Donheld, I

Donheld, I...

... I ... I love you Donheld

Delegates, I...

You're tanking in the polls Dahnald. Just hand 'em over.

Ted cruz and his twin brother jeb cruz


What are the odds for a Ted Cruz run (and win) in 2024??

Goy, I...


He will kidnap the delegates

I'm not messin' around, Dahnald.

What about in the general?

And will this be a bad thing post Trump?
Because I cannot imagine him winning post Hillary

Dahnuld, come polka with me

Ted Cruz needs hillary to win this election, because she will definitely fuck up on a monumental scale because she's fucking incompetent. This would be the perfect frame for a republican to win in 2020, and that could be Ted. I'd say he has a fair shot, but it would be difficult for him to win generals unless he tones down the God stuff and moves toward the centre on shit like abortion

Just. Stop.

Did someone say DELEGATES?

didn't this motherfucker die

someone post the hillary one pls

he'll run again but it'll be like Santorum

Now Dahn- Donald, my friend I offer you a choice between these two pieces of candy, or pills if you will. This blue piece will take you back to your life and you will be free to believe what you want. However buddy, if you take this red piece it will take you deep down into the chasm of truth and it WILL show you the power of [redacted by the Order of the Priesthood]


I will send her after you for the delegates, Dahnald!

Dijnuld if you please,

The delegates in the sack if you will,

My previous dognaol

Yes. A stingray barb pierced his heart :(

Release the delegates Donald.

I'm losing my patience.

Lmfaooo holy shit i love pol


He went the way most of us can only dream about being about to think of going.

The delegatesssssss. Gives them to us.

Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy? Hand over the delegates and no one gets hurt.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Has anyone made a "RETURN THE DELEGATES" Rato/King Ramses mashup?

Give me the delegates or I'll have to take them by force.

Anyone else miss Ted Cruz? It felt like this past republican election has offered great memes and hilarious debate moments. Ted was a fighter compared to other low energy candidates like Yeb! and Sleepy Carson. But now that it's more serious with Trump and the establishment. I feel like this will be the last great republican election. Anyone else agree ?

I'm coming for your delegats Dahnuld!

These threads are Sup Forums tier shit.

Other than trying to play dirty and being a sore loser, I really like Ted. 100% would have voted for him if Donald wasn't such a madman.

Nah, if anything I miss Jeb. He was the perfect antithesis to Trump.

i want to play a game dohnald


0.00000000% with a margin of error of 0%

By snubbing Trump he wanted to be muh Reagan but he was such a bitch he's this cycle's Nelson Rockefeller.

the turtles dahnald


the nomination is over cuckold he can't "hand delegates over" fuck your shitty shill CTR slide meme

That's the whole idea behind the resurgence of this meme you newfag. It's not even a new meme

keep shilling with your slide threads

hurr hand over something that cant be handed over.

>it's funny right guys!? xD

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

I will give you 6 million shekels for them.

Are you autistic?


Do you even know what you're saying or why you're saying it anymore, Sup Forumsbot?


Don't blink, Dahnald.

Donheld I have waited so long

The elements may erode me but the delegates last forever doneld


No, Ted Cruz is still alive.


Thanks for calling me "Lion Ted", Dahnold.

That's President Ted Cruz, Donald

Who the fuck is this meme girl?!? I've been thinking about her for days and it's driving me nuts.

chloe moretz, the girl who managed to age like milk before she even turned 20.