Is manmade climate change real?
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no, not in the way it's put anyway.
There is a cycle of colder and warmer times and right now we are heading into a new ice age.
>man can control the climate of the entire earth
>don't know if tomorrow will be sunny or cloudy, maybe chance of rain
yes you fool. what do you think happens when you extract carbon from below (coal & oil) and shoot it up into the atmosphere at a level where plants and water have a hard time absorbing all of the extra carbon?
This, the environment is affected by humans on a local level much more than anything global. Global warming is nust another liberal agenda to extort money from taxpayers via carbon taxes and regulations. Nuclear would be a real change for renewable energy but liberals prefer memes like solar and wind, which is extremely ineffiecient.
>Nuclear would be a real change for renewable energy but liberals prefer memes like solar and wind, which is extremely ineffiecient.
Sure, you don't get as much energy, but the wind and sun won't run out any time soon (unless the climate changes), plus you don't get any radioactive waste.
Thank you.
Thorium is a possible fuel for stable nuclear reactions with little to none waste but is totally being silenced.
solar and wind are just indirect, inefficient nuclear (hence why they're more expensive even with the crippling regulations nuclear faces)
Yeah, but it doesn't produce any nuclear waste, or at least not any that we have to bury.
This. It gets recycled, but there's so much excess and the earth cannot keep up.
It will heat up and most life will perish.
Yes it is. And we are fucked if we don't invest in nuclear energy soon.
There are multiple reactor types that wouldn't produce any meaningful waste, pebble bed, molten salt, advanced breeder and any fusion just to name a few.
Meanwhile solar produces giant mountains of sulfur waste, and let's not even mention the battery production that would be needed with solar.
If mirrors aren't real then how can eyes be baked beans n shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
Mans impact on climate is undeniable.
Penalizing 1st world nations for things that they're already working on improving is retarded though.
>There are multiple reactor types that wouldn't produce any meaningful waste.
Then why are we still burying the stuff. It cost a fortune to dispose of properly without risking leaks.
That's not the problem, the problem is CO2 levels and temperature is going up at an accelerated rate since the industrial age.
Even if it's exaggerated, still gotta clean shit up.
Are you retarded?
We literally do not and have not ever buried our nuclear waste.
Yes, it will heat up to the point of the ice caps melting and thus altering the oceanic streams which supply most of the northern and southern hemisphere with warmth.
The gulf stream, which currently supplies the atlantic part of the northern hemisphere with warmth from the equator, will be changed because of all the cold glacier water heading into the atlantic.
Without the warmth the oceanic currents supply we enter a new ice age. The jews know this because the dry lands that are in the middle east now will once more become fertile and lush.
mainly because the reactors that produce little waste can also be used to generate plutonium for nuclear weapons. So that pretty much makes all the tree hugging hippy liberal cocksucking faggots flip even more shit than usual so they wont allow it.
Breeder reactors are great for disposing of waste products but as the name suggests they create large amounts of potentially weaponizeable products.
Yes it is, but is it to do with industries or has it to do with world population?
>have not
That's fucking bullshit. I've seen plenty of documentaries on the subject and I did a project on it in science class. Are you implying we just leave in sitting around?
>Letting the left lead you around by the dick with their lies
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Post some locations where nuclear waste has been buried
I'll wait
Either way we should allow criticism because they have been caught faking records so we need people to stand up
They said there will be "ice-free summers" by 2013, they have been caught faking records constantly, If it does have an effect it is exaggerated
It's all to be able to tax us mercilessly in the name of the environment.
I think it might have a little to much to do with Israel
but carbon dioxide isn't even the biggest culprit
that picture is fucking stupid and only paints a portion of the story
For anyone who denies climate change.
Yes, but it's not as bad as the hysterics make it out to be.
We're certainly not making things any better and we're more than likely exacerbating whatever natural cycle is going on in the background, but we're in far more danger from pollution than from global warming.
>burnt oil by the millions
Early pioneers are revered as iconic Americans and patriots, and they were the greenest motherfuckers ever. If they did not adopt a lifestyle involving renewing, reducing, and re-using, then they would die because resources were often scarce.
Today we can afford to be greedy and wasteful. You can call that conservative greed or you can call that liberal laziness. But the one thing that it definitely is, is un-American.
partially, but we can't stop it.
Dont ask Sup Forums, ask actual climate scientists. You dont ask a plumber to give you surgery, you shouldnt trust a bunch of dipshits to enlighten you on scientific matter. All you'll get is cherry picked graphs and charts with no context.
ask payed government scientists or the independant ones that are burned at the stakes as witches?
There's literally a planned nuclear waste storage facility out west underneath a mountain. The idea is to store the waste long enough until it decays enough for safer disposal. It's not so much "burying" it as "hiding it underground for later retrieval and disposal."
Anthropogenic global warming exists tho.
>Is manmade climate change real?
>Is it significant enough to threaten mankind?
>Is it worth spending trillions of dollars on?
>Are you implying we just leave in sitting around?
No it goes in the ocean.
Yes and only a niche group of north Americans deny it.
Literally every major government on the planet is making future plans to deal with it and the changing world. It's a fucking absurd conspiracy theory that somehow Al Gore or whatever infiltrated all governments and independent research entities in the world to push such a thing when if they could do that they wouldn't need to in the first place.
>The American Left has infiltrated literally every climate research organization on the planet and convinced everyone from the pentagon to the Kremlin to China
If such a conspiracy were possible, it wouldn't be needed. At that point the controlling group would have so much power and reach that such a roundabout scheme would be ridiculously Rube Goldberg.
>>The American Left has infiltrated literally every climate research organization on the planet
No, but environmental activists self-selecting into he field of climate science have,
It's real, but it isnt worth impeding our economies with massive regulations as some countries do.
In China? Russia? The military? Japan? Canada? Literally every single place on the planet?
>In China? Russia? The military? Japan? Canada? Literally every single place on the planet?
Why would that not make sense? It's a small field that seems kind of insulated form other areas of study. It really has one big international mouthpiece in the IPCC that seems to keep them all in lockstep.
You're not really making any points, just using the "you are silly" technique.
Nice broscience, but oil/coal/gas aren't going anywhere for a while. We've discovered 5x more oil reserves than we've used since drilling even began. Thus far, the impact on the environment has been negligible, and you candyasses can't even prove that the planet doesn't logarithmically balance its CO2.
What if it is?
The fact of the matter is that the leadership who supposedly purport policy positions that it is anthropologically driven continue to support Saudi petrochemical industries.
Our own energy policy has essentially been cucked for the wealth of billionaires, royalty and theocrats, and our leadership is both unwilling and too afraid to deal with the issue.
Fossil fuels aren't going away. But the issue is that our energy has been hijacked for the purposes of profit over our own ability to manage it.
We are IN an ice age you fucking ape. Ever look at a globe and see all that ice at the top and bottom of the world?
The issue is we are coming out of it way too fast. Creatures can't adapt to changing temperatures and rising sea levels.
It is already leading to mass extinctions.
All of this has been proven thousands of times, even buy oil company funded scientific research.
How in the fuck do you think a Swedish kid with Downs syndrome, using his carer to post on Sup Forums, knows more about climate science than people who have dedicated their lives to it's study?
There is a reason Soros is mentioned so often. There is enormous bottlenecking and centralization in international organizations, especially regarding leftist pet issues. Also, it's easier to lie in most other cultures, especially in academia. Whites believe strongly in meritocracy, competition, speaking out and profitable conflict. Almost no one else does.
Yes, goyim. Stop using energy and stop eating meat. The Sun has nothing to do with it. Oy, vey, just die already.
We are coming out of an ice age but there is no easy way to tax that so you got a meme.