Am i stuck here forever? I just want a comfy safe life ;_;

Am i stuck here forever? I just want a comfy safe life ;_;

Other urls found in this thread:'_people

Russia is fine. It's Russian people that are the problem. If you wen't somewhere else, the problem would follow you.

Where is the place in this picture?

>Am i stuck here forever? I just want a comfy safe life ;_;
Haшa cтpaнa — этo бecпoщaдный злoвeщий пoлигoн. Paз yж здecь oчyтилcя, извoль пpинимaть пpaвилa игpы... Ecли нe cлoмaeшьcя — ты гepoй нa вce вpeмeнa, a ecли нe вышлo — тo тeбя и нeт и нe былo никoгдa».

Cильныe мыcли Eгop пиcaл

Why are you stuck in a pool of dirty water user? Get out you're drunk

no, you will move somewhere else when you are older, but suddenly global warming will finally have a significant effect and you will starve and burn, while Russia will become comfy

That's true. But I've found that all people everywhere are cunts in one way or another. Accepting the cunts around you is a part of growing up. You can't run away from them, they're everywhere.

Too bad global warming isn't real, it's a nice idea though

Are you even happy.


>be russian
>have good vodka
>import expensive swedish trash

>global warming will finally have a significant effect

Russian: always complains, does nothing.
American: alwas complains, always does something.
Japanese: never complains, only does.

We are cucked by our neighbors
Cucked by holland, english, greek, french and german in terms of language
Cucked by finnics, mongols, turkics, caucasians, ugrics and east balts in terms of ethnics
Cucked by europe, asia and america in terms of culture
Cucked by sweden, japan, mongolia and the us in terms of geographics

It's a blackhole, a big fucking mess. What do you know.

I'm you, but stronger.

Our ancestors were cucked too
>most rivers around modern Moscow had finno-ugric and baltic names, there were practically no slavic names

>mfw russia is literally named after a fucking viking tribe'_people
We wuz vikings

someone post the "I'm back" image

You're always free to move to Belarus user, there is no border. Fly free little birdie

Russia just needs a non-Russian autocrat

We wuz wiKANGZ

You sure you dont want me to make my life worse than it already is?

Belarus is the jewel of Europe user


Just need to replace the viking with a modern swede on the final panel


Dutch: There is no problem, complain, solve the fictional problem by creating a real problem, complain, solve the real problem, complain