UN is fucking shill city right now, britain made a right move
UN general
Jesus Christ these people are sick in the head
Britain left the EU.....
>that shitty marbling
stay fat
ummmmm wut?
>UN demanding things
Its fucking nothing.
Breeding literal herbivore men. Guess it's 2016, you won't need masculine men anymore once machines replace manual labor. Just need obedient numale cucks who can operate the machinery/drones.
>britain made a right move
god damn tyrone u need to stop eating all that hamburger that shit is getting into your brain
Can't wait for black market meat.
>livestock creates 14.5 percent of greenhouse gas emissions that the panel says contribute to climate change
Why do leftists buy this shit? With this logic we ought to subtract all the greenhouse gas emissions that weren't created because of the massacre of species like the American bison.
>UN is fucking shill city right now, britain made a right move
what do you mean lad lol
not true btw
Because it's objective fact and not muh feelz?
time to tax the UN until it has no power anymore
9/10 b8 fair play sepo cunt
why do rightists like to refute basic science lol
fwiw there are studies that suggest a smaller intake of meat and dairy promote higher testosterone levels
the meat and dairy industries and their lobbyists don't want you to know this though as they'd make less money
carcinogens, saturated transfats, cholesterol and animal hormones aren't good for you in the levels that current western diet has... there's no good reason to eat meat or dairy multiple times a day.
cut back to pre ww2 levels of a few times a week for your health and the planet's health
Humans fart and burp a lot too.
Does this mean we need to lower the global population to prevent greenhouse gas emissions?
Do you have any idea how much pollution tankers cause? If we manufactured our own shit it would also cut down on the pollution, but that would be a sacrifice on their part rather than ours, which they deem unacceptable.
>Doing anything
>Does this mean we need to lower the global population
it is skyrocketing out of control though
But we need to import foreigners to boost our falling birth rates.
Something's not adding up....
Hmmmm... I wonder where the carbon came from that they ate in the first place.
I wish the UN would actually try to do something, so I can go blue helmet hunting.
just when I thought the human race couldn't get more pathetic, you go ahead and show me this. Thanks a lot.
This. Globalization is the polar opposite of environmental protection.
> durr we need more regulations on pollution
> manufacturing becomes more expensive because regulations
> more manufacturing jobs outsourced to Asian countries with no environmental protection regulations
> ship shit in tankers, send them back empty
>cut back to pre ww2 levels of a few times a week for your health and the planet's health
do as we say, goy, it's for your own good, goy, mummy state knows best, goy
weird response... fine though, line your arteries with cholesterol and grow manboobs from all the hormones in milk
The logic behind this nonsense is retarded at best. All of the CO2 produced by livestockcomes from the plants that they ingest, which in turn originally came from the atmosphere in the first place. There is no net increase to the system from livestock. The only reason burning greenhouse gases causes a net increase in atmospheric carbon levels is because we are releasing carbon which has long been buried in the ground. Even then, all of the carbon was originally in the atmosphere at one point in time. The real solution to the "problem" of increased carbon in the atmosphere is just to plant more trees. Of course your typical braindead liberal will never admit that we have more trees on the planet now than we ever did in the last few hundred years.
Fun fact, we have ways of dedesertification. All we need to do, is employ them en-masse. The CO2 levels would help sustain the new growth. Atmospheric levels would drop. Win win win!
But in truth, I think the 7 billion or so odd humans are doing a whole lot more damage than the fucking cows. We all breathe and fart too, ya know.
The CO2 that humans and all animals generate naturally comes from plant matter that was originally a part of the atmosphere in the first place. Only the burning of carbon-based fuels that have been in the ground have a net effect on the atmosphere.