Is China the worst Superpower?

Is China the worst Superpower?
>treats doggos like shit
>human right violations
>internet censorship
>chinese jews
>you can literally be attacked and stabbed and nobody would even attempt to help you

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choose one faggot

Well they are right behind you

And don't this stuff happen in the US too? With niggers especially. Kind of hypocritical of you guys huh? By the way, China is not communist


>he fell for the communism is bad meme
heh, I bet you voted for Drumpf too

>he fell for the China is communist meme

Leaf I...

Daily reminder.
And the top1 was AFTER obamanigger banned Xeon exports to China.

sounds like the USA minus the dogs

It's shit, but not that bad. It's just that everyone is soulless and lack sympathy. Perhaps the introduction of Christianity into China can save their moral standards.

In economy, they are still behind the US

Technologically, that is debatable

This. Good thing their Christian population is growing.

Nah, the US stil have better tech, but the Chinese soullessness can help them catch up just by doing experiments no one else would dare to do.

>literally everything Made in China
>no minimum wage means sucking free jobs from everywhere
>behind the US in economy
Once the Federal Reserve propped up economy collapses you'll see who's ahead in economy.

China is barely even a regional power. They have no soft power (culture) because no one speaks their fucking ridiculous language and they have no ability to project force, not to mention their military hasn't seen actual combat

They are a major economic power (for now), but they are not a superpower like the US is or Russia was

China is a big fucking factory, of which the US and other parts of the world owns most of.

They do have soft power in Africa and other shit third world countries. Also, it's kind of hard for them to see actual combat, because they're not actively invading people. Of course, they do have some military advisory missions in Africa and the like.


It's not a meme bugerfaggot. Commies deserve to have thier teeth kicked and brains blown out.

>ideology of peace

Eh, you can laugh at the chinks all you want, but in 20-30 years they will be 3 meters tall with 300 IQ and laughing back at our "ethics" and "morality"

They are behind technologically, there is no argument there. I'd say that they are still far behind Europe when it comes to science.