What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

he means he would rather go back


He meant to demonstrate to everyone how fucking retarded he is

Is he calling out Hillary?
There's no way in fuck he's talking about trump and corruption.

Wow. That is AMAZING.

America must really suck compared to Africa.

>in Africa they still have the decency to call corruption corruption.

They still enslave eachother, are worse about the 1%, etc..

ahh yess... let's get all nostalgic about Africa

Go back to Africa then, whatever-your-name-is.

That's Don Lemon, famous host of Crossfire on C-SPAN

>south africa calling out corruptin
>ANC in power for 30 fucking years.

It can't be about Hillary. They were sucking her dick all through the Bernie period.

He means the Jew and the Anglo elevate lying to the point of virtue in their shithole societies

He's signaling to everyone with a brain that he's beyond hopeless.

He's signaling to everyone else that white people b ebil we wuz motherlands n shit.

>Don Lemon
no, that's Jon Stewart's wife's son

Wow, really makes you think.

bait or really doesn't know who the new host of the Daily Show show is? (also the show sucks ass now, and is only watchable when compared to the shit stain that is the Nightly show)

I'm not sure if you're illiterate, but he's saying that with the rampant corruption in Africa, people there at least acknowledge it and call it for what it is. In the US? The supposed "leader of the free world"? "Home of the brave"? Nah. Not corruption. It's just what happens when you're in politics that long, chill brah, drink your Bud Lite and watching some football. Oh, this big wad of cash this pharmaceutical CEO is giving me? It's nothing. Don't concern yourself with it -- Look, Tyrone scored a touchdown!

Also, ANC hasn't even been a legitimate political party that long you literal retard

It was a joke, lighten the fuck up seriously

This board is dead

He's talking about the fall of Rhodesia.

Killing whiteys and what not.


hurp derp. I wasn't wrong I wuz just joking

I know he isn't don lemon, I know he isn't on crossfire and it doesn't are in C-SPAN, if you took that seriously you're a fucking autist

Africa is the most corrupt shithole in the entire fucking world

Arab and South American countries are less corrupt for christs sake

He knows whats up with the media and Hillary

Hes a hollywood insider now and regrets it.

Theyve inadvertently redpilled him and now he wants to go back

You can go back son. You dont play. You dont leave

You dont play

You dont leave

Is this Bruno Mars?

>when you are too dumb to kick a burning lynching victim in the back you truly are a nigger

This whole election is about corruption
Are you kidding me?
Have you not been following Trump's campaign?

Also they've been in power for fucking 22 years
Stop being such a subversive faggot

Cool, I'll even buy the boat for you to get the fuck out of my country nigger

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

I heard Trevor Noahs voice for the first time today.... he should not have his own show



> in africa they call corruption corruption
> now let me tell you why you should vote for $hillary clinton

>trevor noah is relevant


Le noble savage

cmon man

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

Sorry I didn't rename the file on my phone.

He means it's [current year].

>Don Lemon, famous host of Crossfire on C-SPAN

This is Don Lemon
Geeze.....everybody knows this

"Somalia, please be coming to Somalia, we are not dangerous people, you will not be killed. You may have heard stories about savage pirates and dead human bodies littering our land, these stories are completely true" - Somali Chief of Tourism

I don't understand why leftists and jews use guys like this and [current year news host] to carry out their propaganda. They're so overwhelmingly condescending. I don't think you can condescend so hard for so long and not see blow back...