Bahai- the most logical religion?

Redpill me on the Bahaii faith Sup Forums. It seems like a pretty sensible faith.

>The Bahá'í Faith (Arabic: بهائية Bahá'iyya /bəˈhaJ/[note 1]) is a monotheistic religion which emphasizes the spiritual unity of all humankind.[1] Three core principles establish a basis for Bahá'í teachings and doctrine: the unity of God, that there is only one God who is the source of all creation; the unity of religion, that all major religions have the same spiritual source and come from the same God; and the unity of humanity, that all humans have been created equal, coupled with the unity in diversity, that diversity of race and culture are seen as worthy of appreciation and acceptance.[2] According to the Bahá'í Faith's teachings, the human purpose is to learn to know and to love God through such methods as prayer, reflection and being of service to humanity.

>In the Bahá'í Faith, religious history is seen to have unfolded through a series of divine messengers, each of whom established a religion that was suited to the needs of the time and to the capacity of the people. These messengers have included Abrahamic figures—Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, as well as figures from Indian religions like Krishna, Buddha, and others. For Bahá'ís, the most recent messengers are the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh. In Bahá'í belief, each consecutive messenger prophesied of messengers to follow, and Bahá'u'lláh's life and teachings fulfilled the end-time promises of previous scriptures. Humanity is understood to be in a process of collective evolution, and the need of the present time is for the gradual establishment of peace, justice and unity on a global scale.[6]

Other urls found in this thread:á'í_divisions

The most logical faith is Christianity, seeing as how the living God is the God of the KJV Bible. Bahai is garbage. sage

Baha'i is literally the religion of the New Age. Beware. The symbol for the Greatest Name literally looks like the word "evil" in English. Baha'i is the greatest abomination of human faiths out there.

I'm going to have to agree with the Mudslimes here and say that this bullshit really is just an Unholy knockoff of Islam.

No, it still subscribed to a long like masculine dirty in the sky that either punishes or rewards his creation. An obvious continuation of Abrahamic/Zoroastrian.

Whatever we choose to "believe" should be free flowing and not a rigid rule set up by a prophet or any person. It should be based on the individuals understanding and the conclusion he comes to based on his logic/experiences. No fair god would not allow us to figure out truth on our own. Understanding the universe is up to the individual

It's a liberal form of Islam that became it's own religion

Baha'i teaches destroying all races and nations by intermarriage, uniting the entire planet in one language, and destroying all national sovereignty by uniting the entire human race under a one world government. Does that sound like something that is in accordance with Gods' or Natures laws?


Nigger, the best religion is obviously Christianity. Are you a fucking faggot? Are you voting Hillary? God and Jesus is all you need dumbfuck.

I think they'll have a hard time recruiting people.

Conservatives won't like them because bahais are really toleratant of other races and religions and cultures. And they are super anti-war pacifists.

Liberals won't like them because bahai's don't approve of drugs and abortion and promiscuity and homosexuality. they're kind of stuck in the middle somewhere.

But I never hear stories about bahai's causing any trouble, so that's a good thing.

>logical religion

Thanks OP - I needed a laugh today.

Bahai = Heretical Muslim spastics who murdered each other for control of their weird Muslim sect that all spastic Muslims do.

The members of the guys own family are no longer part of the religion because they got murdered and excommunicated out of it.

The whole point of religion is that it isn't logical, hence any religion that makes a claim to be logical is completely fucking retarded

>because bahais are really toleratant of other races and religions and cultures. And they are super anti-war pacifists.
Except when they are murdering eachother for control of the religion.

Read the actual history of the Bahai sect, not what they meme as their beliefs.


So you like multicultural globalism and believe in equality?

What Bahai's call their rivals inside the religion who they murder and excommunicate:
History of Bahai divisions and splits, and what they do to internal rivals:

Bahai is a meme religion. Bahai being a religion of peace is a meme. Just another weird deviant Muslim cult.

>History of Bahai divisions and splits, and what they do to internal rivals:á'í_divisions

>knockoff of Islam
I thought that even tho its similar because no homo and no alcohol, it was the opposite of islam because no imams, no multiple wives. And no killing, even for idolotry or infidels or lulz.

Literally a meme religion, understood by the people who followed it as a meme religion.

Meme religion that expelled all family members of their prophet.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

I'd rather worship pagan Arabic gods, desu.

You should rather get a imaginary friend because that is no different than believing in god

I read The Prophet maybe 10 years ago. It was fucking stupid

The Egyptian gods were bretty gud too, senpai

my mom was briefly a bahai. from the few meetings I had, most of its adherents are new age tards. literal meme religion

Wrong thread shill

>Correct the Record has deposited $0.07 in your account

I knew some Baha'is several years ago who were the kindest people I have ever known.

Praise Kek!

From what I've read:

>Manichaeism/Mazdaism 2.0 which is based
>Fastest growing religion adjusted for birth rates (Arabs breed like rabid dogs)
>Has (unfortunately) Abrahimc/Semitic twist
>Same God as Judaism, Judaism 2.0 (Christianity) and Judaism 3.0 (Islam) - which is obviously sad
>Anti-war and politics
>No booze and drugs obvs.
>No homosexuality
>Anti-islam which is why they're being hunted in Iran and why all of these Saudi diaspora in this thread in other countries are so hostile

Overall could care less.. Its another religion preaching God

It's bullshit. You can't have all faiths be true and legitimate if some faiths claim that only they are true i.e. christianity.

>John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Either christ was correct in his assertion (in which case Christianity is the only true religion, and Baha'i is wrong) or he was incorrect (in which case baha'i is also wrong)

Islam makes similar claims about its exclusivity on truth, as does Judaism. They can't all be correct.

>... Having democratically elected official body instead of birth rights is a bad thing

Back to Saudi Arabia or whichever sandnigger hellhole you came from shitskin

Devil's advocate here, they can all be the one true way because they're all the same way in different forms for different people in different times. Like God presenting a different covenant to each group of people for them to uphold depending on who they are and where/how they live.


sounds like some pretty fucking stupid asses.

"everyone is spiritually linked and intune."

>Uniroinically stating this during Trump vs Hillary.

you are one dumb mother fucker I hate you.

there your religion is disproven now fuck off.

Hi King James user, how is it going? I've seen you in so many threads now

This. It is literally the framework for the New World Order One World Religion for the goyim, ruled over by a priestly class of jews. The headquarters is in Haifa, Israel and looks like it was built with Rothschild money. Also, despite being based in Israel they are not allowed to convert jews. They are essentially theosophists that push the idea that all of the major figures of the various religions were prophets of the same god and therefore, all people should come together as one. The Catholic ecumenical movement is working towards this same goal.