What does the average American feel about the demographic change?
Most people I know are either indifferent, or think it will be a good thing. Even the old, traditional republicans I know have no problem with Lations becoming the majority.
What does the average American feel about the demographic change?
Most people I know are either indifferent, or think it will be a good thing. Even the old, traditional republicans I know have no problem with Lations becoming the majority.
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t. Sanchez Jesus Maria Garcia del Pogro
Only lower class white trash seem to care. Educated whites aren't bothered by it because the only nonwhites they know are the rich educated ones.
Well, I live in the Northeast, so it won't affect me for a while. But I'm sure it will get here eventually.
I think that is part of the reason for the apathy, a lot of people just don't know what is going on. Most of the people I know in real life aren't really into politics. If I tried talking politics with a family member or close friend, most of them would probably say "well the whole system is corrupt" or "I don't like either party" and then stop talking about it.
I grew up in a 98% white rural community and lived a fairly sheltered life until college. It's easy to be careless when you don't experience a lot of the outside world.
But that's just it right? We live on a huge continent, so it can take quite a while for a lot of people to be affected. It's not like Britain where everyone is on an island and any change is going to be noticed much sooner.
>What does the average American feel about the demographic change?
The average has no idea we are on track for 50% white population with the next generation
I think if they knew that Trump would win.
I'm considering ex-patting at this point, but Steve Sailer says Republicans still have a chance even in 2050 if whites start voting GOP at a 70% rate
The reality is we are coming off of the 90s/00s consumer orgy, trying to get our fix with internet porn / social media / netflix, failing to get our fix, failing to work,save, thrive. And the worst has not come yet. The Boomers start to go on Social Security, we're fucked. They sell their stocks for retirement funds = we're fucked. It's all coming to a head in the next decade
Racial demographics are at the bottom of the 100 IQ working population
Amerika is now gutted of its human resources. Welfare state sucks what is left out of the middle class along with HB visas. The idiot plan is to import hard working Mexicans and S. Americans to fund the ponzi scheme long enough that the elites are not burned in their beds.
Also, just to add to this - most people in the U.S. believe in equality. So those who have no problem with a mestizo majority probably think that mestizos will maintain standards just as whites did, and very little will change.
what did all those shills with their lives? how do you end up shitposting on Sup Forums for a living? literally supporting corporate america, which brought you here in the first place
>we're fucked. It's all coming to a head in the next decade
how true that is
I don't know if it is too late, but things have set us done a course to feel some pain for a while
>how do you end up shitposting on Sup Forums for a living?
probably applying for the jdif, it is quite simple to do
Sounds like your family is uneducated pleb.
And by experience, what exactly do you mean?
Have you ever traveled outside the US?
Honestly I don´t mind, I live in Texas where its densely populated by latinos, the third generation of Mexicans here are OK. Shit in Texas is not as bad for a non-homogenous state. Most races keep their shit to themselves, and rather not impose it on everyone else.
Demographic change is inevitable at this point. 100 years ago the impure demographics were the Italians and Irish. I'm the product Demographic change my family has been in America since before it was called the United states. Im 6 different kinds of European but my biggest chunk now is my 25% Puerto Rican i got thru my grandfather who immigrated 60 years ago. My mix of blood makes me tall, blond, and resistant to sunburn.
I look like a token white guy like any of you. The latino culture is just the latest in a long line of cultures being shit on then assimilated by America.
Well, by experience, I mean a lot of whites live far from the border so they have no idea how bad the immigration is.
A lot of whites are sheltered from diversity - they only grow up around those like them. You have to remember a lot of our diversity is confined to the cities and the large states. If you grew up in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Idaho, or West Virginia for instance, you probably saw few non-whites. Even Upstate New York is mostly white, but the city skews the entire states demographics.
And it is true my family was not formally educated, I was the first to go to college. We're the Trump base essentially. Never been outside the U.S.
>What does the average American feel about the demographic change?
It is a nightmare this signals the end of the nation.
Regardless of what anyone tries to say real America is a WASP nation and that is simply a fact.
Anything else is just a pseudo facsimile that is no longer real America.
And yes that includes America in 2016.
>Only lower class white trash seem to care.
Yes we all know the tired liberal narrative, thanks for repeating it again.
thank you for (( correcting the record )).
.005 cents have been added to your account.
Well I think part of it is because you haven't had to suffer the political consequences yet.
Texas remains conservative despite a large minority population. If the state's politics changes, you may find yourself of a different opinion, maybe not.
We just gotta find the bugs and Johnny Rico the shit out of the latinos. Soon enough, they'll be speaking English and using common law.
>So those who have no problem with a mestizo majority probably think that mestizos will maintain standards just as whites did, and very little will change.
I used to think this as well.
We have all been brain washed to think so for the past 40 years after all.
Ever read Lord of the Rings and the sorrow the elves felt because the world was going to shit and full of lesser races so one at a time they said, "Fuck it." and got on a boat to the undying lands in the west?
Existential sorrow. That's what it feels like. btw I have korean gf.
>Have you ever traveled outside the US?
LOL liberals think traveling will make people magically agree with their views and ideology.
Like you are a lesser person because you did not go to Europe on vacation.
the average american knows 10 000 words so I wouldn't trust him
What is the proper amount of words a person has to know to be trusted?
Surprisingly Texas has a lot of minorities, and most of them will rather vote conservative than liberal, here in Texas there is not a noticeable biased opinion over races, it surprises me how well everyone gets along despite the many cultures present, nonetheless we still have to deal with niggers.
I agree with you. You cannot change the demographics without having some sort of change to the culture. Normally, I'd be all for assimilation, but our culture has been gutted from within - and liberals promote multiculturalism, which many minorities seem to prefer (if they don't, they sure are fooling me with their voting patterns).
But yes, our culture is essentially WASP. Those are the men who wrote our Constitution and shaped our world. Yet these men get vilified over and over in American classrooms. No other nation teaches to be ashamed of its history, save maybe Germany.
>What does the average American feel about the demographic change?
worried but not as worried as id be if werent a group of people who have had white traits bred into them for the last couple hundred years. much less worried than wed be if it were niggers instead
I went to Europe, it was shit compared to America.
I went to Iraq, it was shit compared to anywhere. I went to Korea and Japan, it was shit compared to America.
I have been to 25 countries that are not the USA, they are all objectively shit or are tolerable but still less than America.
So when retards say they will leave the country if XYZ is elected, I know they've never been outside the USA.
It'll be awesome. I mean, just look at what utopian paradises they created in their own countries!
2000 or less
Honest inquiry, do you think that might affect their view on other races? Since I live in Texas, I wasn´t really sheltered.
In fact I do not despise any other race other than niggers, they seem to incite violence all the TIME.
Congrats on entering college m8, good luck.
What are countries like where Latinos are already the majority?
I have in fact never gone to Europe, mostly America (As in the continent.)
Nonetheless, I would love to go to Europe one day since I enjoy history a lot.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Latinos are shit. We don't like shit.
>Even the old, traditional republicans I know have no problem with Lations becoming the majority.
The majority of me hates that we built this awesome fucking country and now that all the hard work is done the spics are going to inherit it. How many spics fought the British in the revolutionary war? They haven't done shit to earn this country.
But a small, small sliver of me is looking forward to it. Liberals and shitskins always say the world would be a utopia without white people. A part of me wants to see how they'd react 10 years after the end of the white man and everything goes to shit. A part of me wants to watch as they realize how wrong they were, as they slowly realize that they truly are inferior.
They never stop to ask themselves: Without whitey, who will pay for the welfare?
And as the country burns around them only they will have to deal with it, because we'll all be dead and gone.
How large do you think the average Latino's vocabulary is?
I don't care about a demographic change as much as a forced cultural clash from foreigners and non-citizens getting rewarded with money and handouts at the expense of the citizens here, who are stingily helped out by the government and frequently screwed over in comparison to foreigners, minorities, and illegals.
NPR had some academics on who proved that everyone who encounters up to date facts veers to hard nativism. The optimism is ignorance. The creepy academics concluded that they had to work on "how to present facts to people," ie censor, thought lead and damage control. OP here knows all about it. Tell them, OP. Or maybe "everyone you know" can fill them in on the lack of violent crime, obnoxious behavior, alcoholism and 3am banda music in your newly diverse neighborhood.
we're all united in our hatred for niggers
t. someone who lives in Houston
>mexican intellectuals
I think it does. When you don't grow up around other races, you just assume that everyone is roughly the same because you have no experience dealing with them.
I know growing up there were no blacks in my town or school. I never had to deal with a lot of blacks until I moved to Pittsburgh for college. It was kind of a culture shock, as I was taught at a young age that people were basically the same and the only differentiation between races was skin color.
I think it's why you will see 95% white states like Vermont vote for left wing candidates while more diverse states like the Southern states will vote for the more conservative, law-and-order candidates. Southerners have lots of experiences with negroes, while many northerners can escape it.
I don't despite any person for their race to be honest. But I am a bit skeptical on the ability of mestizos to maintain society at Anglo standards. Perhaps Asians can do it? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
As large as the burger in your vag
>relying on the GOP
I'm happy for it as long as it doesn't come too close to me physically
Becoming Mexico 2.0 is good for the world as Mexico has a good foreign policy
Latinos don't support war or the evil shit the USA has done
What, about Murica turning into just another 3rd world shithole in a sea of 3rd world shitholes?
No schlomo von shekelstein. We are upper middle class and we all work 40 hour weeks. I don't like seeing my city turn brown, or 1 day of my paycheck a week going toward welfare. To the same people who want to steal from my family and trash my neighborhood, all the while calling me racist for advocating work for welfare recipients.
Isn't it amazing that super diverse US cities have rampant crime as opposed to rural 100% White ones?
So yes I feel immense anger for seeing American cities become minority White and full of niggers and spics.
Who is this semen demon?
Racist cuck.
Some of these spics are your doctors.
>How many spics fought the British in the revolutionary war?
Actually a lot, since Bernaldo de Gálvez was viceroy of New Spain and ally of the thirteen colonies.
Mexicans are cancer
I have no problem with it, it is not like white/brown/yellow qts are going to disappear they will still be there, you will still fuck them.
I'm glad I have no kids.
>American education
but they are totally fine with criminal groups murdering their brothers in cold blood and selling drugs to their children.
so what difference does it make?
your genetic code is cancer.
They are not compatible with western civilization. The Spaniards who fucked the indigenous people created a race of low functioning trash.
learn fucking english
orale guey
Que onda
the only people I never see pan handling in America are Mexicans. These people come here to do what too many citizens are too lazy to do.
When I was still a liberal and watched the movie I felt like the elves were bastards for leaving Middle Earth to get destroyed instead of actually manning up to actually deal with the problem.
ow. Is that girl in the glove compartment alive doe
I wonder what people came together to make a low functioning individual like yourself become a racist.
>Would never step foot in the office of a spic or a nigger. Why? because of affirmative action. Lowering the bar for med-school acceptances lessens the care one would receive. Would you want a doctor that did not score high enough on their mcat exam, but was allowed in anyway? or a student in the top 2%? Think about that.
I have yet to see a hispanic or a black doctor. They are all nurses.
>tfw we have no Valinor
Forgot to take the (>) out...apologies.
ah yes, the they all rapist/druggies/thieves
edgy trump supporter
you know what more of a tired narrative?
Hillary lied about this
Hillary killed this person
Blah blah
i almost don't want her to win because I am just so tired of hearing this crap since the 90's
They don't care because you aren't a minority yet.
Just wait until you're surrounded by them pendejo. You'll regret it every day.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Apology accepted. FYI some us score in the top percentiles and have stellar grades.
I hope I'm your doctor some day - maybe I can change your mind by saving your life.
wow what a racist, calls us all druggies
one person is such an excuse for the other 90% of his race
Oh well, I won't be alive by the time spics are majority.
I want the US to not do things like the NSA and Iraq war to the world
I don't care about internal crime. Just an end to US power and war crimes, which are white voter's fault
I'll hook you up with a rectal while I'm at it.
Indifferent about the black or asian people, but gangsters aside im pretty excited for the influx of mexicans. Then again i have a thing for latinas so eh, but on the othe hand latinos are bro tier. Bring on the mexicans, most of them are more traditional, religious, family value types anyway, only a minority are the thug type but that should decrease with the inevitable decriminalization of drugs.
Houston reporting as well.
Hot as balls.
>Americans are lazy
>Mexiniggers are hard working
neck yourself, Paco.
whites and white hispanics who have european heritage make up 80 percent of the US population. white americans made up 80 percent of the US population in 1790, 87 percent in 1890 and back to 80 percent in 1990. so basically the white population's majority has remained within a 7 percent deviation for 225 years. its hard on track to become the minority anytime soon. just because white are coming from mexico does not make them less white. this thread is now a meme.
I've watched the city I was born in turn into a sea of brown trash. Most whites with any sense have fled to smaller towns. Agenda 21 will eventually force everyone back into the cites to live in multicultural hellholes. I feel betrayed. Northern faggots don't understand, but they will soon enough.
I'd consider myself to be an average american, and honestly it terrifies me.
Holy fuck. Kill yourself.
Better than muslims....
did a mexibro steal your girlfriend?
Truly, me neither I´ll rather judge a man by his character and decisions, however I would be lying if I said I haven´t met educated black people, it´s most likely that character and behavior is related mostly to education, both at school and home.
>Bro for life.
Howdy parter.
Holy cow!
Did you just download the newest update?
It´s simply amazing!
Are they legal? Or illegal?
That's all that matters, beaner lover.
You'll eat mah burrito regardless
That's a lot like how I feel.
This. It's gonna be a bumpy ride, so enjoy the comfy years while you can
werd. id much rather has this country filled with white beaners and brown ones too then any sand nigger refugee anyday. big titty catholic girls are the best. and i love tortas....
Where have you been homie!?