Gabby Douglas shows solidarity with Black Lives Matter

>Olympic gold medalist gabby douglas did not 'pledge allegience' to the USA flag during the national anthem at the olympics after winning gold

>She did so out of racial inequality and in solidarity with the black lives matter movement, protesting the american flag

>the other 4 gymnasts on the team all put their hands on their heart during the anthem

So let me get this straight. The USA spends hundreds of thousands in tax payer dollars paying for her training, sending her to international events, etc etc (olympic team is publically funded), then she has the audacity to act like the USA has done her some great injustice and she spits on the flag?

Where are ameriniggers so ungrateful?

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw

Because they was kangz and sheeeit. Just fucking send them back to Africa.

she most have not left the olympic village to go visit her brethren in brazil

>>Olympic gold medalist gabby douglas did not 'pledge allegience' to the USA flag during the national anthem at the olympics after winning gold

...this really needs to end

here is another pic of her being opressed

You're acting as if they can actually think.

>Where are ameriniggers so ungrateful?
Leave her in Brazil where she can live the good life.

The National Anthem isn't a pledge of any sort, read the lyrics. People rarely (if ever) put their hand over their heart during the National Anthem before 9/11. Seemed like after that everyone was doing it as some sort of "patriotism signaling" gesture.

Look at that fucking uncle Tom bitch behind her. Putting her hand over her heart and shit. Smdh

she'll go back to the US where the government will pay her 100k for her medal total. Then she'll probably stay on team USA where she'll get a nice stiped to jump around on a trampoline. All while hating you.

God this makes me angry.
You represent this country.
The fucking Olympics are where you represent athletic prowess to the world.
and all four other team members, including the other black girl are holding their hands over their hearts.
Honestly, she was the weak link, the small black girl was the best in my opinion.
if she hates America, she can play for Nigeria or some shit.

What a nigger

It's just a disrespectful teenager being fed propaganda.
She should be shamed for her actions and likely will be by everyone but BLM, hopefully she'll learn not to make an ass of herself to the entire planet or her career is a downward spiral

I'm sorry

>Don't even watch the Olympics anymore

It's still irritating to see, the media will compare it to pick related and talk about how both of them fought racial inequality.

>There's no way she isn't written as a hero for this 20yrs down the line

>People rarely (if ever) put their hand over their heart during the National Anthem before 9/11.

t. Underage


It's an opportunity for those who are unrepresented in the real world be given a shot by having someone who managed to work their way up to the top to highlight the issue of racism in American society.


>There's no way she isn't written as a hero for this 20yrs down the line

Your Hitler dubs tell a different story.

By my words, the white man will awaken.

No. We were pledging allegiance since the 30s, I recall elementary school in the 90s, standing and hand over heart and all that.

Even the black girl in the back is sick of her shit

She came in 7th in the qualifiers to go to the Olympics. She shouldn't even be there.

What an idiot.

The blacks have to be at the back of the line. I see her point.

Disgusting nigger

Horrible posture.

Fucking go back to be kangaskhans already.

>She did so out of racial inequality and in solidarity with the black lives matter movement, protesting the american flag

No she didn't. Source?

Didnt the negresses also only get on the team because of affirmative action?

The National Anthem and the Pledge to the flag is not the same thing.

>>Olympic gold medalist gabby douglas did not 'pledge allegience' to the USA flag during the national anthem at the olympics after winning gold
>>She did so out of racial inequality and in solidarity with the black lives matter movement, protesting the american flag

Ya'll been trolled by the idiot from up north. Show me a single fucking quote or source here or just calm down and realize this strange looking lady is just standing there looking dumb.

Hahaha! Oh wait, you're serious, let me laugh harder.


>tfw this is spoilers in the US because the Olympics are covered like highlights on a nightly news segment by the company with exclusive rights instead of broadcasted live and raw like in every other country.

What makes it worse is she's the one that didn't even earn her spot on the team, they had other better competitors that were white but got turned down for muh diversity. She's literally the worst member of the team.

The country gave her a golden ticket even though she's not the best they could have sent and this is how she shows gratitude? This is the fucking embodiment of what's wrong with black people today. Absolutely no respect or selflessness, it's all about them. Maybe if she hates America so much she can stay in shitty Brazil for the rest of her life. Yes I'm fucking 10/10 seeing red mad.

Oooga bo booga a nigger isn't satisfied, what else is new

She's probably just some dumb nigger that didn't know how to properly act in public as usual

do we have a source on either of these claims

>All of the idiots itt taking the bait

This wasn't an intentional political statement dipshits


Fucking hell you people are retarded


Holy hell these niggers are retarded. Why even bother representing the USA at all? What, did you think you were only representing the blacks or something when you signed up? Traitorous dindu whore. What's the point of even being in the Olympics?

I honestly think these snarky ex-farm equipment pieces of shit really want a segregated America, they want nothing to do with whites, they should have their own mini-state with their own funded police force. We'll see how quickly it turns into Liberia.

she was actually in the front walking out, they just turned to face the flag

Hi, guys. West Des Moines here. Bitch trained for gold here, was takn care of by a lberal white family who PAID FOR HER LIFE HERE, and this nigger bitch has said that WDM was "racist wonderland" and she was glad to get out. Meanwhile, her Chinese ex-coach practically runs the town and is a god. She's pretty niggery, and her birth ape is no better.

satan digits confirm

Kys nigger lover. You all enabled her apery by housing that negress.

It doesn't matter if it's for black Lives matter or not, in the fucking picture she's not doing her part by participating in the national anthem. She's there to represent her country, not stand there looking like Harambe at the niglet that fell into her cage. It takes no effort to do, and the actual good competitors are participating.

It's no secret she shouldn't have been there in the first place, she placed 7th in qualifiers as pointed out. And yet there she stands, in the place of someone who actually gives a shit about representing the country that gave them so much and would have given more back to it, and has the audacity to not do the simplest deed of putting your hand over your fucking ice cold selfish heart and showing pride for where you came from and gratitude for those that are cheering you on and lifted you up. She's a fucking selfish cunt and a symbol of what's wrong with her kind today. At least the other black chick worked hard, performed well, and showed she loves her country.

Resting bitch face, sure.

But not necessarily standing in some kind of protest

This infuriates me.

so thats a no

C'mon Sup Forums, do at least a little research before falling for the leaf jew.

Pic related is from her twitter. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and just say that she fucked up by not doing what the rest of the team was doing. It's the most pathetic "standing at attention" I've ever seen, but it doesnt look like any BLM nonsense.

Don't take the pledge, don't get the medal.

being unpatriotic is going to make the rest of america soften to their "cause"

The source is in the OP image you mong, it's a fact she didn't participate, regardless of what she says or what the media says, that picture is there and it speaks volumes on her character and selfishness

Why do American dindus always have to pull stuff like this?
Why didn't she stay at home instead of representing some 'oppressive' country?
No wonder these people got so many negative stereotypes, they prove them right every time.

your feelings mean little on the matter

>The USA spends hundreds of thousands in tax payer dollars paying for her training,
Are you serious? Our taxes go towards people running, throwing balls and swimming? Fucking hell

She's not even at attention. Dumb nigger can't do anything right. Just trying to make people think she ain't reyciss.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

To be fair, in your pic had just as much validity as this uppity little cunt.

It doesn't have to be about BLM, she's a selfish cunt and the way she's standing and her body language in shows that she doesn't believe her country is worth the miniscule amount of effort it takes to move her hand to the correct position, or even not slouch. She's a selfish nigress that doesn't even deserve to be there

>ignoring the actual star dindu behind her participating in the pledge of allegiance


She was not standing at attention. Standing at attention is having your hands at your side in line with the side seam of your pants. Not in front of you on your pubic mound.

She was getting absolutely destroyed on twitter and instagram so she back tracked HARD.

she said it was for blm in the interview immediately after. fuck off shill

Jesus I only see that brand on the east coast.


so post it

I want here sooooo bad
Midget black chicks are my kryptonite

>She did so out of racial inequality

Got that right.

Yes olympic athletes are publically funded.

Furthermore the government gives her 25k for every medal she gets, so she'll get a nice little 100k cheque from obongo when she lands back in the country she hates

>paying your niggers to run around in circles and jump up and down on trampolines

Jesus Christ it's almost 11:30pm here and you've got me wanting to go to the store and buy some cheesey balls to stuff my face with. Those are god tier snacks

Just retards on twitter. I never put my hand over my heart either

I just finished a tub of those. Fucking christ, Utz's cheese balls are the best

NBC fucked up the Olympics once again.

We already knew they won Gold hours before it aired, same with Phelps and the swim team's Golds.

because you're some degenerate loser living in your moms basement.

bottom line is this:

tax payers spend millions for you to jump up and down on a trampoline for a living and represent the country = salute the god damn fucking flag.

its not complicated

I don't remember current Jim Crow laws

So oppressed, that you're sponsored, fed, boarded, trained, guarded, clothed, paid, flown, and driven around since you were 15 years old so you can do one autistic thing kind of well, once.
Ungrateful fucking nigger.

Hey Omar you just get back?
You fucking faggot nigger

She had a bad attitude the whole time. Shit perfomances, too. Should stayed home.

hillarious part is this year she finished 7th in the qualifier (they only take 6), but they kicked a white girl off the team and bumped her onto that slot to make the gymnastics team more diverse.

Shes _literally_ only even there because shes a nigger

She won gold in London leafnigger so what's your point?

Maybe that's why she's upset.
She's knows she's a token nigger. Not really an athlete meant to be there.

I'm not. At one time i would have been. But after years of apologizing and prostrating myself to the left, I'm fresh out of white guilt. I realized nothing I ever do or say will be enough to the SJW religion. At least with Christianity, there's hope of redemption in the religious dogma. For me, a white heterosexual male, there can be no redemption, only continual prostration to those I supposedly wronged. So I'm done. I no longer give a flying fuck. They can do whatever they want, but leave me out of it.



Yeah that's not what she said^tfw

She's literally just an airhead

Have you ever tried the Old Bay variety? Most delicious cheeseballs I've ever eaten.

don't bother posting facts around here

anyone else think Douglas looks like Michelle Obama?

Yeah, nobody in America knows about racism. It's not like we're told about it constantly in popular media or taught it in schools or are nattered at about it everywhere we go. It's a good thing this privileged child is here to make us aware of racism in America. With courage like hers, maybe one day we can even have a black president.


our feelings about this are the ONLY thing that matters

if we weren't supposed to feel anything about this it never would've gotten any attention

RIP in peaces sponsorships

>get beaten in the quarter-finals, but manage to secure a place anyway because the canadian world champion was disqualified
>cruising behind in last place in the semi finals, but take first place after three other competitors crash out
>again trailing behind in the finals, and again sail by into first place after every other competitor crashes

>takes his win with humility and gratitude
>admits to this day how lucky he was
>Australian shit-races his way into the history books

I feel bad for the heroes you get, America.
>uppity niggers

If she really wanted her message heard she would have NOT GONE TO THE FUCKING OLYMPICS ON THE US DIME.

Wow the literal diversity hire on the team that made the cut despite performing worse than those who didn't make it at qualifiers is full of herself I see

Yep, being white or a male is their original sin, and SJW is the religion. These assholes are the reason the left doesn't focus on wages and universal healthcare.


You need to REQUALIFY. just because you won a gold last olympics doesnt mean shit for this.

She missed qualifying for 2016 but they kicked a white girl off the team anyway to make it more diverse

this changes things

still it seems weird to not place your hand over your chest like everyone else does

Revoke her citizenship while she's abroad. She doesn't want to pledge allegiance to your country, she doesn't deserve to have its allegiance either.

Leave her in gibesland and see how she fares after the olympics wind down

I had some that were white cheddar and crab I think? They were pretty good, Old bay sounds like pure sex though

Gabbys a nigger

Simone is a high class American