>Saying a bunch of dumb stuff
>Republicans turning on him
>bunch of them saying he's the worst ever
>Media says he's implying gun holders should kill Clinton.
Is Trump fucked come this November? Is Hillary's win all but guaranteed now?
>Saying a bunch of dumb stuff
>Republicans turning on him
>bunch of them saying he's the worst ever
>Media says he's implying gun holders should kill Clinton.
Is Trump fucked come this November? Is Hillary's win all but guaranteed now?
How is any of that different from what he's always been doing? Has it made any difference? No.
f-four dimensional ch-chess
Fuck off
Hillary's win was guaranteed the moment Bill Clinton convinced the manchild to run.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail!
Now go away.
No, and we're going to purge the fags like you
I'm pretty sure he's just seeing how far he can go without any repercussions.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail!
I feel like this is more of a response to McCrory shitting the bed than anything else. That man has found a way to piss off a ton of people.
In b4 'l-librul'.
3 months is a long time in politics
who even knows
He's more cream colored really.
I'm still expecting a "I-I wasn't really running seriously anyway!" when he loses/drops out.
15d candyland
Oh it is. Trump alone didn't sink the GOP.
Sup Forums is already quietly abandoning him. By mid October the cumulative retardation of drumpf will be even too much for even them to bear and they will pull a 180 and back Gary Johnson instead. They will claim they never supported trump at all and that he was always the reddit candidate.
Screen cap this post
Dude. The reason why Donald Trump gained so much popularity on the first place was because of all the controversial shit he's been saying and all the media publicity
>Anyone stating the obvious is a shill
>Anyone disagreein with me is a shill
For being so red pilled, Sup Forums sure acts pretty fucking blue pilled.
I've seen some of these morons say they support Jill Stein now.
No. Hillary said something similar but worse about Obama in 2008
Another idiot post by another idiot. Why the hell won't anyone wake up to what is going on? The two party system is really one party lead by the Rothschild Zionists. People need to seriously wake up. Trump is playing a part, a part intended to get Hilary elected. It's all a sham. It's a game, a mind manipulation. You have no choice in this country anymore. It is all predetermined.
Doesn't know the 360 meme
Shill detected
Get out
It's worse than that. It goes so much deeper. The shills, hrc, ctr, tcf, moloch, the jews, the builerberg. It's all tied together. WARNING intense thread about it soon
i can't wait to vote for Trump.
5 months ago I thought he was just trying to sell books.
He is doing fine.
for the billionth time. Trump will win Florida.
I live here. I haven't seen one Hillary sticker, t-shirt and i have only met one person that is voting for her.
she will not win florida.
wow spread that everywhere.
Moloch isn't even that powerful you fucks, you can slap his shit with a decent magic build and Almighty bullets.
Now Tiamat, that's a fucking demon.
>Trump will win Florida because anecdotal evidence!!
are Trump supporters really this stupid?
Tiamat is a goddess, not a demon.
>m-my anecdotal evidence will triumph! Florida is small after all, my hick northern down is indicative of the whole state! I know, I used bumper sticker research!
>Saying a bunch of dumb stuff
Shillperd sorry for destroying your ship is Mass Shill 2
>Trump says more dumb shit
>Assange leaks incriminating Clinton documents
Gary Johnson landslide
Nice try Son of... I mean, user, but I know a demon when I see one!
You should be devoted to the Angels and side of Law.
Obama only won by 2% points. It's possible Florida goes Trump. It doesn't matter though as Hillary still have slightly over 300 electoral votes.
>Angels and side of Law.
Get out of here you angels are just a bunch of prideful pricks.
>>Media says he's implying gun holders should kill Clinton.
is he wrong though?
Establishment republicans were never with him to begin with. He knew it and he never backed down. Never gave them an opening. Now they are tired of waiting for the perfect back stab and are throwing tantrums shows the they are just can poor and corrupt as the democucks.
CNN and the pro status quo MSM think they have Trump on the ropes. The people will overcome the Globalists and Cronyists agenda's. TRUMP WILL PREVAIL!
Watch short video : m.youtube.com
Because until the conventions he only needed to appeal to the redneck republican base, of course they ate his shit up, not gonna fly anymore. It's general election season now boy.
Republicans have been turning on him since day one. I don't see how this is so shocking.
He mentions 2nd amendment, then speaking of what you believe he was saying, "assassination", this video surfaces:
Trump is going to win.
I live here too and according to the Orlando radio polls, he has Orlando. If he can get about half of Miami, he will win.
He's clearly talking about her wanting to repeal the second amendment along with her democrat overlords. And no he will win, and in the future well have documentaries about how "trump came in and did unprecedented things and turned cucked america on its head" if repeating digitz kek wills it
I love how Trump supporters only argument to defend him now days is "EVERYTHING IS CORRUPT, CTR STOP SHILLING AND LYING!!"
If the media was out to get Trump so bad they wouldn't give him the air time he gets. The guy gets it merely because he speaks his mind. What comes out of his mouth is all on him and the media merely relays it to the people.
Trump supporters can't handle defending what comes out of his mouth 24/7 so they result to attacking the relaying source of information as non-factual or merely biased when it's clear as day what Trump says and implies. The fucking guy does it with a smirk too.
>tells Russia to hack hillary's emails
>calls her corrupt 24/7
>implies that she should be shot
And you wonder why the GOP are falling apart and jumping ship. Trump supporters are going to cry their eyes out like bernouts did when he loses in the general election.
The Republican Party could kick Trump out of the party. And then put someone else on the ballot.
And those aren't true minus Hillary actually being corrupt. Nice post shill. Everyone here knows the emails were leaked by Seth Rich not Russia. Also he was talking about the second amendment. If Hillary were to repeal it the people may be in their right to revolt. Think he's just giving hope to people in case he loses.
Noice. Faggot liberals can't even into shilling correctly.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
>Republicans admit they support the establishment more than the popular candidate or a third party
One Party System confirmed.
man I cannot wait for the day that companies contracted by CTR have their shill employee details leaked to the world.
still voting for him.
This is a shill post, seen it numerous times, word for word.
Keep reposting it then until the cancer infecting this board is excised.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
RINOs hate him.
DNC hates him.
Media hates him.
Literally the only thing that has changed is the polls, which are rigged now that reuters ddcided to change their method.
Sad thing is, is that Jeb would have really given Hillary a run for her money. Too bad the repubs hitched their wagon to a loon.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Another shill post. Holy shit.
This. Shills pulled this shit in the primaries, Trump teasing retards, being sexisy, being racist blah blah blah. They even had Cruz in front in the polls.
The difference was after every primary we could tell that the polls were rigged and the shills exaggerated everything, now we have to wait until November to get an idea of what is going on.
Don't lose hope, they're raiding us, we aren't raiding them, what does this tell you?
>redpilling fools
>neocons and cucks turning on him
>bunch of them saying he's the worst ever
>media lying a lot
You think Trumps trapped in here with the MSM? The MSM is trapped in here with Trump.
wtf I hate the second amendment now
>steals purple heart
>insults gold heart mother
>wants Russia to hack the U.S.
If Trump said he liked to take big black cocks up his anus, would you still vote for him? What would it take for the general population of Sup Forums to admit that Trump is not a good candidate?
That's fag central though
anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;
anonymousFuntion2 = function(){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;
Do you live in large city? Because if you don't, that anecdotal evidence is not valid at all, as much as I want Trump to win
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
>Is Trump fucked come this November?
hes not making it till November - what with both the amount of BS he speaks and the slide in numbers increasing, his 'campaign' is no longer sustainable. At this rate? he'd be third, behind Johnson.
[RND ARTICLE: Republican wimmin fleeing him now. Hes fucked]
>implying Trump is not a crony capitalist
>He's not a billionaire guys!! The fact that he literally donated to the Clintons and was literally a crony capitalist is nullified by the fact that he waved his fists and got angry! No one has done that on camera before so he must be legit!
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig. and belongs in jail
I think Trump would have to directly say his supporters are stupid or something. Most people latch onto Trump because they need an identity and to belong to a group, so for them to admit they were wrong would make them feel like they were worse off than before.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
>>steals purple heart
An actual veteran gave it to him, it was never stolen.
>>insults gold heart mother
He just wondered why she didn't speak on stage, never insulted her.
>>wants Russia to hack the U.S.
He never did such a thing.
I can't tell if these are all just troll posts, or if some of you shills actually believe what you're saying.
>I can't tell if these are all just troll posts
it should be obvious that they are
They're literally indistinguishable from actual Hillary supporters and shills you see on Reddit and elsewhere, so it makes no difference when you have people who actually believe this shit. "Pretending to be retarded" has to have some humor to it to be worthwhile, otherwise it's just the same as reading liberal segments of Facebook.