Would you accept him into your fancy Italian art school?

Would you accept him into your fancy Italian art school?

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Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

that's not art

Jews didn't let him into the art world so he would carry out what he did, giving them a scapegoat for life

His use of perspective is wrong and the colors look kinda ugly but he should have been accepted, it's a school were they are supposed to learn, isn't it?


Find something wrong.

Pro-tip: You can't.

no. the painting is plain and boring, the artist took no risk


Never realized how crazy the colors were in this. Was Hitler a degenerate?

Looks like shit desu, perspectives are all wrong and he doesn't seem to have any understanding of how shadows and light relate to each other.
I can't believe he threw a hiss fit and killed half a continent over this. Did nobody ever tell him he sucked at painting before he applied?

Let's dispel the fiction that Barrack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing...

>perspective is wrong
Looks fine to me, explain for a dumbass?

thats actually much better

This. They offered the guy good advice: consider architecture. He had a good eye for structure and drew good enough to sketch concepts...but that doesn't equal art. Of course, the fuckers probably accepted 30 syphilitic morphine addicts that year, so...I kinda understand his annoyance.

>it's a school were they are supposed to learn, isn't it?
No, art school aren't supposed to teach students the basics. You need to have a good understanding of techniques and what you do in there is develop your own style or innovative methods.

What Hitler did was the equivalent of applying for a computer science course and expecting the university to teach you Algebra I

He's just talking shit. There's nothing wrong with the perspective. Hitler was the greatest artist of the 20th century.

Pic related. One of the great masterpieces of German art.


Looking at the lines of perspective ends up frustrating my eyeballs.


I ser why they refused him. The shadows are all fucked up.

I mean, his perspective is all fucked up, but it's pretty good for a student. idk let him in why not

Not him, bbut nigga there are plenty things wrong with his perspective.

Look at the base of the fountain for example it looks screwed. The stairsteps looks out of proportion, and don't follow the perspective lines.

If you compare it with a photograph it looks off. The ground on the right looks higher than the ground on the left.

The size difference between the windows belonging to the 2 buildings doesn't look right, especially for the windows that are just next to each other.

Those morphine addicts were probably wicked creative and actually made interesting pieces, though.

>covering window
This nigger would never make it

I guess he wasn't meant to be an artist. I guess he was meant for - other things.

I guess the modern equivalent would be a failed indie game dev that could barely draw and code. I suppose his next step is to join the military...

forgot pic

Not that guy, but look at the stairs to the door on the right. They don't look like real stairs but a bad hackjob standing in for them. Like bad CGI against a real backdrop...it looks horrible.

Another thing to note is the fountain on the left, it looks like it has no depth and body, instead it looks very flat and like it isn't filled with water.

It's a very shallow effort.

(My own criticism is that the windows all look fake and reflect the same bland, uninteresting non-image.)

Which was a failing of his society, I guess. You had to have connections to get that training to begin with.

Maybe he was a thorny bush, but he had to have the right kind of soil to grow into what he became, the environment had to be just right...


They didn't and they weren't any more creative

He paints very nice happy trees.


The colors are fucked up, as is the shading. And his perspective is odd. I mean look at the fucking stairs on the right there, it looks wrong. And all the windows have the exact same plain reflection.

His perspective was off.

He really seems to have a problem with stairs and windows.

>shitty roof design thats just a colored in grid
>randomly placed chimneys and ducts
>featureless sky thats completely white/blue
>windows reflect faint orange for some reason instead of being transparent
>stairs look like shit
>water fountain looks like shit
>tree looks like shit
>ground looks like shit, bricks are uneven
>tunnel looks like shit

Lurk moar

Blue: kerb and cobblestone positions are all wrong. The three area highlighted seem to be from 3 different paintings despite being part of the same sequence. The kerb looks like something out of those optical illusions. Cobblestone alignment doesn't follow any pattern, notice how the lines within the rightmost circle start off with a parallel arrangement then all of a sudden start radiating from a focal centre somewhere in the middle.

Green: Don't know if bad painter or poor engineering but those roof windows aren't aligned with the roof gradient. Looks like a 12 yr old drew that tbqh.

Red: wtf was that kraut nigger trying to do here? Are those steps circular? Squared? Why is the shadow just a small stripe on the right as if someone was shining a spotlight in front of it when when it's surrounded by buildings and the walls directly above and beside it are dark?

Hitler was a fucking mong.

>that fountain

I like his paintings. You can feel the loneliness in them. The beauty of the world seen by someone who is all alone.

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

It looks like the background of a cheap 70's anime.

Getting closer. Like the other fine user said. Lurk moaaar


>that fucking bottom left window
What did he mean by this

>t. 12th degree Grand Wizard of German Infrastructure

how the fuck do you even bother noticing all that? does it come naturally or do you have to go looking for problems?

either way you need to get out more

that actually really touches my heart...

It's a shit painting, my dude. it looks like something a grandma would paint and sell for $5 at the flea market

is what you posted supposed to be good art or bad art

because I genuinely can't tell. It all seems like a wine enthusiast type thing, where they make you smell and taste things that aren't really there.

art is haram.

It's really not that special.

Better than today's """art"""? Absolutely. Good by the standards of the time? Eh.

Yes. Clearly pic related is true art. Hitlers only mistake was not gassing every single jew

Thank you Mohammed

Art that is shown on elite galleries look confusing because they are meant to show the tendencies of a current movement. When you see a gallery like Tate Modern you're supposed to look at the style not the art in itself.

Have you ever noticed how fashion shows have exaggerated dresses and attires that you never actually find for sale in a store? It's because what models wear on the catwalk is not the exact thing that will be sold to customer but the tendency at the present time. For example if hats are making a comeback you will see some anorexic bitch wearing a sombrero with popcorn on top by Versace or whatever. Doesn't mean if you go inside a Versace store you will see that same hat for sale.

I'm used to it.

They probably laughed at him because unlike them he couldn't dodge the draft and had to fight and lose friends in a war caused by some balkanigger

>murricans trying into art

thats not art.

Now that you point that out I can't help but notice it everytime I look at the painting. Plus for the time in history if he was rejected, the people who were accepted must have much more detailed works than Hitler's. Then again those who look at the applications must go through a certain amount and judge it at varying levels. I can only comment that if I was the one judging the painting I would ask for a second review of a second piece.

>critique hitler's art
>must be into the dogshit that is contemporary art

why would the roof window be aligned with the roof gradient dumbass? they could have a lesser gradient and pop out

the cobblestone is diagonally put

pretty good for a homeless man who hadnt been to art school desu.

wow that homeless guy from vienna with no money is so bad at art he mad the roof gradients off. He won't make it to art school.

Ironically he was rejected saying he belonged in architecture school because he wasn't great at people. They liked his landscapes a lot.

They aren't aligned as in they're fucking tilted to the side or facing different directions.
A roof window can be at a different gradient but not a different tangent unless you live in schizophrenialand, which is where Hitler probably lived.

>that's not art

>he wasn't great at people.
no shit

Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.

The perspective is honestly kind of shit. Reminds me of the perspective exercises we did in 6th grade where the vanishing points were way too close because the teacher couldn't give a fuck about art.

Can't believe it took this long for someone to post this.

It's like no one knows that the whole dadaism thing was taking off then and the jews who ran the art business were into degenerate modern art.

> Art that is shown on elite galleries look confusing because they are meant to show the tendencies of a current movement.
> Current movement
Yeah, Hitler wasn't into that whole movement thing.

Why did you post that image? Is that sppose to be actual art?

>reading this much into modern art

It's been pretty well established that modern art is just a money laundering scheme.

well kikes have all the hots for descontructivism nowadays, seems to me that hitler was a precursor to that architectural style

for all i know, everything in that picture is a perspective play in the architecture

dadaism is the worst thing to happen to art desu. It completely fucked the education system for decades. Thank god modern classical style ateliers have started to pop up in a lot of cities.


>paints a captured Mark IV

What did he mean by this?

Italian art school? I was under the impression (no pun intended) Wien was in Österreich.

...universities do teach algebra.

>those vents
whats REALLY in that thing?

His style was likely not avant-garde or degenerate enough for them. Overall his art seems aesthetically pleasing and he also carried his enthusiasm for art with him throughout his life, ensuring patronage to actual culturally enriching music, sculptures, paintings, cinema, architecture, etc. during the Third Reich. I would have loved to have been in attendance at the Festspielhaus during those times.

These videos always make me feel smarter without ever having learned anything.

Damn, thats a lot of ovens.




Perfectly timed

>blames Hitler for lazy unemployed jews sleeping on the ground


It always has to be the others, right?

Also: checked.

they're all bad, but that last guy is truly atrocious

Im not a Jew so yes.

Jackson pollacks 'Lucifer' is actually a great work of art . Hitlers art is public high-school tier.

some real art for the thread

Kek looks like a still from an episode of Ed Edd n Eddy

Adolf couldn't paint for shit

>Jackson pollacks 'Lucifer' is actually a great work of art

It's not bad and I think it's much better than most modern art but his proportions are shit

Sure. Would you let him into your art school?

Holy shit this is bad
look at the stairs leading to a door on the bottom right
>those windoes
>That watercolor

Honestly, it's good, I'd buy it off of him for much money
He'd be a star in a junky art school with no standards. But if you run with the best of the best, he could've used some work.

wow this is shit


Jeez. It literally looks like a Horsey cartoon.

look like alien period

Reminds me of some kind of weathered rock.