Watch documentary about Japanese war atrocities in Asia during WW2

>Watch documentary about Japanese war atrocities in Asia during WW2
>Lose any ambivalence about Hiroshima or Nagasaki
Literally had it coming

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so you watched chinese government propaganda?

>posts picture of war criminal who illegal attacked civilians being executed

Japan was an axis power, that automatically absolves them of any guilt for WWII

Nips are pretty fucked up but we fucked 'em hard and nuked 'em. I feel no anger toward them. Besides, if you ever want to piss off Chinks, just talk about how Japan is the only real civilization in East Asia. They good boys din du nuffin wrong.

I wish Japan had nukes for keks.

>Japan dindu nuffin

We are friends with them now though...
I would rather let a Jap into my country than a Swede at this point.

What's with those "uniforms"?

So OP what did they do that make you so offended? There is no such thing as crime in war faggot

>Lose any ambivalence about Hiroshima or Nagasaki

Well, took ya long enough.

I have always wondered whether the japs were as cruel as they were despicted or it's all an exaggeration promoted by the winners. If something like the holocaust was faked then this could be just another case of the victor wiping his ass with history.

that picture looks shopped as fuck. what did they used to call it? "doctored"?

wtf i hate japan now

this is correct

chinese lies and propaganda

It's probably a good thing that the US never invaded - for Japan. If the invasion had occurred, Japan would have been turned into a depopulated wasteland. According to declassified invasion plans, the gloves were going to come off for chemical warfare - and the US Army was the proud owner of 3000 tons of captured German nerve gas.

what about a real swede?
Kinda hurts my feelings there Mr Smith...
I have more relatives living in the US than here...

Come on nip you gotta admit Namking was fucked up no need to rape girls with Bayonettes

Not one bit shopped. You should see some of the stuff from Nanking.

I was generalizing. I know there are some based Swedes, I would welcome a based Swede like you into my country.

Also, are Finns white?

Sissy jap army lost to a dozen ANZACs with minimal army training

You guys couldn't even send a submarine to Sydney without it getting trapped in fishing nets

>Falling for chinese memes

dropping the bombs resulted in less dead americans (who's interests truman was elected to pursue) and likely less dead japanese citizens, it was already established that the soldiers would fight to the last man (literally) and employ suicide tactics that would have extended to the japanese civilians, which the government had previously encouraged to kill themselves if they were at risk of capture

a land invasion would have been the deadliest campaign in history

Japan should be lucky they got 2 nukes.

Otherwise the Marines would have landed, made beachheads, and tens of millions of Japanese men, women, and children would have met the end of an American Bayonet.

In all reality, Japan at the end had zero chance of survival. Their only hope was to made the victory painful.



No, dude. Seriously look at the picture. In the background we have what appears to be a shot of a company of Japanese soldiers posing on a beach in a line. Probably just an old war photo.

The sand the two in the foreground are on is markedly different, and not just because it's been walked on more. You can actually see a blurry zone where the sand nonsensically loses detail between the contrasting terrain.

The Japanese officer swinging his sword is in no way lit brightly enough to actually be there. The fucking sunlight and shadows themselves are entirely different on him than any other figure in the image! And look on his right side under the belt. You can see a blurry band across the soldier in the background.

It's cool we won, but honestly this is poor propaganda work.


This, literally every major city would have ended up looking like hiroshima and nagasaki anyway

Unit 731 senpai

Look them up

And by doing this, you successfully released anime into the world

>military commits war crimes
>"All the people deserve to suffer."

That's how you dressed for open-cockpit aircraft. Frostbite is a serious thing even at elevations of several thousand feet in an era without heaters.

Actually, the US would have waited in invading the mainland, likely to amass forces.

The Soviet Union wouldn't have.

If America invaded the mainland, it would have had to split it with the Soviet Union, creating an east/west germany situation that would have lasted until the 90's.

God damn japan never change

In Nanking, a couple of Jap officers had a contest to see who could behead 100 Chinese first. There are remaining copies of Jap newspapers reporting this.

This is kind of a famous picture from WW II. However, I seem to remember that the guy getting beheaded was an Australian, not a GI.

>needing to watch a documentary to know the atomic bombs were the right choice

That's Sergeant Leonard Siffleet, an Australian commando who was captured, tortured and executed at Aitape in 1943.

damn son

Reminder that dirty nips attacked the US mainland and actually killed people with fucking balloons.

They deserved every last radioactive particle in both nukes we gave them

>believing Chink propaganda

If we had just let Imperial Japan do their thing, the living shitstain on Earth known as China wouldn't be a constant nuisance for us.

>This is kind of a famous picture from WW II.

I know. But it's still an obviously doctored propaganda photo.

Unfortunately, that is just how the world works at the moment.

The people, voluntary or involuntary, support the military through taxation and labor.

Did this turn out to be true?

"The photograph of Siffleet's execution was discovered on the body of a dead Japanese major near Hollandia by American troops in April 1944. It is believed to be the only surviving depiction of a western prisoner of war being executed by a Japanese soldier."

Hahahahahaha yeah fucking right. Okay.

then we would have the constant nuisance of japan you stupid fuck

>Hey Jimmy, what are you watching? Another documentary about japanese atrocities during WW2? Did you know that the US government ordered the execution of every captured filipino above 10 years old in the Phillipine-American war that killed almost 10% of Phillipines population and it is considered a genocide because they deliberately executed the elites who were hispanic? Aint that just cuacking crazy?

>If we had just let Imperial Japan do their thing, the living shitstain on Earth known as China wouldn't be a constant nuisance for us.

Yes it would be.
Because you see, at the end of the day: China was still millions strong vs a tiny little Island off their Coast.

If Japan spent the 20th century pushing onto the Chinese mainland, eventually the Han would have destroyed them anyway.

There is no way Japan could have killed more Chinese than Mao did.

Anime existed pre-ww2, didn't it? Weren't some of the first feature length anime films war propaganda?

History is written by the victors.

- Winston Churchill

We could've more easily coexisted with Japan than we could've with China, considering we wouldn't have wildly different ideologies. Pearl Harbor probably wouldn't have ever happened if Roosevelt didn't have his stupid fucking trade policies towards Japan.

I though Liberals were meant to be "open-minded"?

During WW2 China was tearing itself apart from the inside. If left unbothered, Japan probably could've conquered most of mainland China.


Still butthurt about losing your empire to us, Franco?


And this is somehow supposed to make people feel better?

I'm annoyed for a lot of things. Backstabing us is one of them.

But I'm also happy of what is going to turn the US in 50 years.

>Be Amerishill
>Kill millions throughout the world to protect your drug trade, weapons trade, oil trade and to suck off Israel
>Someone kills someone with a sword or suicide bomb

Why are there spics so dark?

They're accused of literal cannibalism. What do you think?

No, I'm kind of a stone cold realist. Because of this, I'm probably not much of a Liberal or a Conservative.

I'm also not a robot, despite what this nagging POS reCAPTCHA keeps trying to check.

Why do people lose their shit when a child dies?

Is an adult worth less than a child?

Conservatives are just trying to hold onto what is left of society. They are purely defensive, they never push back to take back what is theirs.

If a liberal wants to burn down a city, the conservative will say "No, let us burn down one building each week and we will have destroyed the city in a year."

Well, considering all adult men are human garbage and some boys are still not insufferable to be around, I'd say, kill all the adults you want. Really starting to not care about kids either, honestly, since they inevitably just become shitty adults anyway. Human children are like big cat cubs. They can be cute and fun to be around, but pretty soon they're going to grow up and just start destroying and killing everything until you'll pray for the opportunity to kill them slow.

we are?

I hate all Japs..I hate Anime as well.

Why couldn't you keep your johnson in your pants when you came here? Us Americans just killed the Indians, you had to quadruple their population by mongrelozing them.

It's called the truth, my friend. I know the Japanese are very ignorant of their responsibility towards their own actions during ww2. I've seen examples of it time and time again. Sad, but true, and I'm very biased positively towards the Japanese people and their culture, so...yeah. You can't ignore things like dropping the bubonic plague on a country (which the Japanese did to China).

No, it's not correct.

The exact opposite is true. The horrible details of what Japan did in ww2 have been largely covered up for decades exactly because they were our new allies and the West helped them save face to get people on their good side after the shit they did.

This guy gets it.

You realise that's true at least in some cases?

>I hate all Japs
Are your parents Korean by any chance?

Ya the Japs were pretty ruthless. Being industrial vs semi industrial at best china. Back then everybody was pretty ruthless.

No it isn't.

How do people feel about Mussolini over in Italy? Do they have the same "erase the past" sentiment they have in Germany, or is he seen as a national hero like in Croatia or Bulgaria? I can't really think of anything controversial he did, besides joining the axis, of course. His seemed like the most vanilla variety of fascism.

Ok I guess those starving japs passed on all the free meat

what the fuck are you talking about?

why did they wear those silly hats with the flap?

Jap's were kind of dicks during the war, but most countries were to one degree or another back then.


Oh wow I'm mad Japan needs to die
>they're literally dying from all the radiation and NEETs
Yeah...well....fuck you I hate anime now!!

what the fuck is warcrimes?
i mean is a fucking war

so germanic put rules in war now?
fucking pigs, that is why you deserve to be exterminated

This is rich coming from the United States of Israel, who was allied with Russia - who shat on geneva conventions. The russians even castrated and killed their own American allies when they would try and stop the rape/torture/murder of civies

To keep the sun off their necks sempai

>dropping the bombs resulted in less dead americans
You pulled this right out your ass. The atomic bombs killed more Americans stranded in Japan then died in the 9/11 attacks done by Zionists.
There were like 3800 United States civillians/POW's killed when they dropped those bombs.
Even the allied leaders and mainstream academics admit that it would have been cheaper economically and costed less lives if they just saturation bombed Japan with conventional explosives.
You bought the whole "to save lives" crap, hook line and sinker. They wanted to send a message to everyone and end the war.

You do know the the US made 500,000 purple hearts for the invasion of Japan and their still using them today

And if you saturation bombed that would of required landing in Japan would of cost more Japanese lives and cost way more and dragged the war out even longer

>Canada in charge of being smart

The precedent of killing civilians had already been set with the bombing of Dresden and firebombing of Tokyo. Some theories are that US spent $4B on building the bombs and wanted to use them.

This, invading Japan would have been a nightmare.

>can't into basic intellect
>lean on cheap cliches and edgelord nonsense

lel who fucking cares?

WWII is ancient fucking history.

Long live Japan. Make anime real! Fuck China.

This just in: Non-white nation lacks white guilt.

Mess with the bull

>Mess with the bull
Aussies got cucked

White-guilt (AKA self-hate) is a sickness that has a cure.

he looks like moonman