Unpopular opinion on Sup Forums thread
>I actually like Russia in pretty much everything more than the west
Unpopular opinion on Sup Forums thread
>I actually like Russia in pretty much everything more than the west
Honestly I kind of agree but I can't get over the way they just aren't as good looking or intelligent as Nordics.. But they are tougher, inside, and I admire that
Trump's economic plan is suicide.
...Why do you have this webm saved?
>unpopular opinion thread
>posts an extremely popular opinion
Fuck sakes
That's literally the majority opinion here. Putin shills are probably 65% of this board
Depends I like the way Russian girls look and I've been to Sweden (arvika) 8 times and the girls didn't look much better than dutch girls imo
You still like him tho?
Lowering taxes is always a good idea, so long as we also make cuts in our spending. Military cuts sound fine to me.
Cutting down our military spending + decreasing taxes across the board, even for the rich, and I guarantee you that an economic boom would result.
This smells like reddit.
I believe in the rule of law and the separation of powers.
blacks are more prone to violence, but proper education can tame them and make them live like people (dumb people, but people)
>Humans should stop relying on non necessary technology and become more in touch with the land and nature
>Aristocracy is the least shitty form of government
>Many movies/Music/Video games are satanic in nature and hollywood is involved in satanism and child sacrifice with the world leaders
>Muslims are not all bad but best left in their own nations without american interference
>Christ is the truth, way and lord of all
Smoking weed is fine.
honestly i think russia is our friend right now. they are staunchly anti-liberal and anti-degeneracy, as they know full well the terror that such a path leads to.
i also believe that trump is a putin shill and i don't think this is a bad thing
Honestly the Jews aren't trying to control the world they're just looking out for themselves like everyone else.
There are good black people and bad black people, just like there are good whites and bad whites. It's stupid to generalize and hate the entire race.
There is a difference between unpopular and bad opinions
When you say unnecessary you mean like a Xbox, computer and mobile phone?
It is
I think the same. I hope of some northern alliance with just north America (except mexico) Europe and Russia
So destroying Europe is helping themself while they get spit on by Muslims and soon get beheaded?
this isn't an unpopular opinion, at all
deranged russiaboos and putin cocksuckers are the majority here
I think blacks can be not dumb, but they are always one step away from chimping out.
At least that's my experience with the few black people I know.
russian bogeyman is a western MSM creation
>When you say unnecessary you mean like a Xbox, computer and mobile phone?
for the most part, I can see how people would use technology recreationaly after work. But they need to be on guard because those forms of technology can enslave you to your passions. I have limited my computer time to one hour a day and leave my phone at home unless it is an emergency.
theres absolutely nothing wrong with jews, theres no conspiration.
its just the result of most jews beying smarter than
whites, and working along, beying proud of their races as a whole.
>Neanderthal having opinion
It's easy to be edgy from your cushy armchair.
I have no problem with gay people. It's their life, let them be whatever they want.
I don't have problems with Jews. Most look European anyways.
I honestly don't see what good reason we have to be pissed with Russia. The cold war was stupid shit to begin with.
>we won't to be communist
>and we want other places to be communist with us
>>but then who will we sell our shit to!?
>>fuck you this is war, kind of
>secular jews
The legal system is shit and lives of average people are crappy(not china or korea level crappy but still)Dick sucking for promotions is alive and well
Spewing hateful, ignorant and inane opinions online is a colossal waste of time and no issue is black and white
Freedom is the biggest fallacy of any political stance.
Split on him. I like his views on Islam and political correctness but overall he seems like a guy who doesn't know what he's talking about. I don't buy into the shit that he's a racist though.
The problem is his tax policy is some of the same shit that got us into this mess. He's trying to bring an economic policy to a country that no longer exists. We aren't an industrial economy anymore. Be it due to outsourcing, the pressure on kids to go to college, or other factors, manufacturing jobs and other jobs the older generation had are not coming back. Not to mention the effect it would have on our national debt.
Personally I support an idea of raising taxes and increasing spending for the time being in order to deal with the sluggish economic recovery. Once we're back on our feet, spending/taxes should be cut. I do support cutting corporate taxes and writeoffs for investing.
WW2 was not a just war
>Many movies/Music/Video games are satanic in nature and hollywood is involved in satanism and child sacrifice with the world leaders
>Humans should stop relying on non necessary technology and become more in touch with the land and nature
said only by crackpot spiritualists and people who buy shit from herbalists
>Muslims are not all bad but best left in their own nations without american interference
better than "lets call them over to our country"
>Christ is the truth, way and lord of all
Im agnostic but I would take orthodox Christianity over Islam
I don't hate black people I hate ghetto culture. Most blacks from the suburbs or down South are good, hard-working people.
As Chris Rock put it, there's black people and then there's niggers
I like animals more than humans
Obama is only a mediocre president, not bad.
That's just called being autistic
I dont believe in shunning and destroying technology but advise all humans to slow down on its consumption and reliance and realize there is a world outside of a screen.
Maybe in georgia its different but here families are so intoxicated by technology and hanging on together because of monetary interest and fleeting opportunities not for gods divine plan for creation.
I go out in public and see everyone glaring at their screen, or children age 7 at dinner at a restaurant watching videos on their tablets ignoring the family, while the family does the rest on their phones scrolling through whatever videos or pictures
1.The state should be the only religion people need.
2.Gays are fine(let them marry but don't let the adopt)
Almost everything Sup Forums believes in is a spook.
Enlightened despotism is the most ideal form of government but cannot currently exist.
Big government can be good, as long as it isn't in bed with big business and largely leaves its citizens the fuck alone.
Almost everything Sup Forums laments about in regards to degeneracy is either an indirect or direct result of the natural progression of their beloved Western values.
I think Israel is a country the West should model itself on
Zionist Jews are okay
Lassiez-faire Capitalism is retarded
Slavs are shit
Hillary is a great presidential candidate.
I'm pro-abortion and I have never, and probably will never see why anybody would be against an adult wanting to abort what is essentially a parasite because they are not financially or emotionally mature enough to raise a productive member of society.
Maybe it's because I never considered a fetus as human life as it can't survive outside of the host (mother)
all true
Hitler decided to play war lord and ignore his generals advice, thereby doing something catastrophically wrong
blaming everything on "the jews" is no different than blaming everything on white males. The people at the top of the pyramid, who claim to be jewish but really aren't in practice, love when you do this because it allows them to hide behind a shield of muh 6 zillion and divert any criticism away from their actions.
Anti homosex and pro life are jewish memes
Nordics are dumb and ugly
You know Putin illegalized nationalism and xenohpobia right?
All issues are black and white
Fuck off
You are autistic
>>Muslims are not all bad but best left in their own nations without american interference
>>Christ is the truth, way and lord of all
White people things. You dorks don't even worship your own native Gods. Praying to a middle eastern God.
BAKA, whites forever cucked. See pic for future white boys.
Stfu you are deranged
you dont need to be white to worship the truth, Christ is the saviour of all mankind and all races. You can larp and worship some nordic god if you want though, on mankinds final judgment when he comes back you better be forgiving
Stgu dork
That pic is gold
>I have no issues with gays
>I try not to judge people on their skin color
>The EU is a useful institution, although in dire need of reform
>Socialism and heavy state regulation is needed for a fair and healthy economy
>Trump is incompetent and would make a horrible president
>By supporting Trump based and his reality TV show style politics with zero real content the US proves to the world yet again that its citizens are below average intelligence
>Russia is led by an authoritarian mobster who only seeks to manipulate the west to improve the position of his own political plan
>The holocaust did happen
>The jews are not in control of the world and they are not making a grand sceme for global domination
Preaching tolerance towards gay,trans, and Lgbt community is Degenerate.
Believing in a foreigner God is larping white boy. Yeah the truth is white people are a bunch of self loathing cucks and it gets my dick so hard. Praying to a foreigner religion lol. Go buy my mix tape kid.
The best part is I can rub my ass in your face and you will tell me it smells like roses. It's no wonder an altruist race like yourselves would fall in love with a professing altruist foreign religion.
You will forgive me after I fuck your daughter like a good white boy. Your foreign God says so.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
Russia is obviously shilling this board and I hate those freedom-hating, fascist slavs. Go drink your vodka, wear your tracksuit and heil your dictator you fucking degenerate, miserable Russky scum.
The people deserve it's leaders. America land of the free home of the degenerates
Putin has the best shills, doesn't he folks?
trump is a dumbass and will get cuck by russia
he is too naive with geopolitics
The truth is the truth my brother, does not matter where he is found, only that you find him. I cannot help you because youre too filled with pride to change but if you open you heart to Christ, the Logos you will hear him . But he is the son of god and the saviour of all hummanity.
I know that youre larping for whatever purpose but I do hope you change and find him. God bless brother
White people are so cucked that they think believing in their own faith systems is larping but believing in a foreigners religion is based.
i considered moscow a dirty, cramped and soulless hellhole. until i visited paris in 2014
he's cracking down on violent nationalist groups. that's not the same as making an ideology illegal. and he's done the right thing; barbarism has never helped our cause
A person's individual behavior and ideology is his or her most important trait, not their skin colour. There are good and bad people in all races.
save my perro por favor