How do i convince my girlfriend not to get a tattoo
How do i convince my girlfriend not to get a tattoo
Tell her you'll dump her if she does.
Win-Win if you do: you won't have a gf with any tattoo.
Why do you have a girlfriend that engages in degeneracy? get yourself a nice Christian woman.
Wrong board
Go to /adv/
>ex wanted a tattoo
>me:"I think tattoos are extremely unattractive"
>she got one anyway
>it looks horrible
>I can kek about it now
Do you intend on marrying her? If you do, you shouldn't; she wants a tattoo, and presumably knows you don't want that. If it's a shit test (it is), just say it'd be ugly and don't give a shit if she gets mad.
Really, though, if she actually is interested in tattoos, she'll make a shit wife and mother. Lose her ASAP or just keep her as a FWB.
Unless she's an infant ( in which case, congrats on getting a virgin in this era ! ), she's already terminally retarded and you should cut your IIIIII_.
>our first month together she mentioned she wanted a tattoo
>for the last two years I've constantly shit talked them
>said they're for white trash and nig nogs
Now she doesn't want one
Tell her to get one of your name
Dump her the next day
Walk around your local Walmart with her and point out all the geeky white losers with tattoos and contrast them to the tattoo-free whites who seem so much more hip, cool, and confident. Yes, things have changed a lot over the last twenty years.
Dump her. Boom, single so by logic girlfriend can't get a tattoo.
Say she will look like shit with it
This. At least threaten her that if she gets a tattoo you are out the door. If she does get the tattoo hate fuck her and walk out like a man.
>gf doesn't listen to things you say
You're a fucking cuck.
Tell her that to you she's beautiful just the way she is and that she can't improve on that in any way with a tattoo, but would more likely tarnish her perfection.
If you want to go about it a different way than dumping her, you should try this: any time she mentions getting a tattoo, you say you've always wanted a tattoo on your face. Make it something ridiculous, but believable with your personality. Press the issue real hard. Most likely she will fall back in line, especially if she expects you to be the breadwinner in the future. If she calls your bluff, no biggie, just punch her in the titty and break up with her.
by breaking up with her and getting a different girlfriend. this thread is reported.
you should beat her up
Tell her to decide what she wants her tattoo to be and write it down. Then wait a year and come back to it and see if that's still what she wants. If it's not, tell her that if she had gotten the tattoo, she would have made a lifelong decisions based on a short-term preference.
Show her old haggish, inked-up biker bitches with saggy tats on their tits.
the ink is poisonous and not regulated by the FDA
tattos are degenerate and indicate sluttiness and unfaithfulness, if you get one, get out
this one is good
Question for people saying tattoos are "degeneracy": my wife has my initials branded on her back, is that degenerate like tattoos?
wife branding does not become degenerate until after the divorce.
>what is getting accused of rape Alex?
>implying she won't go get it 3 weeks after the start of your little experiment without your knowledge. Magically this will happen at a time when you know she is broke, and she and her shady male "friend" at the tattoo parlor start hanging out more.
Support her in getting a tat and she'll change her mind.
Break up sex is rape now?
This works well, did the same basically.
All sex is rape. Rape is just sex + power.
There is literally nothing wrong with a tasteful tattoo. I have the names of my father, mother and siblings tattooed in an interweaving pattern on my left calf and it's something I'll never regret getting done.
Tell that cunt only slaves, property and food have marks.
what a stupid tattoo
should have just written tattoo
"You don't put a bumper sticker or a Ferrari."
Works everytime. And it makes tattooed degenerates self conscious.
>tasteful tattoo
Tell her it'll look bad when she gets older and that you love her body the way it is.
That's why my wife insisted on being branded. It shows that she's owned.
But why? Do you have alzheimers? Because then it might be good to have tattoos with basic info like that.
Can you not remember your family's names without permanently etching them into your skin?
I bet she has served billions too.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
If you can't just tell your girlfriend "No" and she doesn't respect you enough to respect your decision you shouldn't care since it's a throwaway relationship anyway
>not being the dominant partner in a relationship
Yankees I swear
Congrats on being a sign in sheet
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Show her pics of people with shit, tacky tattoos and remind her barbwire and tribal tats, even tramp stamps used to be cool when they had it done.
holy shit this line just got pasted in like every thread
fucking shillbots are fucking real
are you me? my ex got butchered after turning 18 and deciding that she NEEDED a tattoo, instead of doing any research on an artist she picked a cringy tiger for her shoulder and went to the newest worst reputation place to get it done, 2 sessions later and she was still butchered(she deserves it)
That's so disgustingly sappy it might just work
lol gay
thanks for the (You)s
Nice, thanks for off topic correcting the record.
>Unless she's an infant ( in which case, congrats on getting a virgin in this era ! )
I've done this for the past 5 years and I still want to do my life story in the style of old Saxon art (I'm from the UK originally, and my family has a long history of unusual blonde hair/blue eyes) as Yakuza-style half sleeves joined across my back that will never be visible with clothes on.
Stuff very much like pic related.
Does this make me a degenerate?
You're on Sup Forums m8, you're already a degenerate.
But for real, Tattoos aren't that big of a deal for me, so long as they're not obnoxious and have real meaning behind them, not thing like "Oh, well butterflies are cute!" Personally I don't think I'll ever get one, but that's because my life has no meaning.
Ba Dum Pshhh!
Yeah, my girlfriend is the same as me, she's wanted something discreet with a vegetal motif, probably evergreens, for a while now (she's from Maine and it's a reminder of home and the nature she loves so much there).
She's an athletic redhead, so I honestly think it would look fantastic on her.
But yeah, I worry about how despite doing it for all the right reasons, we'd still get lumped in with all the normies who don't
I would assume since they're not visible you wouldn't. It's normally the people who get really visible ones on their arms/neck/face that get laughed at.