under John H. Moore in 1839 to Spring Creek, a tributary of the San Saba River. Under the terms of a treaty, sixty-five Indians led by the chieftan Muguara (Muk-wah-rah) delivered Matilda to authorities in San Antonio on March 19, 1840. Mary Ann Maverick, who witnessed the event and helped to bathe and dress the girl after she was returned, later recounted that Matilda had been badly tortured and "was utterly degraded, and could not hold up her head again. Her head, arms, and face were full of bruises, and sores, and her nose actually burnt off to the bone-all the fleshy end gone, and a great scab formed on the on the end of the bone. Both nostrils were wide open and denuded of flesh. She told a piteous tale of how dreadfully the Indians had beaten her, and how they would wake her from her sleep by sticking a chunk of fire to her flesh, especially to her nose...her body had many scars from the fire." During her two years with the Comanches, Matilda had learned to understand some of the Comanches' language, and she revealed to the Texan authorities in San Antonio that the Indians still held thirteen other captives and that they planned to bring them in one by one and bargain for each in exchange for ammunition, blankets, and other supplies. Her harrowing tale of privation and torture and the failure of the Indians to deliver the Putnam children and other captives resulted in the Council House Fight, which took place the day Matilda was returned. According to Maverick, the girl never recovered from her experience and died two or three years later.
every indian ive ever met was apparently not anything about 1/4 or even 1/8 native and all the more aggressively compensatory for their whitish appearance
a wonderful example is eva longoria on finding your roots, a pbs show where celebrities take those scam dna tests. scam they may be, it was funny seeing someone who based their identity on being native getting told that, as her appearance clearly suggests, she is mostly spanish
indians stole the word hispanic
I feel bad for them tbqh senpai.
Thank you for a couple genes here and there but fuck you, this is my yard. Slack ass degenerate post mongoloid savage fucking spear chucker.
A speck of Native American blood is the reason I have bitch tits. That picture proves it.
The gyno is real man.
>Fort Parker, built the same year, was attacked on May 19, 1836, by a large group of Indians, mainly Comanches. Five inhabitants of the fort were massacred, one was wounded, and five others were taken captive: Rachel and James Pratt Plummer, Cynthia Ann and John Parker, and Mrs. Elizabeth Kellogg. Cynthia Ann and John Parker were Rachel's cousins, and Elizabeth Kellogg was her aunt. Soon after their abduction, the captives were separated. Mrs. Kellogg was taken by a band of Kichai Indians, and John and Cynthia Ann were taken by a band of Comanches. When the Comanches learned that James Pratt had been weaned, he was taken from Rachel, and she never saw him again. Rachel, who became a slave to the Comanches, was beaten, burned, and deprived of sufficient clothing. In order to finish her assigned tasks she often had to work all day and most of the night. The Comanche band never stayed more than three or four days in one place except in extremely cold weather, when they would stay until the weather changed. Rachel traveled thousands of miles with the Comanches as they wandered from the headwaters of the Arkansas River to the Wichita Mountains. She was pregnant at the time of her capture; she bore a second son about October 1836 and named him Luther. The Indians thought that the baby was interfering with Rachel's work, so they killed him when he was about six weeks old. Rachel was held captive by the Comanches for thirteen months. The Comanches were camped north of Santa Fe when they were approached by Mexican traders who wanted to ransom Rachel. She was sold to them on June 19, 1837.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
>At least they invented the wheel, I guess.
Actually, you guessed wrong.
bro most of them are dead, don't worry.
>They didn't even have bows
Not true
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
>had an entire continent to themselves
>did nothing fight among each other and get high
Nothing of value was lost
Lel, some of them are really fucked up though, I knew a guy who was ex military and became a JROTC teacher on an Indian reservation up in the Dakotas after he retired and shit was fucked up. The Indian men got drunk and raped their families and abused them. He said that the women were beautiful, but he would notice girls coming in to school beat up with black eyes. It depends on the tribe though, not all are as fucked up as the Lakotas.
You are an idiot. Not smart!