Where did he get the money's for that?!!!?
He's a regular "Bernie Made-off"
LOLS, I present to you, the reason why socialism will never work, two timing corrupt politicians.
Fighting the establishment.
he makes 180k a year as a senator. A 600k summer home isn't out of the ordinary. Besides, all the money he raised for his campaign goes to the DNC. No way Sanders would risk jail time on an obvious splurge.
What if he got paid for the DNC speech?
That house he bought with the money he got by selling his inherited other house? Such corruption.
>j-just a coincidence..
With the money he got for endorsing Clinton obviously
I make that much a year. no way he's doing that so suddenly with all the cost of already owning a house and loads of shit.
>Where did he get the money's for that?!!!?
30 years in congress
a $600k home is is pretty average for the east coast
LOL US senators get 180K a yr
holy shit
and they still want more hahahaha
Whether or not he spent donated money isn't what's funny to me. It's funny that he's anti establishment, yet buys a luxury summer house.
>>LOL US senators get 180K a yr
there are a total of 100 senators in the united states, so yeah they get paid a lot.
>Luxury summer house
Sup, flyover
No excuses. He shouldn't be able to buy such a nice mansion, without paying his fair share. Sander's needs to pay his 95% in taxes.
He's going to die like as if he's in some cliche movie.
Hillary is going to have him murder in his summer home to shut him up.
>second house
>not a luxury
yeah really
this is what $600k gets you in the area, about 2000sq feet which is about what i figured.
>He shouldn't be able to buy such a nice mansion
yeah well as it turns out $600k doesn't buy you a mansion on lake champlaign.
Exactly same here. Even with the new 20% increase in pay, 450 is max for a house.
1355 church hill road charlotte,vt mls 4482447 this is the house...posted by another user earlier
More like "jewst a cohencidence."
...and don't forget the earnings of his book deal
$600k seems pretty modest for a house. That's like a one room apartment here in London. Stop crying. He's fucking rich as well.
Good for him. With that money I couldn't even buy an apartment here in LA
Nobody backing Obama/Clinton goes to jail
he can drive there with his bugatti
pray for #bernVictims
>Originally constructed as one of 7 Charlotte Taverns back in 1812, this historic building has live
whats the big deal? 600,000 is nothing.
>t. Californian
Who gives a shit? Good for him.
Before he ran, he was 250k in debt...
>Voluntarily giving money to Jews
thats an R8 you mong
NO REFUNDS!!!!!!!!!
Posting this for posterity.
thx for the (You) you mong
My house cost 180,000 and has 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and a kitchen and basement and double living room
maybe you could afford better house if you didnt donate your money to scam campaigns
It's Vermont. Imagine a house somewhere in the middle of nowhere with not much going on in the UK.
Bernie cucked his supporters, it was an act all along, played the submissive pervert cuck, ends up cucking the naive. Wasn't he in debt recently?
i know it may be hard to believe but real estate prices vary greatly depending on location.
crazy huh?
$180k after taxes assuming you spend 1/4 of your income on mortgage gets you a $350k house
The vilian? Not exactly. More like a 1st gear in a scam transmission
>socialism for everyone!
>(except me)
Is this my lord and saviour, Richard Stallman?
Bernouts really are the dumbest voters
Stealing money and hope from socialist scum?
God bless him.
i dont know, i googled "communist feel the bern" and that came out
Bernie was the most moderate and westernized candidate, so his supporters were the least dumb of the lot
isn't his top tax bracket 52%?
under republican president Eisenhower it would have been a different story though
>Bernie was the most moderate
This. Bernie sold out and got a massive cheque for endorsing Shillary, do you think a Jew could turn down Shekels?
Kek maybe now people will believe he actually was driving it
That one guy who donated $1500 to him, who was going to build a pc
He just helped build Bernie's new dock!
You see these effeminate beta nu-males in this thread defending Bernie as if he matters anymore? They donated money to him, for free, and he pocketed it and bought a house and a sports car with it.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
I think he suicided his own campaign near the end so he would lose convincingly.
He definitely stretched out the donation time frame by waiting until the DNC
So hell all in all I can't hate this socialist jew in the end forever. He scammed a fuckload of dipshits, well played Bernie, well played.
Looks like he married a female Alex jones
Why didn't he redistribute his wealth like a good socialist? He didn't build his campaign.
>there are this many under age retards on Sup Forums who think once a campaign is over politicians just walk away and pocket the contributions
Well meme'd
Except his net worth was 200k and he had to use his credit card two years ago for his daughters wedding. He funneled campaign funds into his own, and it isn't the first time he's done it.
What's rich is people defending him.
>Click here
I never understood this. Of all cities why the fuck is London so expensive. I stayed there for about a month.... dreary as all fuck
Nobody can really accuse the man of phoning in the primaries. He should have quit in February when it became obvious he could never get enough votes.
remember the .6 million
>Where did he get the money's for that?!!!?
The fact that he chartered a flight and spent hundreds of thousands of campaign money on a week vacation, after he bragged how he flew coach, should've been the first red flag to donators that he was full of shit.
Phone banking.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
lol, fucking libcucks are so goddamn naive it's sad
>all of these poorfag NEETs pretending that $600k is nothing
But I thought right-wingers look admirably upon success?
Donations from his supporters, of course. With a little extra bribery money from Clinton on top.
Yeah it's shit. Lived here all my life and I fucking hate it.
More gregarious people than myself seem to be able to get something out of living here.
Anyway. No society in human history has ever looked fondly upon hypocrisy. It is the one moral constant. Practice what you preach.
Personally, I think it's hilarious that he scammed a bunch of Marxist-Leninists and spent their money on luxuries. Good for him.
>abloobloobloo why can a US senator afford a moderately expensive vacation home he must be secretly stealing from the campaign money
you kids are just adorbs
>600K Summer Home
That's cheap you stupid nigger he's like 80 years old he's been saving for years
y-yeah haha the rules for spending campaign cash are so lax that Boiney Sanduhs was able to siphon 6 MILLION DOLLARS to purchase a super elite luxury beach home haha. Us trumpbros are so awesome. I wonder why our le GOD EMPEROR isn't releasing his tax returns, though. Maybe he's playing 9D chess?
>he's been saving for years
Uhhh, no. Someone post what he's earned yearly vs his current net worth. Sanders is fucking stereotypical libfuck shit tier with money
literally Obama Barracks
Maybe Trump will release his tax returns, which are none of your business, once Hillary releases her medical records.
anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;
anonymousFuntion2 = function(){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;
It'd be funnier if the Sanders hadn't actually just sold another house to buy this one. They had a lake house up in Maine that dates back to 1900 or so they let go so they could buy this one.
Truth getting in the way of Sup Forums, once again.
Hard fork ??
How is her health supposed to determine anything? Just because alt-right cucks conjured up a new controversy doesn't mean it's true, senpai. And it's very obvious that le GOD EMPEROR is hiding some campaign-ending shit in his tax returns.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Nice try CTR
No medical records, no tax returns.
Go shill for Wall Street elsewhere, shill.
y-yeah... Get those uncool dissenting opinions that challenge le epic GOD EMPEROR's hivemind out of here! This is a no-think zone!
Kill urself familia
Fortunately, disenfranchised alt-right cucks don't get to make those demands. The moment le GODEMPEROR wants Shillary's medical records in exchange for Trump's tax returns, she'll comply 100% in less than a week. I guarantee it.
I'm 90% sure thats a screenshot on Back to the Future
anonymousFuntion1 = function(){
globalvar = 'global scope'; /
return localvar;
anonymousFuntion2 = function(){
var localvar = 'Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.';
return localvar;
Dude, before this year, even though he was working for like 30+ years with 180k salary, he and his wife were only worth like $400k