Which is worse:
The idea that those in power are creating all the chaos and happenings to try to reach a certain goal?
That the people in charge are actually doing the best they can and are just incompetent?
Which is worse:
The idea that those in power are creating all the chaos and happenings to try to reach a certain goal?
That the people in charge are actually doing the best they can and are just incompetent?
Other urls found in this thread:
>That the people in charge are actually doing the best they can and are just incompetent?
If you think this you're a moron
Imagine if every government in the world is working as it should be and they are all looking out for you and your country and this is the best can do. Could it be possible that our leaders are just stupid and not evil?
First why would the second be scary?
Have you realized that both choices are the same path yet?
That's what I'm saying.
How can there be a doubt of the masters (jews, illuminati, aliens, whatever) pulling strings with how terrible the whole world is?
What is the goal???
To create order out of chaos.
Because if this is them doing their best we are fucked?
The first is scarier, by far.
In the case of people in charge just being incompetent, there's always the chance that somebody who knows how to clean things up will come along eventually. Even if the people in charge now are doing their best, there's no reason to assume that they're doing the best that can be done.
The first scenario, comes with an unstated subtext: those in power are succeeding. If their aim is to create all this chaos, then they've done a fantastic job of it so far, and are likely going to continue. Furthermore, it suggests that our leaders are corrupt, and that means they will make it extremely difficult for anyone who actually wants to improve things to ever ascend to a position of power in the government.
And obviously, the first is what's actually going on.
Think about it. Think real hard. Don't hurt yourself though.
Are you stupid?
The world is more chaotic every day.
There is a difference between being intentionally malicious and being bad at your job. Imagine a waiter tampering with the food at a restaurant with the goal of getting the cook fired. Now compare that with a waiter who is stupid and just gives someone the wrong order.
I think it's less that people are incompetent, they just don't care
Like when people either go "we're starving!" Or "we're going broke!" They just go "well I'm in office so, I'm cool"
Its always been like this.
You have lived a fraction of time. The world is as the world Was.
Neither. When most people go to work, they don't care about the company, they just want to get paid. Politicians are no different.
The guide stones guide their hand.
What do you mean user?
If they're incompetent then they can create consequences which they didn't foresee, including backlash resulting in them being removed from power.
If they're incompetent then they don't have absolute control and can't foresee the adversary's next moves.
If they're incompetent then they can be outmaneuvered and defeated.
Hell, if they're incompetent then maybe just maybe then can see they fucked up and change their minds.
If they're incompetent then there's hope.
Those in power are doing their best to try to reach a certain goal and are creating chaos and happenings because they are just incompetent.
You're a moron.
wtf I hate Janna now
XD look mon, I posted again!
It would be nice if there was a goal. Wish they would tell us what it is.
You get called a moron a lot huh?
That's because they have to create the chaos first you dumb fuck do I have to draw it for you?
ignore shill threads, also your logic is A+
So basically you meant
>Which is worse:
>The redpill
>The bluepill
I know it's hard to read and write for you but do you have anything to contribute to the thread?
I think the ultimate goal is one world government, but I'm not certain.
Scarier is the idea that most politicians, including Obama, ran with the best of intentions and then were met with unspeakable threats or information ("do as we say or you get JFK'ed"; aliens will kill us all if we don't do what they want")
There is a clear globalist goal which, in my opinion, is not being hidden from the public at all. The globalists are literally just too Jewish to succeed. More stability equals more debt spending which equals more money in pockets of leaders while governments (read: people) are left waiting in breadlines.
Who likes this crap????
>governments = people
I want your commie ass to leave, now
The former. Incompetent people are easy to kill, competent ones not so much.
You're embarrassing yourself.
COD huh, I recall the terrorist screaming in fear yelling "Enemy AC-130 Above" As I watch from my tactical ipad as the terrorists turn into a large puff of smoke.
Ragheads and leftists morons.
Then it should be easy to efute me or point out what I said wrong.
Worse, BOTH ARE TRUE, and the world has 7.5 billion humans.
anyone being in-charge is an illusion.
Brazil confirmed for shill or idiot.
>The idea that those in power are creating all the chaos and happenings to try to reach a certain goal?
Praise Molech
Nice argument stupid.
Refute what hue?
That the people in charge are truly in power, are doing their best honestly, and everything is going ok?
You're delusional if you believe everything is a-ok.
how the fuck is the comment moronic. and i agree with Brozil, the second possibility is not scary. it is quite liberating to be honest.
Hey look hue, another moron to be friends with! I be you two Will will have lots of fun.
Is there any doubt that there's a conspiracy for a one world government anymore?
You misunderstood what I said.
OP asked Which is worse? The people in power knowing exactly what they're doing or being incompetent? They being incompetent is obviously the least worse of the two, unless you have a learning disability like Let's hear your thoughts on the subject, btw master political analyst. Oh that's right you can't write more than one-liners.
Is there a chance a one world government would be nice? Why would they not strive toward something better than this?
Those in power are creating chaos as a way to step on eachothers feet, "poerful" people aren't conspiring against you, faggot.
That's a good question.
I think we should try to keep the sovernity of or own individual countries.
Where did he say anything about a conspiracy against him, faggot?
Fuck off, real countries are trying to have a discussion.
I'm starting to think Hillary shills on this site are right in saying that Americans who come here are really bottom-of-the-barrel trailer park trash that only know how to throw insults.
OP asked:
>Which is worse:
>The idea that those in power are creating all the chaos and happenings to try to reach a certain goal? Or
>That the people in charge are actually doing the best they can and are just incompetent?
Hypothesis (1):
(a) There are people in power. (b) They are creating this chaos and happenings deliberately*
*deliberately = on purpose. Are you following so far burgers?
(c) They are trying to reach a certain goal.
In other words, they are evil masterminds. They have absolute knowledge and control of the situation. Every happening is one step of a plan to an end.
Hypothesis (2):
(a) There are people in charge. (b) They mean well. (c) They're incompetent, resulting in chaos and happenings.
They don't have absolute knowledge and control of the situation. Chaos and happenings are an unintended consequence of their well-intended policies.
Suppose you try to remove (1) from power.
They have already foresaw your move. They have probably created the situation which trigered your reaction in the first place (problem>reaction>solution). They will enforce the solution they intended all along using you as a scapegoat.
Now try to remove (2) from power.
Remember: the chaos was an unintended consequence of their misguided policies. They didn't foresee it and they didn't foresee its consequences. Your reaction caught them by surprise, hence you have a better chance of succeeding in removing them from power.
Now obviously the first scenario is the worse. Any one of you retards is going to argue that the second option is the scarier one? If not, then STFU and go back to watching the olympics in your trailer.
After today realized the shills are right and Sup Forums is indeed trash.
I'm with her now. If Hillary wins I'm moving to the US and voting democrats for the rest of my life. See you faggots.
>Moving to the US
Boy you better either have lods of emone or be a god damn smartass to make it here nigger...
>pol logic
>a powerful group of people secretly pull the strings and affect world events for their benefit
>we know their secret and their plans
If they were competent you wouldn't know they exists. If they were powerful they would control information so their existence is not public knowledge.
Keep chasing fairies.
Sure thing friendo
Hello shill. Thanks for correcting the record
No problem. Unlike your trailer trash friends ITT, I'm educated and have connections in the US.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig. and belongs in jail
No they know exactly what they are doing
>Calling me trailer trash
Nigger I'm not even near trailer trash
>Saying you have connections
Oh brother... your connections are non existent and you're a dumb fucking gorilla
I work for the federal government. It's incompetence. Nobody knows what's happening with the guy below them, its a shitshow of misknowledge and being totally uninformed.
Also, does it make a difference?
>Nigger I'm not even near trailer trash
Sure thing cletus.
>nigga cuck cuck gorilla cuck
Have fun living in a zika infested favela for the rest of your life you bug-eyed fuck ass whistle dick
>I'd rather be a gear in a big deterministic physical machine than just some random swerving.
Actually I'm thinking either Texas or New York. I have relatives in both states.
>I have relatives in both states.
And to think I actually thought about rejecting their invitation and not moving there because I had bought the "conservative" meme. Gotta make sure they vote Hillary now.
Thanks for showing me the light Sup Forums friends!
See you soon I hope ;^)
You right and this is wrong .. they cannot even control their own sphincter how could they pretend control anything at all ?!
Ever consider that those in power are creating all the chaos to reach a certain goal doing the best they can and are still incompetent?
YOu do not fuck with Chaos..Chaos fuck with You
>I'm educated
>(I) have connections in the US
The first, and it's the truth too. Sage this reddit faggot meme.
this. they keep screwing up. u.s. backed coup in turkey was supposed to succeed. now erdogan is getting closer with putin. just look at iraq for God's sake. do you think the elites planned to get their shit pushed in and then get edged out by the iranians. the elite are all old senile mentally ill psychotics so they keep fucking up.
They create opportunity by purge..
No. Shut up, you fucking zika baboon. Die. Ordet out of chaos is how the world runs. The world is so chaotic that no one gets a chance to stop and think "wait, who's in charge of this fucking mad house"? War is an example of order out of chaos. The point is we have too many distractions, and not enough information.
Opportunity !
>The idea that those NOT in power are creating all the chaos and happenings to try to reach a certain goal?
>There is none to blame but ourselves user!
permit me to doubt it
Sure! that's how you got into this mess!
Ya just like that
Its not incompetence. Don't think these people with top CIA men who studied military history at Ivy league schools on their team didn't know this shit was going to happen. We always create the next enemy. hell even I saw isis coming back in 09
>That the people in charge are actually doing the best they can and are just incompetent?
Horrifying. But in my experience as a business consultant, entirely accurate.
Nobody has any idea what they're doing and we're all full of it. The world functions almost entirely on bullshit and colossal decisions are based on feelings in the moment. I do not like it.
Ya sure thing dude .. remember to eat bio food ..
plowing tight poopers with rock hard cocks. or whatever the perversion du jour is. maybe cocaine, maybe heroin. as long as the women are intoxicated and the men are horny, who cares? just following sense pleasure around and getting anything you want all the time, 24/7. total poop head. poo poo brains.
Womanizing objects is wrong.
no, many of them are stupid and evil. do not attribute to evil or stupidity what can be explained easily by a combination of both.
People say this like political intrigue was a new thing.
If the industrial barons,the corporations that control the media, the intelligence apparatus didn't have world domination schemes in their mind they should be enshrined as saints.
What do you think people with unimaginable amount of power do? Stop getting more power?
incompetence means humanity is overrated and we're just a bunch of monkeys who indulge in degeneracy while preaching against degeneracy after all. us not deserving, rather, not even being able to allow ourselves to ascend and colonize in space is a depressing thought
Jesus you're so butthurt. What hurt your feelings so bad?
The goal all along was Marxism. Lemme give you an example:
>Obama federalizes student loans
>Thousands of normies who would do well in regular jobs go to college for useless degrees
>They are all indoctrinated with Marxist rhetoric, but most aren't smart enough to fully grasp it or even know it's Marxism
>But they're fine with championing Frankfurt School ideas for retards like political correctness and social justice because that's all they can understand
>These people creep into public schooling and public offices to spread it to even younger generations
>The majoroty break their arm and get benefits and welfare for the rest of their lives
>Obama has successfully farmed votes
>However, the tradeoff is that you now have an entire class of people incumbered with debt working at Starbucks or just reliant on the government
>They sacrifice economic stability and individualism for equality and collectivism, creating a country full of brainwashed idiots who have censorship ingrained into their psyche
>tfw Obama was essentially a retarded Big Brother
I think what we're getting is the worst of both. A bunch of short sighted, incompetent leaders trying who only look out for themselves.
Or you were a witness to the Bush presidency.
>Implying Bush is stupid
He got away with 9/11 and wars scot free.
Could any other president could have gotten away with what he did?