ITT: Post things that trigger Europeans

Ill start.

Other urls found in this thread:

Stupid generic shit


>ITT: Post things that trigger Americans

Post your contrarian set up then.

Mr. NSA agent, you need to use different pictures when you create data mining threads, or people will realize they're all the same.

Kill yourself.

>Stupid generic shit
what is it with this website and fetishism of obscurity

honestly when it comes to guns the triggers stay with the americans

>Euros can't own guns

Except i can own a semi automatic rifle with no restrictions on magazine sizes

do you ever plan to use it?

Post it


I go shooting every other weekend. I also keep the pistol in my nightstand for if anyone breaks into my house and i need a weapon immediately. The rifle is in the closet and can be quickly accessed if necessary.



sounds pretty fun actually

I don't understand why such a large amount of Americans are against stricter background checks, why mang

Hello polizei

Enjoying letting refugees rape your people, traitor?

Because "background checks" are a non issue. If you want to buy a firearm you have to get a background check. To buy my handgun i had to go see the sheriff and had about 1 one week wait to get a permit to buy one.

Stricter background check doesn't mean anything.

> .300 blk

That one hell of a meme you got there.

"the corner shop" in America


I don't get it Nige??


probably that it costs you $20k to use one

google medicare

I'm a private citizen

It also costs you 20K, just in the form of taxation, and for a much lower quality of care

nah tbf, i don't care, i was just trying to explain what the other user might have meant

won't bankrupt me though

also [citation needed]

>won't bankrupt me though

But it will keep you poor and reliant on government support

>all those hi point carbines on the shelf

>If I ever get sick I'm fucking bankrupt
>Bullied by English shitposters

Not everyone can afford a quality, arm, yet everyone should own at least a POS

>tfw no Holland & Holland


Iron penis...

because american men need Viagra to get their biological one hard.


country & suburban gun owners need to be castrated. their aggression makes them more likely to commit crimes.

black and hispanics in the inner cities should be allowed to keep as many guns as possible, because they are more admirable people trying to succeed in life.

>inb4 liberal logic.





Only good post ITT

What are you allowed to fire outta those bazookas?

What you would normally fire out of them...

Look how sad the house of an upperclass bong at 11:45 is

Babby's first AR, thinks it makes him special.

sacks of marbles

He said post your weapons, not a desk full of crap

I really like that snakeskin wallet